At the same time.

In a piece of Star Sea far away from Kuiqi.

A youngster sitting in the void, with this purple long sword floating above his head, was originally manipulating the long sword and cultivation some kind of secret technique, but after a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, Exudes radiance.

Because in his mind, a green origin is scattered, disappeared!

"Dust Ape is dead!"

"He actually died!"

Under the shaking of his mind, his head floated, and the purple was constantly swimming. The long sword was a little unstable and almost fell down. But only for a moment, this long sword resumed its original trajectory.

"Who killed him?"

"There was no signal for help!"

The youngster’s eyes are purple, like Star Sea is generally dazzling. He really couldn't figure it out, Chen Yuan was dead!

This is one of his eight generals!

It turned out to be dead!

And there is no signal! There is no scene of his death at that time!

Who has this ability?

Is it the appearance of the expert in the insect race?

You must know that the highest battle strength of this dust ape has reached 90 million, and if you go further, you can break through the domain-level powerhouse! Although this step, it takes a thousand years to step forward.

But if this can be done, it will definitely be a great blessing!

The difference between the domain-level powerhouse and the system owner is completely the difference between the chasm and the moat.


After a while, the youngster blinked and called out a name.

After a while, a huge monster with eight legs appeared in the void. As soon as he appeared, he bowed to the youngster and said, "What is the master?"

"The dust ape is dead." The youngster said, "You go to the Star Domain of Kuiqi Star to have a look and check. Find out the cause of his death. If possible, cut the opponent directly."

"Dust Ape has been with me for thousands of years, so I can count on him as an explanation."

"Yes!" This huge monster with eight legs, complied low and low.

Then slowly, the whole body disappeared into this void.

next moment, appeared on the edge not far from Kuiqi star.

Because he knows that this Dust Ape is the Guardian of the Kuiqi Star, and more specifically, he is the owner of this planet. Anyone who trades here will be blessed by him and will live all year round. it's here.


Divine Consciousness was scattered, the eight-legged monster quickly found the anomaly of the Kuiqi star.

Because of the original prosperous Kuiqi star, there are only a few people at this moment, and it seems that they are all just over here, with a blank and horrified face.

"What's the matter?"

"Why did the Kuiqi star be like this?"

These people who just arrived were scared by the scene in front of them Now, what's going on, it was originally lively and there are a large number of slaves and slave master planets at any time, how did it become like this?

Not alone?

Besides, the large swaths of blood on the ground have almost gathered into a river of blood?

There has been a massacre here!

And it is a great slaughter!

The entire planet is probably dead!

But you die, what about the bodies of those people? Why are there none at all?

Furthermore, this Kuiqi star, but the land of Lord Chen Yuan, who dares to be impudent here! Also, why didn't Master Chen Yuan show up, where did he go?

Damn it, making trouble here while Master Chen Yuan is away!

When Master Chen Yuan comes back, grab you and don't peel you off!


At this moment, a strong pressure came, and it almost drove these to this place. The people who were going to sell slaves were scared to death and couldn't help but raise their heads. I saw a pair of scarlet eyes staring here.

The huge eight-legged body, like waving eight tentacles, looked at them coldly.


Before these people reacted, an unrivaled divine sense covered all these people’s minds, slowly, These people closed their eyes.

It took about 3 minutes to open it slowly.

At this time, the horrible silhouette has disappeared.

It read the memory, and it didn’t get anything. The next moment has appeared in a place on the Kuiqi star. Here, there is a strong fight for Battle Qi, and there is even a broken space. , Has not completely recovered.


After a while, these eight-legged rare beasts shot out a golden light from their eyes, which firmly fixed several pieces on the ground.

This is clothes!

Split pieces of clothes!

Although Ning Tianlin is gone, he did not collect the fragments of these clothes. Although he didn't wear any clothes after his body was broken for the first time, he just wrapped himself in astral qi.

But the clothes also left his breath.

Because this piece of terrifying aura exists, there are only these pieces of clothing!


He stretched out his tongue and swallowed the fragment directly into his mouth, but did not swallow it, but carefully savored the breath on the fragment. After a while, the eyes were blazing brightly, and the huge body directly rose into the sky, moving towards one direction.

I have a general goal, and I don’t know if the direction of the pursuit is correct, but the eight-legged giant beast has decided to explore this area tens of thousands of light-years away!

Circular flight!

If this person is still there, he can definitely judge the person from the breath of the clothes!

I only hope that this person has not left far!



This speed is much faster than Ning Tianlin's rapid flight.

. . . . . .

"This is the battlefield between Human Race and Insect Race."

Less than half a day.

Ning Tianlin appeared in a very wide Star Sea.

In front of him, there are densely packed creatures, worth a billion!

And at this time, these creatures are undergoing extremely tragic fighting. Although he hasn't rushed in yet, the full atmosphere of the battlefield has already given him the urge to be eager to have a try.

Most people in giants encounter war, they are afraid, but some people will be excited and trembling.

Ning Tianlin today is the latter!

Looking at the breath of fighting all over the sky, his blood flowed extremely quickly all over his body. He wants to fight hard, he wants to use the baptism of blood and fire to make himself grow faster.

"In these Human Races, the lowest battle strength is above several millions, and the overwhelming majority is tens of millions!"

Ning Tianlin glanced at it and got the result.

There was also a slight vibration in his eyes.

Because these people are good at battle strength in other places, but here, they are like cannon fodder. In a moment, before even one minute arrived, Ning Tianlin saw tens of thousands of creatures fall.

Many Martial Artists are even killed by insect races that are inferior to him by battle strength.

Especially from these insects, Ning Tianlin did not feel the slightest emotion.

Only killing!

On these insect races, there is only killing! And it's the killing of fierce and unafraid of death! Often a human has to deal with several, even dozens of insects whose battle strength is lower than his.

There are too many of these insects. At first glance, this number is almost several times that of humans! Even dozens of times!

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