"So fast!"

"If this goes on, I will definitely be chased!"

The fast-flying Padinzi, The complexion greatly changed, it never thought that the Martial Artist of Monster Race would be so fast, twice as fast! Especially flying continuously, the speed is still increasing.

Should we do our best if we are not at first?

I'm almost exhausted, how can you increase it!

But no matter what, he Padinzi can only run away desperately.

He estimated that within five minutes, the opponent would catch up with him.

Especially the other party's methods are too weird, it dare not guarantee how the other party will treat itself. Killing yourself is light, but it is said that Monster Race, when treating the enemy, has a variety of methods, Myriad Transformations.


Behind Ning Tianlin, he ignores everyone's strangeness, and expands to the maximum speed. What if he is seen by others, with his current battle strength , Unless you encounter the power of the universe.

If not, it is simply impossible to kill him in a short time.

His Immortal Body is not so broken!

He also knows that wings are treasures, but he is not afraid of exposure. Who dares to covet his treasures, he decides A Tooth For A Tooth. Even now it doesn't work, but it won't take long before he will fight back.

"For help!"

"Now I can only ask for help. If not, I will definitely die in the hands of the opponent!"

Here is Human Race and Although the battlefield of the insect race can be regarded as the rear of the insect race, the real number one expert is him Padinzi, who is responsible for the war in this position. But now, he must ask for help.

If not, he will definitely be caught in a few minutes.


Unfortunately, I started to use the unique methods of insect race to ask for help.

But he didn't know whether it was useful or not.

Insect race's life, in the manager of the upper level, it is all very fate. manager, but it doesn’t necessarily appear to help you after getting your help information.

If you die, you die, there is nothing at worst.

It won’t be long before another insect will replace you.

So, what he asked for help this time was not the powerhouse in other battlefields. The opponent might not be able to catch up, but the elders of his own this clan.

Super character!

Not even the domain master level!

The battle strength has surpassed the domain level, cloud level, graph level, and reached the world level!

When it appeared, the entire starry sky trembled.

I just don’t know if the other party will help me.

You have to know that I only met him once, but among my own family, the only powerhouse I know is him. Although I met by accident, I promised to lose in the future. Under his door.

When you reach the cloud-level Martial Artist, you will die for him.

At that time, it also valued its innate talent, and in front of many insects, it left its contact information, so that when it became a cloud-level powerhouse, it went to him.

It is precisely because of this that I will get the resources of my own clan, so that I have sufficient resources for my cultivation even with innate talent.

If not, I wouldn’t have such a battle strength at this age.

Neither will at this time lead an insect race army!

I just don’t know if the other party will remember him, and will he help him out. In front of the other party’s identity, it is estimated that he is really similar to the ants.

"No matter what the other party is, I have to try it!"

"If not, I will really die!"

Ding Qi's eyes shone loudly, urging the secret technique, and following the signal sent to him by the other party, he began to contact the other party.

But it doesn't dare to report much confidence.


"Transmit the signal?"

Ning Tianlin in running also noticed the other party's strangeness, because of the strength of the other party's signal transmission this time It was extremely violent, even if he was far behind, he also noticed it.

Moreover, he has a centipede in his body, and he can feel the special goodness of the insect race.

"Not asking for help, but notifying other insects to avoid!"

"The probability of asking for help is greater!"

Ning Tianlin made a judgment in an instant.

But even so, he didn't panic.

He is confident that he can kill no matter who comes!

The other party is a four-domain-level insect, and the insect it recognizes is probably not much higher, at most five domains and six-domain master level. Just like you are an ordinary person who knows the powerful and great character?

Just knowing, can you be much lighter?

What kind of class you are has determined what class of people you associate with.

Unless the other class is capable of sudden kindness on a whim!

"The five-domain insect is here, I will kill it!"

"Six-domain is probably ok too!"

He still has forty in his body now He has a lot of energy, so he is not afraid of the powerhouse of the five domains at all. He has this confidence! If the opponent does come, he immediately unlocks the battle strength and puts the opponent down!

He estimated that the other party really has a helper at this level.

Even in the constant flight, he began to unlock his battle strength constantly, so that his speed continued to increase!

Everything must be done in full preparation.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

His battle strength is constantly soaring.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

"Your Ma!"

"What's the matter with this Monster Race!"

"Take the aphrodisiac!"

"It's getting stronger and stronger!"

Padinqi’s eyes are almost falling off, because it feels that the Monster Race chasing behind is still getting faster and faster. It’s about this time, why are you It can also increase speed!

Have you still had some reservations?

"Can't escape!"

"Without two minutes, the other party will definitely catch up!"

Pattinqi's face has been grayed out, he Knowing that if it takes no more than two minutes, the opponent will definitely chase and kill him. When the time comes, he is impossible to be his opponent.

"My lord, you must come here!"

"Must appear!"

"My life is yours from now on!"

At the same time in the heart keep praying.

Although he knows that the distance of the opponent is likely to span countless Star Domain nebulae, if he does come, it will be a momentary matter. Especially when the other party's coercion comes, this Monster Race who is chasing after it will definitely get on the ground in fright!

This is simply not a level of battle!

Don't talk about the five domains, six domains of Martial Artists, that is, Nine Territories, Nine Clouds, and the Lord of Nine Pictures is no use!

For the powerhouse of the star map level, you have to kneel!

Because it is a true powerhouse of the Star Realm level!

In the big universe, everyone can be regarded as a good player!



Strongly, the signal is continuously transmitted. He was really worried that the other party didn't receive it, or didn't care about it.

Because he Padinzi nowadays, although he is famous among the young generation, he is really nothing compared to the real powerhouse. He is really not sure, the other party will remember him as a nobody.

And I will do it for him!

Across the void!

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