"Space shock!"

"And it's still such a strong space shock!"

Ning Tianlin who is reading Padinqi’s memory His brows jumped, the fluctuations in this space were really too great, more powerful than he had seen before. Even he himself is far from reaching this level.

If the spatial shock he can cause is a spring of water, then the space fluctuation this time will be the majestic ocean and the endless yellow river.


I thought of destroying all of Padinzi’s memory without thinking. I didn’t read it, so I used the spiritual secret technique to control it, because he felt that it came The space fluctuation, more than 90% of the possibility, is related to this padinzi.

He just kept sending distress signals.

It's just that he never thought that the person who saved him would be so strong.

This space fluctuation alone cannot be caused by him.

He originally thought that the other party would only know the powerhouse of the five domains and the six domains, and that would be the end of the seven domains, but now, far from it!

Although this space fluctuation is just the beginning, it is definitely not something that the domain master can create.

Even in this constantly fluctuating space, a small vortex appeared, directly above his Ning Tianlin's head. It's a black hole, as if there was a huge eye staring at him.


Ning Tianlin didn't even think about it, immediately flew up and began to flee frantically.

He felt the pressure from this small vortex.

Endless pressure!

Just like the other person’s look, he can die without a burial site.

Especially this small vortex is so exquisite, much stronger than his ability to manipulate space! When he breaks through the space, he can only coordinate the coordinates and can pass through.

Simply regardless of the size and shape of the space formed. They are generally grotesquely shaped and very irregular.

But the small vortex that appeared this time is extremely regular, like a work of art. Obviously, the opponent's control over the space is no longer known how much better than him.

It's not an exaggeration to describe it dozens of times.


What makes Ning Tianlin particularly scared is that no matter where he flies, the small vortex that appears will follow wherever he goes, always above his head. , The inch is not bad. Even when he used the invisible talisman, the other party seemed to be able to feel his breath.

He couldn't hide at all.

"Who is the person here?"

"Absolutely superpower!"

"It is far from being a domain master!"

Ning Tianlin's mind was a little shaken, and even felt a sense of panic.

The coming person is far beyond his comprehension.

It might even be stronger than he thought!

I haven't missed my body shape yet, but I can find myself using the invisible talisman. When using this thing back then, even standing in front of some powerhouses, he couldn't find himself.

And this powerhouse, which has not yet shown up, is so terrifying to such an extent.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

But anyway, he can only fly madly, hoping to escape. At the same time, in the heart asked the battle strength system quickly, "Xing Zhan, what is the level of the person?"

He now wants to know how aggressive the opponent is, so that he can respond accordingly. response.

"Star Realm powerhouse!"

"A finger can easily kill you once!"

The battle strength system will also respond quickly and let Ning Tianlin Almost jumped up.

Star Realm powerhouse!

It turned out to be a Star Realm-level powerhouse!

Now he is no longer a little white who has just entered the universe, but he knows what kind of existence Star Realm Martial Artist is.

Martial Artist of the galaxy, with the Star Domain above, the nebula above the Star Domain, the star map above the nebula, and the Star Realm above the star map!

So it can be said that the other party is a super-level existence two great realm higher than himself!

A realm is divided into 9-Layer, and each layer has countless battle strengths. To be more honest, the opponent is dozens of levels higher than yourself.

This kind of existence, maybe there is a way to kill yourself!

It is true that I am Immortal Body, but it does not mean that I will never die!

As long as the other party has mastered the method to make oneself taboo, one can destroy oneself!

Especially Martial Artist at this level, the methods are weird, far from what you can think about and measure.

"How come..."

"How come this level of Martial Artist..."

Ning Tianlin is I was really stunned. Isn't it about killing a four-domain insect? How could I get this level of power? This kind of existence is estimated to have a place in the universe.

The backstage of Padinqi is too hard.

Unfortunately, he only read 45% of the other party's memory, most of which were crushed by himself when the vortex first appeared.

If this terrifying powerhouse appeared, he would definitely not have the slightest chance to kill Padinzi.

After chasing for so long, how could he let the other party leave alive.


At this time, an extremely huge claw fell from the sky. Even as soon as it appeared, this giant claw, like a pillar of heaven, was accompanied by thunder and vigor, like a thunder coming to the world.


It's just that this giant claw didn't catch Ning Tianlin, but deliberately deviated a bit.


"Why don't you do it directly?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, somewhat puzzled.

This giant claw alone can crush his body.

But what happened, how did you avoid yourself?

The opponent can completely kill himself with a single claw and leave, without even having to drill down in the void. Just now, why not just do it directly, and avoid yourself. Especially soon, when the other party was a giant claw coming again, Ning Tianlin knew that the other party was going to come in person!

Instead of just killing yourself!

The opponent wants to cross the void and descend in this world.


Soon, another giant claw arrived.

When all the four giant claws arrived, Ning Tianlin had already stopped flying, because he knew that it was no longer useful. You know, when the opponent is coming, he can still control the small vortex to stay by his side.

This kind of mastery of space has become extremely terrifying.

I want to escape, simply impossible.

It's better to just watch the other side come quietly.


Soon, the other party's huge body appeared.

The entire Fleshy body is gray and black, with thunder all over it, and the surrounding space seems to be constantly cracking.

Next, is the chin.



Finally, an extremely huge giant insect appeared in front of Ning Tianlin.

With eyes like planet, staring at Ning Tianlin unblinkingly.



Although Ning Tianlin forcibly endured the throbbing in his heart, his legs trembled a little, not because of his mental breakdown. It's because of the huge pressure of the other party that makes him bend down involuntarily.

If he hadn't struggled hard, he would have been prostrate on the ground at this moment.

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