Note: Thank you book friends for "deleting ↘Lixin" for the 10,000 book coins that have become popular!


"What! One hundred fifty thousand!?"

"Susu, you mean, I just made a profit in a while One hundred and fifty thousand? But... but I didn’t do anything!" Ning Tianxin was a little dazed, she just stayed in place just now and said something to Chang Feifei Then, one hundred and fifty thousand will be credited? This... it's too easy to get money.

"Fool, you didn't do anything, but some local tyrants rewarded you!"

Su Su also has an incredible face at the moment, pointing to the phone in his hand and said, "Look, he's still rewarding. It's this local tyrant named'Huiyao Star River'. He swipes rockets all over the screen. As long as he swipes a rocket, he will broadcast it on all platforms, no matter which live broadcast room he is in. !"

"Now, more than 46,000 people have been squeezed into your live broadcast room, all brought in by him! There is still a large influx! Everyone is watching him play the rockets, There is also a treasure chest!"

"He only needs to swipe a rocket, and a treasure chest will appear in your room for everyone to fight for. There will be gifts such as fish balls and shark fins in the treasure chest. Yes, hands are slow, look, someone grabbed the treasure chest!" Susu completely forgot the quarrel with Chang Feifei just now, and explained to Ning Tianxin wholeheartedly.

"Damn it, it’s irrational, this anchor turned out to be a novice, what will not! Even the Rockets don’t know what it is, and someone needs to explain to her! Just this kind of people, there are local tyrants to her Rewarding, I am beautiful, proficient in **** playing a good flute, and know the rewarding system well, how can no local tyrants shoot rockets on me!"

A host came in. .

"Kneel, I kneel for this anchor! Just this pixel live broadcast is rewarded by local tyrants. I have high-definition equipment and high-quality audio, and I have luxurious equipment in my hands. How can there be no big local tyrants? Reward, God’s injustice..."

"Injustice, you are paralyzed, and you have luxurious equipment in your hand, but you look like a pig, so ghosts will reward you!"

"That is, don't look at your identity, what is the identity of the other party, the freshman of the Beijing North Art Academy! The gathering place of Ms Perfect! The holy land in the hearts of so many rich and powerful people! How can your enchanting be able to mention on equal terms! "

"In this world, there is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason. The local tyrants must have his reason for rewarding, just like the floating clouds on the side of the day, they will always float away, just like the tree The branches and leaves on the top will always fall. Whether you know the reason or not, they will happen. So don't guess the reason why the local tyrants rewarded, because he is there, rewarding, not rewarding, he is there!"

"It's like your mom upstairs, always being fucked! Upstairs 2B, don't pretend if you are not a poet, I am sick and want to vomit!!"

Ning Tianxin was dazzled by the comments in the row. She was thinking about starting the live broadcast last night. There should be five or six people. Ten people would be good, but now looking at the full screen of comments and the special effects of the rocket, Makes her a little dazed.

This... totally exceeded her expectations.

"Quick! Tianxin, hurry up and say hello to this local tyrant."

"He has used more than 800 rockets, and you haven't said a word yet. ."

At this moment, Susu immediately reminded Ning Tianxin like something rang. In her heart, this local tyrant is really weird. She didn't even see Tianxin's face, and she didn't have any talent performances, so she started to reward her wildly. Is this really rich and no place to spend!

"Oh, yes, yes."

"I should say hello to him."

Ning Tianxin also reacted, she I just greeted the first four audience members with smiles, but didn't say anything to the local tyrant, and quickly opened the mouth and said, "Thank you, thank you for the reward from'Hui Yao Star River'."

"Thank you for your support."

At this moment, Ning Tianxin has already held the phone in her hand, facing herself with the camera, and said seriously. She really couldn't imagine that there should be such a local tyrant who gave herself so many rewards at once.

Now I have two hundred thousand in my hands, two hundred thousand! It's just that her parents have not saved so much savings for so many years of hard work!


"Everyone is quiet!"

"The host has spoken!"

"Don't talk "

Just when Ning Tianxin first started, a LV65 account number popped out. Since he was also the owner of over two or three million consumptions, it was considered A similar local tyrant, so his font color was specially set to be a red color by the platform.

In this group of black font refreshing comments, it seems a bit abrupt.

As his words fell, two or three accounts with levels above LV60 also tweeted one after another, "Yes, everyone, don't talk!"

"Farewell Swipe the screen and wait for the local tyrant'Hui Yao Star River' to respond."

"That is, wait, wait for the screen, wait for the response from'Hui Yao Star River'."


These people are all High Rank accounts, and the font colors are prominent, which is very easy to attract the attention of others. Moreover, in other rooms, the account of this level is already the presence of the anchor Kneeling, because they are also owners who have spent millions.

They speak together, there is still some weight.

Furthermore, as their words fell, the screen refreshing started to slow down, and after a while, it really stopped.

Because everyone is waiting for the reply from "Hui Yao Star River", they all want to know why he is a local tyrant who wants to reward him in such a low-level anchor room. Is it because you want to make this "happy sweetheart" popular? "

"Hello, are you there? "

"Huiyao Star River, are you there?" "

"If you are, please reply to me. "

Ning Tianxin whispered to the phone.

Seeing that the screen stopped scrolling, only the big rocket whistled past, she suddenly had an illusion that what she was talking about right now There are seventy to eighty thousand people all over the country, on mobile phones, on computers, listening carefully.

They are all listening to their own words quietly.

"This host The sound is pretty nice. "

Occasionally, a few disobedient people spoke again on the screen, just saying that the anchor’s voice is good, because they know that if they dare to scold the anchor at this time, they will be countless. Drowning in saliva!

Talking to the confucians, they can’t do it yet!

"I'm here. "

"I've always been there. "

About ten seconds after the comment stopped, Huiyao Star River's comment appeared on everyone's comments. And as soon as it appeared, the golden light shone, the guard of the double dragon, bright blind everyone. Eyes.

Note: Thank you bookmates for "deleting ↘Lixin" for their 10,000 book coins. Okay, tomorrow will also add two more chapters, a total of four chapters, bow down and thank you! I am now To write the second chapter added today, which is the fourth chapter, it is estimated to be posted around eight o'clock.

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