"It's not right."

"Your eyes!"

It's just that soon, this world lord is complexion changed again, because he found A thing that made him even more incredible.

The Eye of Medusa!

The opponent's right eye turned out to be the eye of Medusa!

My God!

He even has this kind of treasure, and it merges into his own eyes intact.

How old will this young genius come from?

"I want to see, what secret do you have!"


Before Ning Tianlin had time to react, the other person’s eyes, Two rays of light were shot directly, and they disappeared into his mind.


In an instant, his mind was stormy sea.

Even his eyes are driven to slowly become confused.

"He wants to read his own memory!"

This is also Ning Tianlin's last thought.

At the same time, I smiled bitterly in my heart, too, the other party is very proficient in the spiritual secret technique, this kind of reading a person's memory is not a difficult task.


At this moment, Ning Tianlin's abdomen pill suddenly burst out of grey air, and went straight to his mind, in the divine sense of the other party, When he started to read his first message, the dust spread rapidly.

Go straight to the opponent's Divine Consciousness.


Even when the opponent touches the gray gas, the divine sense of this world master makes a "Zila Zila" sound, such as being corroded by strong acid. The same, made a scream from his huge body.

His spirit has been hit hard.

In just a moment, he poured into Ning Tianlin's spirit, thoroughly disappearing.

Not all retreats, but directly corroded by this escaping dust!

Even at this time, Ning Tianlin's entire head was slowly covered with this gray gas, and in a moment, his entire head was wrapped.

But at this time, Ning Tianlin woke up.

Even know what happened.

Although I don't know the use of these gray gases in my mind, I also know that they protect myself from being controlled by the other's spirit, Divine Consciousness Sea.

"Ancient Chaos Qi."

"These auras are exactly the same as the ancient Chaos Qi in the pill."

Ning Tianlin soon knew that they came from Where is the location of the pill, there is Primordial Chaos Purple Energy hovering there.

I just don’t know. In the past, I was just lying quietly in the position of the Dan Ling. At this time, it would pour into my mind on its own to protect the spirit of Divine Consciousness Sea.

"What's going on!"

"What the hell is going on!"

The huge creatures outside shouted like crazy, no Believable.

His Spirit Attack actually failed against a domain owner!

It even suffered a heavy blow!


Another spirit that doesn’t believe in evil rushed into Ning Tianlin’s mind, but it was only an instant, he let out a miserable grunt, his spirit Suffered a serious injury, even this time, did not enter the other person's mind.

"How is it possible."

"How is this possible!"

The eyes of this world master are full of incredible colors. He can't figure it out. A domain master He could kill a person of the highest level with his fingers, but now, how could he not even be able to invade his mind.

It was only very fast, but his eyes shined, and even gave out an unmatched light.


"Absolutely treasure!"

"And it's rare treasure!"

"Also only They can stop my attack!"

The huge insect's eyes are full of joy in a frantic manner, because if this is the case, he knows what it means. It means that this mysterious treasure can protect the Spirit Attack!

This kind of treasure is completely rare treasure that Heaven and Earth is hard to find!

Every time it appears, countless creatures often fall for it.

And now, this thing appeared in front of my eyes, appeared on the youngster opposite me, killed him, and snatched it!

Your own strength can definitely be greatly improved, and the survivability in the universe will definitely be improved by a big level!

Be aware that a domain master-level person can block a master-level attack by urging treasures, and the master-level attack can also be blocked! In the middle, there are a few great realm missing!

"This treasure is mine!"

There was madness in the eyes of the huge insect, "How can Spirit Attack do nothing to you, then destroy your fleshy body and destroy your fleshy body Shattered, treasure fell out, it’s not mine anymore!"

The huge insect thought about it, but felt it was a pity to do so, because his original intention was not to kill this Human Race is a genius, but uses brain melting insects to control.

In this way, their insect race has one more genius!

Moreover, this super genius is still under his own control. He obeys his instructions. If he really grows up in the future, it will be a great help to himself.

But now, this is impossible.

Spirit Attack turned out to be invalid.

He simply couldn't take out the battle strength surpassed this youngster's brain melting insect for a while. Because of this kind of brain melting insect, it is too difficult for the battle strength to reach 700 or 800 million.

"Now, there is only this way, kill you and take everything from you!"

"You have so many secrets, the treasure in the space ring, I'm afraid More!"

"Although insect race has one less genius, I also have one more treasure!"


Speaking of Do.

Directly stretch out the giant claw, and move towards Ning Tianlin's body blasts.

In Ning Tianlin there's no resistance, directly squeeze his body.

Crush into slag.


"Where is the treasure?"

"Where is the treasure I want?"

Just make this huge insect Annoyingly, after he killed Ning Tianlin, he simply didn't have the treasure he wanted! Except for the body dregs he crushed, and some shredded clothes, nothing else was left.



Huge insect doubt, he just controlled his own strength, just killed it. This human being will never damage anything on his body, except clothing, let alone damage any treasure.

But now, why is there no treasure?

What is the treasure he is looking for that can stop the attack of the Divine Consciousness Sea?

Where did this treasure go!

He wants this treasure!

"space ring!"

"It must be hidden in the space ring!"

Soon, the other party thought about it like this.

Because only this explanation can show that the powerful treasure of the opponent has disappeared.


As soon as the giant claw grabbed it, he took the space ring in his claws.

It was only very quickly, but he complexion changed, and he was overjoyed.

"Battle strength ring!"

"This ring is not only a space ring, but also a battle strength ring!"

"This is a fusion of the two !"

This huge insect feels like when I was young, I have never seen a big world. These two kinds of rings were merged into one ring.

Especially the battle strength energy and space energy surging inside, make him heartbeat.


rare treasure!

What is the origin of this youngster? Treasure is everywhere!

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