“bang! ”

When she regained control of her body, Chen Hongxia didn’t have time to think about it, so she directly used a killer move, moved towards the two insects coming in Boom away. Although she had already noticed the changes in the surrounding space, she couldn't say exactly what it was.

She doesn't even know that her battle strength is higher than the opponent.

I don’t even know what the consequences will be if she waved it out!

This trick is almost instinct.


It's just that what makes her incredibly unbelievable is that these two just pressed her and hit her, almost a few strokes can severely damage her insect, in this trick After the collision, they almost flew upside down, and even the corners of one's mouth escaped a mouthful of blood.



Chen Hongxia was shocked, and simply couldn't believe everything in front of her.

She was obviously beaten to death just now, but now she has a trick to make the other party fly upside down?

What did the Monster Race youth just do in his body! Eyes of Medusa, Formation, which is arranged by hand, really have such a big effect? Can you change the situation all at once?

Moreover, it is changing the situation on a large scale!

What's going on!

"How...How is it possible!"

Especially the two insects that were knocked into the air, stared at Chen Hongxia in shock, with unbelievable eyes. color.

The eye of Medusa is nothing more, they know this thing, but what kind of Formation is this arrangement, can it play such a big role? Let your battle strength explode! Obviously, he took a big lead just now, but now he has become this kind of ball?


"Your method is really amazing!"

Chen Hongxia gave a sincere compliment in the heart.

She didn't actually take the words of the Monster Race youngster seriously just now. After all, this is a battle at the master level. The Monster Race youth is only at the domain master level. There are several major levels in the middle.

No matter how he has the means, he will not intervene in this level battle.

It will not play any role.

But didn't expect, some simple changes, unexpectedly achieved such terrifying effects.

"This is not over yet."

Ning Tianlin was not very happy, because although the situation just now was clear, Chen Hongxia won, but it was five percent The battle strength gap does not play a decisive role all at once.

Especially the other party is still two insects!

Add on the left and right. In fact, the difference in battle strength is not as big as thought.

Want to kill the opponent. In this case, there is no battle for one or two days. It is impossible.

Now, we still have to think of a way.

"Not over yet?"

Chen Hongxia was taken aback.

This situation is good enough, and it takes another day or two to kill the opponent. Especially when this form is already clear, there is only one way for the other party to die.


Get out of here!

Otherwise, as in the situation just now, I must be able to kill the Polo Star.

Even up to this moment, she didn't feel that she would definitely be able to keep Polo Star.

She is very satisfied with this situation now.

After all, I almost died just now!

But now, this Monster Race youth actually said that it is not over yet?

Could it be that he has a way to completely leave this Polo star?

How is this possible!

Now that we have such a big advantage, how much progress can we make?

"Strikes three times on the left side of the void, and then eight times on the right!"

"Nine steps on the foot, volley and empty!"

"Huadaoru Sword, straight to the sky!"



As soon as Ning Tianlin spoke, Chen Hongxia chose unconditional trust After all, everything just now has proved that this Monster Race youth is extremely terrifying. Although the battle strength is not good, the weird methods can really affect the overall situation.

So, what he says now, Chen Hongxia will do it!


When Ning Tianlin said the last three characters, "Formation, break!", the void condensed, and a afterglow fell, directly smashing the two stars of Polo Gu's body was enveloped, and even the signed one came in between them.

Only an instant, the connection between the two is isolated.

Also in an instant, the two bodies that originally communicated with yin and yang lost contact in the blink of an eye. The void Formation that originally existed between the two was also breached in an instant, disappeared without a trace.

The 10% bonus effect disappears!

"How is it possible!"

"How can you break my Formation!"

Polo Star was shocked.

This Formation, which has the effect of adding 10% to the battle strength, now disappears, which means that his battle strength has returned to its original state. Originally, he had the same battle strength as Chen Hongxia, not much difference!

Now that he is destroyed, he no longer has the slightest advantage!

Especially the other party didn’t know what secret technique they just used, the battle strength increased greatly, and the difference between them was 15% of the battle strength!

Fifteen percent, it is very easy to decide the outcome of a battle!

If he continues like this, he will definitely die here.

"Let's go!"

Without much thought, I just turned around and left the sky.

"Want to run?"

Chen Hongxia was taken aback, didn't expect Boluo Xing to be so decisive, but the matter is now, how could she let the other party escape.

It's just that the opponent's actions were a bit unexpected, and they fled without a fight. When she was about to get up and chase, the opponent's silhouette had already rushed far away.


But soon, there was a muffled noise in the void.

Polo Xing’s body directly hit a void in the starry sky. In a moment, there were ripples like water waves, and Polo Xing’s body was directly blocked. Down.

Even at this moment, he has returned to an insect form.

After all, two, as long as one dies, he will die.

It can be used in battle, but it is extremely inapplicable to escape.


"Formation is also arranged here!"

Polo Star and Chen Hongxia are both surprised, both didn't In the void of expect, a layer of Formation has been arranged unexpectedly. However, Polo Star was full of horror, while Chen Hongxia was extremely happy.


Today, I will stay here with the enemy Polo.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

Looking at the silhouette of Jilai, the complexion of Boluoxing has greatly changed, and it’s crazy impact to block oneself Formation of the road. However, the greatest effect of this Formation is not to stop the enemy, but to let the enemy get lost!

No way out!

Although it is not imaginary formation, the effect is similar.

"Three hundred steps ahead to the left!"

"Turn back fifty steps!"

"Go forward seventy steps to the right!"


Chen Hongxia, who was about to chase, just not far away, I remembered Ning Tianlin's voice again in her mind. Although she didn't know why, at this moment, she was completely unconditional trust.

Because of this, she chased her in less than ten seconds.

Although Polo Star rushes with all his strength, it seems to always be hovering between the same places.

"Polo Star, today is your death date!"


The monstrous blade light, used by Chen Hongxia, moved towards Polo The star slashed down.

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