"Now, report what you need, let me estimate and give the price! If you agree, let's start trading!"


After finishing speaking, Ning Tianlin waved his hand, and a lot of debris was suspended in the void, exuding bursts of energy.

These energies can be strong or weak. The strong ones can be used directly as treasures, while the weak ones can only provide a bit of energy. Even if you see these powerhouses on the side of the road, they are all You don't necessarily reach out to meet and pick it up.

"This is?"

Everyone is puzzled, I don't know what Ning Tianlin is doing with so much debris.

"This is a unit of things!"

Ning Tianlin explained, "I attribute the energy emitted by these things to a unit."

"When the time comes, when I say a few units, it means how many times the energy emitted by these debris is needed!"

This exchange is not a transaction of money, but a barter, so Ning Tianlin must set a standard, otherwise, there is no unified measurement unit, it is easy to go wrong.


Everyone is nodded.

Yes, this is also a fair method, after all, it is to exchange resources for treasure, not to buy it with money.

Except for Ning Tianlin, no one knows that there is only one unit of item and the number of essence points that can be exchanged is exactly one trillion.

"Now, starting from you, turn counterclockwise, one by one!"

Ning Tianlin extend the hand points to a thin hand holding a long spear youngster.


The other party was taken aback, how could he didn't expect that it would be his turn so soon.

He turned out to be the first!

"I want "Flower Spirit Pill"."

But just for a moment, the youngster said something. After speaking, he looked at Ning Tianlin in fear, worried He has no such treasure.

"Flower Spirit Pill!"

"This guy actually wants to spend Spirit Pill!"

Everyone around is complexion changed, and even more frightened in shock , Because they all know what the Spirit Pill is.

Flower Spirit Pill, the name “Speaking of which” is very literary and very fragrant, but in fact it is a kind of highly poisonous, and if you smell it, you will die. Moreover, the formidable power is so great that anyone below the realm master will die if he hears it!

It is a very powerful poison!

"Someone must have offended him. His battle strength is not good. I want to use this Spirit Pill to kill the opponent!"

Everyone got it in an instant This conclusion.

Because only this kind of explanation can explain the main this thing of a domain. At the very least, you can ask for something that can improve battle strength, not this kind of poison that you can quickly create!

Although he can kill the powerhouse below the world master, even the world master will be seriously injured when he hears it, and it takes a lot of time to adjust it, but this thing can only be used once, and if it is used, it will be useless!

It must be a deep hatred, and battle strength is not as good as him, so I wanted to use this thing to solve it.


For a moment, everyone’s eyes were fixed on Ning Tianlin, including the Cangming domain master and Baishuang, who have big eyes. Looking forward to Ning Tianlin's ability to produce this kind of flower Spirit Pill.

After all, this is the first person to propose a treasure exchange.

If there is not the first one, it will definitely disappoint them and let the people here lose their enthusiasm! He even doubted whether his words from the Cang Ming Territory Lord were reliable or not, which affected Black Feather Sect.

"Is there any?"

This youngster finally asked helplessly, breathing a bit shortly.


When all eyes are staring at Ning Tianlin, Ning Tianlin slowly nodded with a smile, and at the same time stretches out his hand, a colorful The beautiful and alluring medicine pill, packed in a transparent wooden box, appeared in front of everyone.


"Flower Spirit Pill!"

"Really flower Spirit Pill!"

Countless people It was exclaimed.

Because this thing is really an extremely scarce medicine pill, not to mention Ning Tianlin, who came here now, I am afraid I have never owned this thing. But they are no strangers to Spirit Pill.

Because from the Internet, all its information can be found!

Some people have even studied its characteristics.

A glance at the contents of this box is absolutely sure! Especially this wooden box is not ordinary wood, but empty wood, colorless, tasteless, clear and transparent, just like water.

This empty tree, although not as scarce as the Spirit Pill, is extremely rare.

Being able to use this rare wood to carry, it must be true that Spirit Pill is true!


"It looks alike!"

"In the hands of this youngster, there must be a fickle container that can change everything Most of the things that are needed."

The two white insects in the void looked at each other, confirming this idea in their heart. Just after the appearance of the "The Mysterious Profound Method", they believed that this youngster was a fraudulent expert!

There is a secret treasure in ancient and modern times, anything can be made!

"Can you... let me see it?"

The most exciting thing is the youngster who made this request.

He really didn't expect, Ning Tianlin actually took out this medicine pill!

He originally just tried it, but he couldn't think of it!

"Of course."

Ning Tianlin waved his hand and pushed this thing into the hands of this youngster. In full view, he didn't worry that the other party would take it away.


"It is true!"

After two minutes of observation, the youngster's figure was a little trembling. Definitely excited.

This is really a Spirit Pill!

Can't be wrong!

He has studied it for a long time, there is nothing wrong with it!

"It’s true."

Ning Tianlin nodded, "Ten units."

"You take out ten units of things, this thing is Yours."

Ning Tianlin set a high price. He exchanged it from the battle strength system and spent 100 billion points of essence, multiplied by ten times, it is a trillion! Ten units are ten trillion!

In other words, the total earned is a hundred times the cost!

This is also Ning Tianlin's standard this time.

The value of everything is one hundred times the value of the exchange from the battle strength system!

One hundred times the profit is not comparable to the profit of the pharmaceutical companies in Earth a few years ago, but the profit is enough.

You can't be too dark, isn't it?

"Ten units?"

This youngster raised his brow, the price. . . . . .

It is expensive, because this is the home of most of his Avatars. The energy he has accumulated in the space ring now, according to this youngster, should have 16 units.

After all, he is just a domain owner.

Ten units are more than half of his net worth.

Speaking of which is really fast, and it's not expensive.

Because this is a super poison that can kill any Martial Artist below the master, he uses it to take revenge!

Compared with hatred, it is not expensive at all!

Especially if you use this Spirit Pill to kill the opponent and snatch his space ring, you will get more resources than the energy of these ten units!

"Ten units?"

And the people around are in the heart, estimating the price, and calculating how much they need to pay if it is changed to this price, and the Enough energy.

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