"Ding! Congratulations to the host, level up!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, level up!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host , The level is improved!"

Ning Tianlin's tone barely fell, the sound of the battle strength system, constantly resounded in his mind, and the frequency was denser than ever before. It didn't stop until Ning Tianlin's level rose to one million.

One million level, Ning Tianlin’s fleshy body battle strength has reached the highest level ever.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the level is raised to one million, will you integrate the first meridian?"

Just when Ning Tianlin's joy level was raised to such a terrifying level, The question of battle strength system made him stunned for a moment?


What meridian?

Don’t he have meridian in his body?

"What do you mean?"

Ning Tianlin felt that this thing was not simple, so he asked quickly.

"The host body was originally meridian, your 12 meridians, and some Eight Extraordinary Meridians, which are ordinary Earth human body structures, but now the body is no longer an ordinary person's body in the cultivation "Ancient Stars Art." It is the body of the universe!"

"12 meridians, Eight Extraordinary Meridians, these are no longer suitable."

"So, energy must be used to construct countless real meridians!"

"These meridians will be transformed into countless paths in the future, communicating with galaxies, Star River, Star Domain, nebula, star maps, Star Realm, Star Core, star holes, etc., all cells that turn into stars Every place needs it to communicate!"

"If not, the cell is just a single cell, and the stars are just single stars. There is not much connection!"

For Ning Tianlin To understand the meaning of this change, the battle strength system explains in great detail, "Of course, although it has been transformed into a meridian, the energy contained in the level is still there. Even once it becomes a meridian, it will also cause a quantitative change to cause a qualitative change. The stars shine, Shining Upon All Heavens, battle strength will also be greatly improved!"

A substantial increase?

Ning Tianlin eyes shined, this is also his most concerned issue, how much can be improved?

Even he felt that his previous guesses were correct. The battle strength gained by level promotion was actually lower than the level gained by Pill Spirit promotion. This is very strange to him. He even wanted to put down the level promotion and focus on it. Dan Ling.

Now it seems that my guess is correct!

It's useful!

Now, it can from virtual became real and condense into meridian!

"Any cells that are connected by the meridian channel, that is, the stars, each one will provide the host with 100 million points of energy!"

The battle strength system directly gives The answer is out.


"One hundred million?"

Ning Tianlin was surprised, as long as there are cells that meridian starts to connect, there are 100 million!


No, Ning Tianlin directly held breath cold air.

One hundred million!

Although I was used to seeing big scenes, I was shocked.

One cell is 100 million, he doesn't know how many cells there are in his body.

"This is not the end!"

"Furthermore, this is only the effect of the original version of "The Ancient Stars Jue"!"

The battle strength system said, " The creator of "Wild Ancient Stars Art", he did not solve the problem of meridian. Although he has matured countless cells, he does not have any connected meridian."

"Finally, countless cells each Shining Upon All Heavens , No one is convinced, countless stars finally do not have the power of the Universe Rule commander, the final fate is that the cells are chaotically and the stars collide."

"The real result is not how big achievement is achieved. How much battle strength, but the disorder within itself, it collapsed directly from the inside, and the body burst and died."


Hearing this, Ning Tianlin directly sucked in a cold breath.

Burst and die?

The creator of "The Wild Ancient Stars Jue", the final result turned out to be exploded and died?

This meridian is so important!

At the same time, Ning Tianlin felt chills all over the body, Xing Zhan, are you messing up?

This "Wild Ancient Stars Jue" you gave me, turned out to be an incomplete copy?

"The shit is incomplete!"

The battle strength system is coldly snorted, "This is what I improved, and even for this day, you simply don't know how long I have prepared! How much effort! Even..."

Xing Zhan directly cursed Ning Tianlin angrily.

He felt insulted.

Missed version?

You simply don't know how much I paid to improve it, and even almost uttered a very important secret of its anger.

"Even what?"

Ning Tianlin asked.

He also realized that he was a bit reckless. If the battle strength system knew that this cultivation technique was flawed, how could he cultivate himself, but this cultivation technique is probably the cultivation Number One Person of the complete volume!

But he also realized that the battle strength system stopped abruptly and obviously was hiding some secrets. If not, there would be no such reaction.

I want to find out something secret quickly.

"It’s nothing."

But Xing Zhan has already closed his mouth and never talks about it. Up to now, it is safer and more tyrannical!"

"Because the cells in your body are no longer pure golden cells, but tricolor cells!"

"Three The color cell is three times the original battle strength!"

"In other words, each of your cells can exchange 300 million points of battle strength for you!"

What ?

300 million battle strength?

Now, Ning Tianlin is a little confused.

If the 100 million cells were shocking just now, the 300 million now makes his soul tremble.

One cell, 300 million!

If he has countless cells in his body!

When the time comes, what kind of horror will he become!

"Do you think that Chaos Ancient Qi, Primordial Chaos Purple Energy, and peerless cultivation technique are all in vain?"

The battle strength system directly said, "Anyone gets the One kind can become a cosmic powerhouse!"

"Moreover, this is the result of all the energy mobilization in your body now."

"One cell is 300 million, This has the energy of the level, the energy management of the Dan Ling, the cultivation technique energy in the cell, and the ancient chaos, Primordial Chaos Purple Energy. This is the result of their working together, not a single cell!"

"It can even be said that from now on, the calculation method of your body's battle strength is no longer the level, the superposition of the elixirs, the three-color cells, and the meridian, but there is only one calculation method!"

"That is, all three-color cells connected by meridian have a 300 million battle strength!"

"Even I will balance the relationship between all parts of the body so that they are all In a stable operation, for example, where your three-color cells mature, there will be a meridian to connect, and the length of the meridian will never extend to a place where there is no maturity of the three-color cells!"

"In short, one tri-color cell, 300 million battle strength!"

After finishing the battle strength system, I sighed gently in the heart.

"Cells, stars, battle strength."

"Finally in this brief moment, we are on this road again!"

"It's just different Yes, this time the three-color cells are stronger!"

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