"800 million!"

"This girl named Ning Tianxin has earned 800 million at a time!"

Professional The financial planner of, is a special profession of every bank. Small branches are invisible. Only stores with large turnover are available, and the bank will set aside a special office area for them and let them be there. Work quietly.

As for the kind of financial planners who can be seen everywhere in the lobby, and even get in front of you, they usually sell insurance, give them their own titles, and claim that they have face.

Professional financial planners only serve high-end people.

The bank will proactively provide them with the names, contact information, and the amount in the bank account of these high-end individuals to facilitate their planning and contact. Even which account has a huge transaction, will not escape their eyes.

Now, sitting in front of the computer, looking at the account information with the amount of 800 million yuan, a trace of bright light flashed in the eyes of 26-year-old Zhou Zixuan, because she had not obtained it for three months. After the performance of the shot, if there are no high-end people to hand over the wealth to her, she will face the bank's accountability, or even downgrade, and go to the cashier to engage in storage work.

This is unbearable for top students who graduated from top universities.

"No way!"

"You can't sit and wait!"

"You must contact Ning Tianxin immediately. If not, some colleagues will take the lead. Absolutely Not only can I get this information by myself!"

Zhou Zixuan knows that the headquarters will not only let me see this transfer record alone. There must also be professionals who see it. If they are allowed to take the lead, their own There is a real possibility that the job will not be guaranteed.

Although it is possible that the money will only change hands, maybe it will disappear sometime, and it will be in another account, but you have to try it, because you have no chance. If you don’t make it, you will decide this month. Downgrade!

Maybe the money belongs to the other party?

Being alone in Beijing’s North City, it’s too expensive and we must seize every opportunity.

"Call first and see if I can make an appointment."

Thinking about it, Zhou Zixuan picked up the fixed phone on the table and dialed the phone number left by the other party. In the past, it was just a pity that the other party's mobile phone was turned off and could not be connected.

"If I can't get through, I will go to the Beijing North Art Academy,

"Let’s go now! "

"Go to the Beijing North Art Academy now! Find this Ning Tianxin. "

This bank card was issued by Ning Tianxin at the school’s agency, so it leaves her current detailed information, which department and class, it’s easy to find. Just do it when you think of it, take it Picking up the bag on the table, she moved towards the house and walked outside.

She now simply ignores the other party's 18-year-old girl, why there is so much money, because it is not important at all, she If you don’t try, if you don’t try to see if the other party can hand over the money to yourself, there may not be any results in your life.

In a hurry, I went out.


At the same time.



Beijing city.

The slaughterhouse.

Ning Tianlin waved the big knife in his hand, cut it off with a single knife, and broke the neck of a five-six hundred jin edible cow. From yesterday to Now, more than a thousand heads have been killed, and both the accuracy and the strength have been improved.

Even now, a single cut can kill a cow.

The centipede, which was already more than a foot away, quickly swallowed the corpses of these cows, even swallowing their souls.

"Huh? "

"What's the matter? "

Just after Ning Tianlin killed the three-four hundredth cow of today, that is, after swallowing the fleshy body of hundreds of cows in the centipede, and after the ghost, an illusory shadow , Suddenly emerged from Wanzu centipede, suspended on its body surface.

After that, it sank slowly.


This illusory shadow is a cow!

Although the illusory shadow is very shallow and light, Ning Tianlin still recognizes it at a glance. This illusory shadow is the silhouette of a cow, although the size is similar to the current 10,000 The body size of a full centipede is not much different, only one foot big, but Ning Tianlin firmly believes that it can't be wrong, this is the outline of a cow!

Not much different from the edible cow killed now! Very similar !

"It's formed. "

At this time, the voice of the battle strength system also slowly said, "You see it well, this illusory shadow is the illusory shadow of a cow, and it is this centipede that has eaten enough of the cow’s soul. , Condensed. "

"The devouring soul cannot increase the battle strength, but it will form this kind of illusory shadow. "

" And as it continues to be swallowed, this illusory shadow will become more and more solid. When it grows to a certain level, this illusory shadow will even become an entity, directly attached to the body of this centipede. "

"When the time comes, this centipede will be able to transform into a cow at any time. As its symbiotic body, you, when the time comes, will also have this ability and can become a cow at will. "

"What! "The battle strength system speaks easily, but when I heard Ning Tianlin here, I was already shocked. "You mean, when the centipede has swallowed enough cow's soul, it can change into a cow at any time! And I also have this ability! "

"I can also become a cow! "

Thinking of this, Ning Tianlin suddenly remembered the 72 Transformations of Sun Wukong in Myths and Legends. Can it be turned into anything? Cow, come with you.

" Yep. "

"That means it. "The battle strength system is nodded, admit it.


Thinking of 72 Transformations, Ning Tianlin suddenly thought of another possibility. If the centipede has swallowed enough ghosts of cattle, it can condense the form of cows and become cows at any time. Then it has swallowed enough ghosts of other species on Earth, can it become them too!

And Later, this ability will be attached to oneself! You can change at will!

"Can you? Can my idea be realized? "

Ning Tianlin knows that whatever battle strength system he thinks, he can know it. After all, they can talk without speaking, so the battle strength system must know what he was thinking.

"Yes. "

"As long as you swallow enough ghosts of a certain species, you can become like them! "The battle strength system is nodded, admit it.

"Really! "Hearing the affirmative answer, Ning Tianlin's eyes flashed a bright light. Doesn't that mean that he can have Sun Wukong's 72 Transformations! Although he can't turn into stone or sand, there are definitely more than seventy-two species on Earth. !

There are tens of thousands of them!

As long as the centipede has swallowed enough of their souls, they can be transformed into their forms, and oneself, will also have this ability !

Note: There are two more chapters in the evening, adding more money to the 10,000 book coins of "Green Paper Painting Qingyan", thank you!

I will give a reward today, I will evening I specially sorted it out, thank you very much, thank you!!! Please beg for the recommendation ticket! You sent me to the fourth place in the recommendation ticket of the whole platform, which I could not imagine before, thank you! Thank you!

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