Besides, in the mind of this Boss, anyone who can get a lot of money to promote a girl is absolutely powerful in reality! If I can satisfy him, it's okay, if not, I'm afraid my platform will be followed by bad luck!

Therefore, less than an hour has passed, and various resource tilts have already been launched, and we only waited for Ning Tianxin to go online again and open the live broadcast.

"What a beautiful Phoenix!"

Susu was also lying next to Ning Tianxin, looking dazzling, this color and luster, almost no one. And the system hint of the whole platform is online, this kind of treatment is really better than the live broadcast!

"It's pretty, and I like it very much."

Ning Tianxin has a small smile on her face. She knows that this must be done by the system for herself. Yes, when I landed last time, there was a piece of gray tú tú, nothing!

However, after about ten seconds, the Phoenix image slowly disappeared, and then the original page of the platform reappeared.

"It's online!"

"Happy Sweetheart is online!"

As Ning Tianxin's account was broadcast in the system, the whole platform boiled again. Because almost everyone just remembered this account, happy sweetheart! Was rewarded for super-level existence of one billion renminbi at one time!

He is also the super anchor of "Two Million Rocket Goddess"!

More than an hour later, it went online again!

"Quick! Everyone is ready, Happy Sweetheart is already online, as soon as she starts the anchor, let's go to her to help out! See what Goddess is rewarded with two million rockets! And the system It has been reminded that the first 100 people who come to her room will be rewarded with a golden treasure box!"

In a live broadcast room, an account named "Old Driver Brings Me" said in the group . It's just that as soon as he spoke, he was directly muted by the anchor of this room.

fuck, talk about other anchors in my mother’s room, are you short-sighted? Are you not in front of my old lady, if I were in front of me, my old lady would have taken off her shoes long ago and licked you with her big mouth! The second thing!

It's just that she can suppress the words of one person, but can't suppress the words of thousands of absolutely! She can hold the eyes of two people, but can't hold the hearts of countless individuals!

Following the system platform’s prompts, her live-streaming audience obviously began to drop by tens of numbers per second. If you don't say one minute, there are only a few first-year pupils left. She is so angry that she scolds her mother!

I’m such a big audience, so without temptation, don’t you have a treasure chest to give away before entering the room? This is all seduced! The old lady has a beautiful appearance, and even the ditch on her chest is forcibly squeezed out. Such a large piece of white hua hua is still running away!

At the same time, this situation occurs in many live broadcast rooms of the anchors. Although Happy Sweetheart has not built a room to open the anchor, but the first 100 gift boxes are very attractive to them. !

Moreover, the opponent has a system halo bonus. Now as long as someone rewards, the treasure chests dropped by the opponent have been turned dozens of times, but dozens of them at a time, enough for them to grab!

It’s just that, after waiting for two minutes, this happy sweetheart has not built the room yet.

"Well? What's the matter? Why don't you build a house yet?"

"That is, my rewards are so hungry and thirsty, why haven't I built a room yet? Let me save the reward money. Will I go out to the massage room for a great health care tonight?"

"The local tyrant upstairs, it seems that I am going to reward four or five hundred rhythms! Money for major health care!"

"You Ma, I am saving money. I will go to the massage room to do more health care for others tonight, not enjoying major health care!"

" Spit up! You Ma Niu upstairs!"

Various comments began to be posted on the public chat channel, but no matter what, no happy sweetheart appeared.

"Hey, Susu, where can I find the word that is paid?" Ning Tianxin logged on to the live broadcast platform this time and came to find the 800 million renminbi, did the Douyu platform pay him? There is no plan to open a live broadcast room.

Just because I am not familiar with the platform, I didn't find it for a while.

"It's in this account management, you click on that." Susu next to her also pointed her finger.

"En." Ning Tianxin hearing this, click to open it, and then on the "Account Management" page, open the "Payment Status", and I saw the words "Successfully paid" displayed inside, and the following The number shown is exactly 800 million!

"Susu, that is, this 800 million is the platform calling me!"

Ning Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief in the heart, and after that, I was extremely excited, because This money, but legal income, is really money that can be spent! Now that the account is received, she can be said to be a true billionaire!

"That's very good!"

"You can't run your dinner tonight!"

The Susu around her is also very happy, so she Really is a roommate with a super rich woman! A little soup came out of my roommate's hands, maybe I have eaten myself for a while, haha!

"Well! Definitely please, definitely please. I invite you to drink the Lafite of 82 years!" Ning Tianxin was a little excited and nodded, although she did not know how much the legendary bottle of Lafite of 82 years was Money, but I have so much money, I can definitely afford it!

"Well, Susu, you give us instant noodles first. I will reply to the audience on the platform. Many people are asking me to build a room and start a live broadcast. I told them that it will be night. "Although Ning Tianxin is very excited, she is indeed a little tired, and there is military training in the afternoon, and now I want to take a break.

Although you can't sleep, you can close your eyes for a while.

"Well. I'll go to the boiler room to make hot water instant noodles for us."

Susu smiled and lifted the two kettles under the table, one in each hand, and went to the boiler Fetch water from the room.

"Huh? Why does this phone become a bit hot? Is it a rechargeable battery?"

After Susu left, Ning Tianxin started typing on her phone, and she was also on the screen. Leave a message, explaining that it is impossible to build a room at noon today, and the anchor cannot be opened. It will not start until the afternoon military training comes back.

Moreover, the words she typed are golden glittering on the public screen, and everyone can see it.

It’s just that as her typing and charging, the back of the phone became hotter and hotter, but she didn’t care, because she had a roommate in high school who used a Xiaomi mobile phone to scare people to death. She had touched it once, and the temperature was much higher than it is now, so she didn't care much.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door, and a cool standard Mandarin sounded, "Anyone? Excuse me, this is Is Ning Tianxin’s dormitory?"


It’s just that no one had time to answer her, but inside the dormitory, there was a violent explosion of "peng". There was even a flash of fire, and then, thick black smoke came out.

After that, a howl caused by severe pain yelled out of the dormitory.

Note: At least four changes tomorrow.

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