"Twenty-eight days."


The red worm looked somewhere in the void, and then the whole body swung Rippled and drowned in the void.

But its Divine Consciousness, its heart, and its entire body are actually still in this cave.

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

If you look closely, you will find that there are several powerful Divine Consciousness here. Wandering within cave, some are higher than the level of the universe.


The breath of the Sleeping King, without any cover, soars into the sky, emanating from the cave, like a big light bulb, spreading across the blockbusters Void.

His purpose is to exude a breath and attract Ning Tianlin to come over!

Otherwise, Ning Tianlin arrives at the insect race, but can't find him what to do.

. . . . . .

"This range has passed the boundary between Human Race and Insect Race."

Two days later.

The silhouette of Ning Tianlin has crossed the border crossing and flew straight into the insect race.

In the past, he was always active in the frontier. The Martial Artist who killed him was also in a hidden space in the frontier. It is responsible for supervising some actions of insect race in the frontier and making plans.


Ning Tianlin has always used super stealth.

After all, this is the home base of the insect race. At any time, it may jump out of an existence that is not known to be much higher than his battle strength. If it is discovered, maybe the Lord of Universe level insect will do it.

When the time comes, he Ning Tianlin wants to escape, but he may not be able to escape from the opponent's hands.

Can't kill, but you can die alive!

This is also the reason why he didn't convert so many essence points into battle strength. If he is really trapped, if he has more essence points, he can hold on for a longer time.

There are more things that can be exchanged.

"Northwest direction."

"According to the direction given to me by Xing Zhan, it is in the Northwest direction."

Ning Tianlin kept moving towards that direction and flew. Without the existence of Xing Zhan, he might have been exploring by one by one, and it would be a mystery whether he could find the Sleeping King by then.

"It's coming soon."

It's just that after flying in this way for less than two days, Ning Tianlin is right in front, feeling the breath of Sleepy King. It is as bright as Fire Insect in the night.

But this appearance makes Ning Tianlin a little confused.

Isn't it in the hinterland of the insect race?

Why did this add up to flying for less than three days?

He didn't shuttling through the void, but flew!

In three days, will you be able to reach the hinterland of the insect race? Is insect race so small?

"I'm afraid the other party is ready."

This is the only possibility Ning Tianlin can think of.

And he is not a fool. You doze Royal General's breath so vigorously, isn't it just attracting me? This is the same as the lice on the monk's head, is it obvious?

"The red worm in the picture is probably the helper invited by the Sleepy King."

Ning Tianlin wrinkled in his heart.

Until now, he still feels that the other party has hired a helper. He simply didn't expect it. This is almost like using the power of insect race and waiting for him to arrive, vowing to catch him alive.

He didn't expect that his enemies would treat him as a great god.

Who made his information over the years too mythical, especially at the age of less than 30, which made the insect race decide to kill or counter-arrest early.

If not, I really wait for the genius to grow up, they will be an insect race, I am afraid they will be extremely unlucky!


"A helper, I am afraid I can't help it."

Ning Tianlin has decided, even if the opponent is a Martial Artist of the universe level , He is not afraid!

As long as the Super Sonic is activated, no matter who you are, you will be dizzy all of a sudden.

Activate the teleportation array, and he can return to the teleportation location he set up initially.

A teleportation array is in a corner of the starry sky, and a teleportation array is on his body!

"Moreover, I am like Luo Jin now, not myself."

Ning Tianlin feels that this is almost foolproof, it's really what's wrong, he doesn't Is there an Invincible Golden Body in his pocket too?

As long as it is not at first, catch him, he can definitely leave!

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

When arriving in this cave, Ning Tianlin's speed slowed down.

Be careful to make the Wannian Ship.

next moment, he has slowly entered.

The cave is very long, winding around, like a maze.



Ning Tianlin sneered, "If you do this, you really think I will be hiding here as you deliberately Is it a maze?"

"Your breath is like a light bulb, who doesn't know!"

Five minutes later.

Ning Tianlin has already appeared above the cave. It's just that there is no longer the silhouette of the red worm, only the Sleepy King lying quietly on the ground.

And this appearance also makes Ning Tianlin firmly believe that the red worm is a secret helper, if not, why hide in the void at this moment, hiding in the dark, instead of directly appearing.

"At least Martial Artist!"

Ning Tianlin had a judgment.

The only thing that can do this is the Martial Artist and above.

If not, he would not fail to feel the breath of the other party now.

"I can't think of you as a star king, face is not small."

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted.

Ten years.

He was still a Star Domain Martial Artist, but now, he has become a star, and can kill the existence of the Sleeping King! Without relying on Luo Jin, he can accomplish this task.

"Xing Zhan, where is he!"

asked the battle strength system.


Ning Tianlin’s tone barely fell, a green light curtain, appeared on the panel that only he could see, lying on it quietly A red worm, constantly huffing and vomiting.

"Sure enough!"

"Star Void Nine Duan!"

"I really can count on me."

Ning Tianlin gave a wry smile, if If he really didn't have any means, wanting to kill the Sleepy King here would be tantamount to courting death. Even before he did it, he could be crushed into scum by the other party.

"But no matter what, you will fail."

Ning Tianlin ignored him, stepped forward, and prepared to wave his hand to bring the Sleeping King into his Nine Revolutions. The Reincarnation Tower even includes these nine-stage Martial Artists!

Since you are here, don't leave. Give me the same energy points.

Ning Tianlin feels that as long as the two Insects are installed into the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, in a short time, What shouldn’t be happening? After all, there is no chance to call for help, right?

In the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, don't want to spread any news.


Ning Tianlin directly took out the super sound wave, so that both the red worm and the sleeper were stunned for three seconds, and then a very fast secret technique was performed. Brought two insects into the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

"Get it done!"

Ning Tianlin smiled and was about to leave.

Because he had just acted and performed the secret technique, his super invisibility was temporarily invalidated, and his entire body was temporarily exposed in the cave.

After one minute, he can enable it again.

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