"Bite you?"

"I still smoke you!"


No matter how good The feelings of Ning Tianlin will also be aroused by Ning Tianlin's words, especially in Ning Tianlin's words, it also involves the lord of the insect race, this is the god in their mouth! The king they are willing to protect with their lives!

I could not help but let go of Ning Tianlin's silhouette, and he was not afraid of shuttling through the void and running away.



A brown whip came out of thin air, like a whip, fiercely On Ning Tianlin's body.

It's just that, although there was a snapping noise, Ning Tianlin's complexion remained unchanged, and he didn't bother to move.

Because the Invincible Golden Body is in his hand, he will not hurt.

"Waste, use your strength!"

"You can't make it without eating!"

"Or insect race is just like you are waste? Even a whip will Not to use?"

Ning Tianlin cursed while holding his head up to the void.


"Really impudent!"

The face of a very ugly person is almost green.

This Ning Tianlin is too shameless. What the hell is this? How can I make him do this?

"My lord, this Ning Tianlin oil and salt can't get in. I think the best way now is to detain him, interrogate him slowly, and induce him slowly. It's not a way at all now."

After about 3 minutes.

The very ugly person suddenly stopped, arching his claws into the void.

"Your lord?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback.

Isn't it?

And powerhouse?

There is no end!

You are both a Martial Artist of the cosmos level, and you still call the other person, what is the other person's level?

You insect race, you really look at yourself!

I’m here to kill a star king’s insect, do you need to do this to me?


What made Ning Tianlin's scalp numb is that an "en" came from the starry sky.

At the same time, the voice sounded, "No matter what kind of golden body, it consumes one's own energy."

"Keep this Ning Tianlin locked up, thousands, thousands, and hundreds of millions of years, One day, his energy will be exhausted!"

"When the time comes, see if his mouth is still so hard!"

The voice directly said Ning Tianlin's weakness.

"This is the Yin Yang Qi rope."

"I collected Yin Yang Qi from the stars."


As the voice sounded, a black and white long rope appeared directly in the void, and even before Ning Tianlin and very ugly person insect reacted, they directly wound Ning Tianlin tightly.

"Yin and yang is an air rope?"

Ning Tianlin looked at this rope, with a kind of fortunately, the urge to avoid a catastrophe.

Yin and yang are an air rope.

Transformed by Yin Yang Qi.

In his body, he has just swallowed Yin-Yang Energy, and even in his cells, there is this Yin-Yang Energy.

If he wants to untie the rope, he can suck them all into his abdomen and force them to refining without anything else.

For others, it is impossible to break the shackles, but for him, it is like a piece of paper.

"Take him along to withdraw."

"Take care of it."

"When did he show up without the golden light, and when Tell me!"

The faint voice said.


very ugly person nodded and said.

"No need."

"A bunch of idiots!"

"I can break free now!"

I will do a full set of play .

Ning Tianlin just wants to show that he is basically impossible to break away from this yin and yang rope in front of these insects. Only in this way, they might relax their vigilance.


tone barely fell, his fleshy body was directly shattered and turned into scum.

The yin and yang are air ropes, and there is no entanglement directly.

But it didn't droop down directly, but it was still entangled in circles, suspended in the air. The weird energy wraps all the fleshy body of Ning Tianlin's broken slag.


Ning Tianlin was shocked that his minced meat could not be left, but he was still imprisoned in the space formed by the Yin and Yang Qi rope.

No escape.


Ning Tianlin is the same no matter how struggling.

After that, the fleshy body rolled and transformed into a human form again.

"Good means!"

Ning Tianlin's face was shocked and depressed, and even kept exerting force to see if he could break the yin and yang rope.

"Don't bother."

At this time, the voice faintly said, "This is my collection of Yin-Yang Energy refining. It has not reached my level. You are impossible to break free."

The voice is extremely confident.

At the same time, I am quite satisfied with the results achieved.

"Pablo, take him along to withdraw!"

"You personally arrange a layer of space, plus the confinement space of the yin and yang air rope, let alone leave, You can't even move in a large area!"

Void voice said.


very ugly person nodded.

Its name is Pablo.

"Every moment, you have to attack him, so as to consume his golden light energy as soon as possible. If not, let alone billions of years, it is hundreds of billions of years, he is estimated to be able to support Go down!"

The Void Voice added.

He is also right. If Ning Tianlin is not allowed to defend, he will live for a hundred million years!

Only by constantly attacking can we consume energy faster.


Pablo nodded.


At the same time.

Pablo felt that the divine senses gathered here all the time were disappeared without a trace.

He knew that the powerhouses agreed to detain this Ning Tianlin. I am afraid they have tried secretly. At the very least, their Spirit Attack is nowhere near Ning Tianlin.

If it weren’t, the Ning Tianlin uniform would have been stunned.

"Let's go."

"Ning Tianlin."

Pablo was coldly snorted, with a wave of his hand, he disappeared here with Ning Tianlin. Long cave.

From the beginning to the end, they did not ask the Sleeping King and the Star Void Worm.

Their purpose is to attract Ning Tianlin.


next moment, Ning Tianlin and this Pablo appeared in an abyss.

And keep going down.

"My lord!"

"My lord!"

"My lord!"

Along the way, countless insects are facing Prabhu Luo paid homage. After all, this Pablo is a super powerhouse at the level of the universe.

Finally, the two appeared in a pool of black muddy water.


Ning Tianlin recognized the black muddy water at a glance.


It doesn’t have much effect, it can’t hurt people, it can’t be cultivation, it has only one effect, it cuts off Divine Consciousness.

Except for the Lord of Universe, anyone else's Divine Consciousness can be cut off.

"Do you use it so solemnly?"

"Still afraid that I will send the signal out and find someone to rescue me?"

Ning Tianlin said with a sneer.

He is alone, no one will come to rescue him.


When he reached a darker underground cave, Pablo waved his hand and released Ning Tianlin's body. Countless restrictions were placed, and the scalp that Ning Tianlin looked at was numb.

This is the real solution of the yin and yang air rope, this prohibition is not easy to escape.

"Will it be necessary, very ugly person."

Ning Tianlin spoke taunted.

He is like this, are you still so cautious?


"Of course it works."

Pablo hehe smiled, making sure that anyone comes here, he can feel When I was in, I smiled softly, "No, how am I ashamed to invite the fellow to drink a glass of wine."

With a wave of his hand, a wooden table and a bottle of wine appeared in front of the two of them.

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