Note: Thank you book friends for "a tiger in your heart, sniff the rose" for your reward of 10,000 book coins! Thanks! ! !

"So awesome!"

Ning Tianxin, who saw this scene, jumped up from the sofa, she didn't expect, she was so mighty just now The big man turned into a robotic metal dog!

The head is gone, the arms are gone, the thighs are gone, it all looks like this, and even a pair of wings.

"This robot is really powerful. It is much more powerful than our Earth robot."

Although Ning Taxin has never seen the most advanced robot on Earth, she also learned from the TV network I have seen relevant reports on the article. Not only the appearance is not good, but also the intelligence is not good. It will simply stop and go, but also set up the program and move according to the program step by step.

Compared with the robot in front of me, it is completely a sky and an underground.

"Brother, can it change? Can it only become a dog?" Ning Tianxin was aroused by curiosity and wanted to know.

"Change again!" Ning Tianlin smiled and ordered. And as his words fell, the robot dog began to close its body again, condensing its figure, and after a while, it directly became a metal leopard.

"It can become a total of thirty-three forms, such as dogs, cats, leopards, birds, etc." Ning Tianlin smiled, without saying later, no matter what kind of form, it is extremely high Its offensive power is like cutting tofu. It looks good, but in the hands of the user, it is a killer weapon.

"Really good." Ning Tianxin said sincerely, watching these robots deform, just like watching a science fiction movie, but after that, she realized another problem and asked with her eyes wide open. Brother, why should these robots listen to you? They should be aliens."

"Because those aliens have already left, they have left Earth, although these robots look Not bad, but in their eyes, it was just ordinary goods, which couldn't be on the table, so it was given to me in the end."

Ning Tianlin said nonsense. It’s just that in my heart, I shook my head a long time ago. Nothing can make it to the table. These things, but a weapon for killing people, can kill tens of thousands of people. It is a regular army. There is scum in front of them. It is him who spends eight. It is a standard low-level robot in the universe that is exchanged for more than ten points of essence.


"Brother means, they have left Earth?"

Ning Tianxin was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

"En." Ning Tianlin nodded, "After saving me for two days, I left Earth in a hurry, as if their planet needs to be rushed back in a hurry except for something. Some of the wealth he obtained was finally thrown to me..."

Ning Tianlin doesn’t know if there are such silly aliens in this universe, but in his mouth, aliens are just so friendly , So Ning Tianxin felt that the other party was really good, really a good friend of the Earth people.

"Brother, which planet are they from? In the future, when our technology develops, we will also go to their planet and thank them." Ning Tianxin didn't have the slightest doubt about what her big brother said. It seemed that what happened before him could only be explained by aliens.

"From the Ganama planet, not in the Milky Way, far away from here." Ning Tianlin said nonsense again.

"Oh." Ning Tianxin seems to be nodded very well, but she is also in the heart, and she keeps in her heart the Ganamar star, which is not known to exist.

"But younger sister, you can't mention this matter to anyone except our parents. If someone knows, your big brother will be caught and interrogated in detail, and you will even be cut off. Research into slices. Resurrected from the dead, how many people want to find out this secret."

Ning Tianlin can only use this lie to let the younger sister keep this secret in her heart.

What slicing, interrogation, funny, he Ning Tianlin doesn’t cut the opponent into slices, it’s interesting enough!


"I know, brother, don't worry, I will never tell anyone except my parents." Ning Tianxin looked startled, solemnly Nodded. For the safety of the big brother, she won't tell anyone.

Don’t say even if you die!

It’s just abrupt, as if thinking of something, Ning Tianxin was a little upset, her red lips curled up, and she complained, “Brother, since you are all resurrected, why don’t you tell us and call the family? Phone."

"You don’t know, my parents and I thought you were really dead, we don’t know how sad it is."

Speaking, it seems to remember the other day In the past, the eyes are a little red.

"I also just came out. It hasn't been three days yet." Ning Tianlin lied, "A lot of the things left by the aliens, I haven't sorted them out yet. Just yesterday, I just I sorted it out."

"Today, as soon as I got the news of your accident, I rushed over immediately. If it wasn't for your accident, I guess there will be more than ten days before the aliens can be completely left. I’ve arranged the following things, and I’m planning to go to you and my parents until then."

"Oh." Ning Tianxin nodded, "Then big brother, how do you know that I have suffered?" Injury? I was at school and the mobile phone exploded. How did you know about it outside?"

"Fool." Ning Tianlin smiled, "Look, this is a monitor, a kind of robot. "

Ning Tianlin's hand is a robot that is smaller than a mosquito and about the size of a twitch. With a wave of its hand, it shakes its tiny wings and rises into the air. If it is not carefully observed , It is difficult to find its existence.

"Although I did not look for you, I have put it by your side long ago, and always pay attention to your every move. If you have anything, it will immediately notify me."


This tiny robot was also prepared by Ning Tianlin for lying. Moreover, its size can continue to shrink from now on. In the end, even if you lie next to it, it is impossible to find it with naked eye, which is about the size of bacteria.


Ning Tianxin held this tiny robot in her palm, looked thoughtful and nodded, then suddenly remembered something, and said, "Brother, you said I have You know everything, that 800 million renminbi, I was rewarded 800 million renminbi on the live broadcast platform, don’t you know?" At this moment, Ning Tianxin suddenly felt that this matter was very important. It may be related to your big brother. After all, the other party didn't even see his own face, so he would give himself so much money. It's impossible to justify!

And the big brother who got the alien "legacy", maybe!

"You guessed it?" Ning Tianlin laughed, "I gave the reward. I saw you being bullied, so I gave you so much money."

Ning Tianlin would not say that the money was originally spent by you, just when you were bullied.

"You can't spend so much money on venting for me. That's two hundred million for the Douyu platform in vain! Two hundred million, big brother!"

Ning Tianxin instantly Thinking of how she was mocked by Chang Feifei on the playground, and the big rocket full of screen was flying at that time, so Ning Tianxin had no doubts, on the contrary, she felt extremely warm and moved, but also very moved. Distressed.

This is 200 million renminbi, and it was given to the Douyu platform in vain.

"What is free delivery?" Ning Tianlin smiled, "It won't be long before the money will come back." Ning Tianlin has already started to acquire Douyu platform and other live broadcast platforms, and it won't take long. , I believe there will be results.

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