
"This is the Lord of Universe, forcibly broken open space!"

Although there is nothing, Ning Tianlin still knew that there was an extremely mysterious void in front of him.

Want to see, especially to go in, except for the bloodline of the Yi Clan, let the people inside come out and bring themselves in.

Furthermore, with the exception of the Jian clan, if other creatures want to enter this space, the minimum battle strength must be at the Star King level.

Otherwise, if you enter rashly, you will only disintegrate, or be corroded and die.

"Here is coming!"

"Someone is coming outside!"

The Yi family guarding another space in the starry sky are two battles. strength Looking at the young Yan clan who reached the Star Domain, they didn't believe that anyone would show up here today.

Because Lord Green and Lord Red are only asking them to pay attention when they pass a message.

The probability of that person's appearance is less than one point in a billion.

That probability is almost a trillion points, it is basically impossible!

Now, it is unexpected that someone actually appeared here, and it is still a Human Race youngster.

Ning Tianlin can't see them, but they can see Ning Tianlin through space.

"Hurry up and rule the Lord Green and Lord Red!"

The two young people looked at each other, and quickly dialed the information device and began to send messages to Lord Green and Lord Red.

"It's really here!"

The green hair and the red hair were shocked, and they looked at each other strangely.

That Ning Tianlin, really came!

And it's outside the clan!

When the Guardian passed the information to them, but also passed the appearance of Ning Tianlin, there can be no mistake, it is his Ning Tianlin!

Just because there is no way to enter, I can’t enter temporarily!

"My God!"

"How could he really come!"

Both of them were shocked, sharp and unbelievable.

Don't talk about how he found this location, just the distance between the Yan clan and the location at that time, a Star Territory Lord simply can't make it, he just keeps on his way, it is impossible!

Don't even talk about ten years, even a thousand years will not work!

That involves layers of folded space, there is no battle strength above the star king, it is simply impossible to break through!

"Could it be that he has really become the king of stars and killed the insect race's sleepers?"

The two of them couldn’t calm down for a while, and they wondered all kinds of things. possible.

How could this impossible thing be done by the youngster in front of you!

"No way!"

"You can't let him in like this!"

"Although I don't know how she is related to the Holy Lord, I must never let him He just enters!"

"Maybe, the Holy Lord temperament is unstable, and he will leave the Yan clan with him? Or he brought the Holy Lord's mind shock and affected the Holy Lord’s cultivation. No one can bear this culpability!"

"Patriarch repeatedly stressed to them that the Holy Lord should be cultivated and spend all his time on cultivation!"

"Anyway, there is no Guardian Under the leadership of, he was impossible to enter!"

Green hair and red hair began to pass messages through the information device, talking about their own conjectures.

They originally didn't treat this matter as the same thing, but now it seems that they have to be cautious.

At least, you can't put this youngster in!


The two kept communicating, and soon had an answer. They sent a message to the Guardian at the door, "Don't worry about him!"

"Let him fend for himself at the door!"

The two simply didn't believe that each other could come in.

Because no one is leading, but the blood of the Yan clan is needed.

And how precious their blood is, how can it be given to others casually. Even when they separated from this youngster, they didn't notice any small actions by the Holy Lord and gave him blood.

As long as you can't get in, the youngster missed the ten-year appointment that year.

I missed it, so you can't blame them.


The two young doormen looked at each other and decided to obey.

A human being, they are too lazy to take care of it.

They have little friendship with Human Race, and sometimes they don’t know how many humans are eaten as food.

"This is the power of the Lord of Universe!"

"Forcibly in the void, it splits another layer of stable space, and specifically makes the surrounding environment extremely suitable The Yan clan survives."

Although I haven't seen what the other layer of space in front of me looks like, the darkness in front of me has already made Ning Tianlin feel a little bit.

The starry sky is dark, Ning Tianlin knows, but the darkness in front of him is not a problem of light, but is shrouded by a strong gloomy attribute. The ordinary person stays here, let alone life, just one Contact will be corroded by the whole body.

This space is highly corrosive.

Another layer of space should be forcibly transformed on this basis!

"Guess, how long will he stay here?"

"Ten days?"

"Eight days?"

"I see, for about three days, when no one pays attention to him, he will doubt that the location he found is accurate. When the time comes, he twisted his butt and left."

The two guards teased each other.

They all thought that Ning Tianlin would definitely stay soon, so he left by himself.

After all, there is no blood of the Yan clan, he is impossible to come in!


"That's it?"

It's just that Ning Tianlin's up ahead suddenly appeared before the first round of their teasing was over. A drop of blood.

It is not something else, it is the blood essence of the Yan family!

For others, this thing is difficult to get, because at the very least, you need to be able to meet the creatures of the Yan clan, and this clan, but a rare race, has very little activity. It's hard to come across in the universe.

But here in Ning Tianlin, it's simply not a matter, but something spiritual.

As for messages that require blood essence to open, it is even more trivial for the omniscient and omniscient battle strength system.

"blood essence!"

"Our blood essence!"

The two of them let go of their eyes and stared at the scene inconceivably.

The black red ones, there are pictures and shadows of their Yan clan inside, there can be nothing wrong with them!

Even the purity of the blood essence is higher than them! After all, not all clansman has a pure bloodline!


At this moment, Ning Tianlin waved his hand and used a strange gesture to drive the blood essence of the Yan clan into the void ahead.




With the immersion of blood essence, the space in front of you shakes, just like encountering Like a big earthquake, the entire door began to vibrate. After a while, an invisible black door, a hundred zhang and a wide zhang, appeared in front of Ning Tianlin.

At the same time, a rotten darkness spread out from the space, making Ning Tianlin feel the strong Yin Attribute breath.


Ning Tianlin shook his body, preparing to step in.


"Who are you!"

"How can a human being stray in the wild in the heavy land of the Yan clan!"

The two guards at the door naturally stood in front of Ning Tianlin, and asked him.

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