"Star Sage!"

"This Ning Tianlin has become a Star Sage!"

Lv Mao Hongmao couldn't believe it. With the information coming, I always feel that this is too fantasy story.

How is this possible.

A Martial Artist who was still a Star Domain ten years ago has become a Star Saint at this moment!

You know, there are several great realm behind! The contained battle strength is the difference between Heaven and Earth!

Nebula, star map, star hole, star king, star statue, star saint, how can it take ten years to make up for the difference?

One of the realm gaps sometimes takes thousands of years!

Not to mention that the more difficult it gets later.

This. . . . . . This is real?

Just when they passed the message and wanted to give them an introduction, the two guards never heard the slightest message. Even in the void not far away, they felt abnormal.

Because at this moment, many clansman in the distance seem to have moved, moved towards the position of the clan gate.


"Dare to kill our clansman in our Yan clan!"

At this moment, the surrounding area of ​​Ning Tianlin is already full of no less than five Only members of the Yi clan.

All of the battle strengths are in the Star Saint Level. Not far away, there are some Star Venerable Star Kings who are watching and shouting, yelling for Ning Tianlin to pay for his life.

This person is really the opposite, and he dared to kill the members of the Y clan at the door of their Y clan!

This scene has not happened for many years.

Last time it seemed that the universe was in chaos and all races were fighting for battle.

"Who are you!"

"Why do you still do it!"

The five star saints of the Yan clan who besieged Ning Tianlin, none of them understand Ning Why did Tianlin do this? They didn't communicate with Lumao Hongmao, let alone the relationship between Holy Spirit and the youngster in front of them.

"They want my life, I just returned it all."

Ning Tianlin coldly said.

He didn't feel that he was doing it wrong, besides, he dared to break into the insect race, why not dare!

With super dizziness for three seconds, he feels that the world is so big that he can go anywhere.

"Let's catch it first!"

"With humans, there is no reason to speak!"

Some members of the Yian clan in Outland roared.

This is already a matter of hitting the door, and they can't be merciless.

The five star saints glanced at each other and started their own actions.

Yes, let's take it first!

When the time comes, see if you dare to be hard-headed.


The five huge silhouettes also launched an attack on Ning Tianlin. The sky is full of giant claw, the tail, tearing the entire space apart.

Especially the huge Yin Qi, flying in the sky, the ordinary person Martial Artist came here, under the action of this sky full of Yin Attribute, the battle strength will probably be suppressed by 10% forcibly.

Even more!

In Ning Tianlin, there is no such worry.

He has swallowed Yin-Yang Energy, and the cells of his body contain various Yin Attribute energies, so he is completely fearless.

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

To perform the secret technique, in extreme time, in the surrounding void, arrange The opponent's battle strength weakens 30% of the Formation.

Yes, 30% weaker!

When he came, to be on the safe side, he consumed some energy and stuffed all the various experiences of Formation lineage into his mind. Originally, when the battle strength was low, his spirit Divine Consciousness Sea couldn't bear it.

But now the battle strength has skyrocketed, and this massive amount of information is nothing to him.

Thirty percent is also the limit that Divine Consciousness Sea can withstand today.

Moreover, this battle strength formation is centered on his fleshy body. Where is his fleshy body, this battle strength formation will move with him. Anyone who is against him will be in this battle strength. Under the influence of Formation.

"battle strength Formation?"

As the star saints of the Y clan have grown up to this day, of course they have seen it. When Ning Tianlin first arranged it, he already recognized these.

Everyone didn't expect. This person is so young that not only has his battle strength reached their level, but he is also proficient in Formation.

For an instant, they felt that their battle strength was greatly suppressed.

Thirty percent, it can be completely suppressed from the eighth segment of the star saint to the fifth segment of the star saint!


It's just that this is not over at all, Ning Tianlin binoculars shot divine light, a pair of huge Medusa virtual eyes, appeared in the sky, shrouded above all the Yi races.

"Medusa's Eye!"

"This is the Medusa's Eye!"

Many members of the Yi clan instantly recognized what these eyes are After all, the Medusa clan, like their Yan clan, is a rare race. The opponent uses his eyes to reduce the enemy's battle strength by 10%.

But they are the Yin Qi carried by themselves, which reduces the battle strength of all the enemies who are invading by 10%.

The means are different, but the result is the same.

"This man is so bold!"

"The eyes of Medusa dare to use it indiscriminately!"

"Are you not afraid of the Medusa clan's chase!"

The Eye of Medusa is an extremely powerful thing. If you want to obtain it, you must dig it out alive from the eyes of a living Medusa. It is not only cruel, but also does not put the Medusa clan in the eyes.

The patriarch of the Medusa clan even let out words, whoever dares to use their clan's eyes, he will personally take action and kill the opponent!

Even to punish the Nine Clans!

I haven't seen this kind of thing for many years. I didn't expect to see it here today.



Medusa's eyes are scattered with divine light, covering all members of the Yan clan, and this time, the battle strength is not reduced by 10%!

It's 20%!

Ning Tianlin upgraded the Eye of Medusa to the Eye of God!

There is no need to look at each other, but to take out illusory shadow and cover the sky.

Any creature's battle strength will drop by 20% under the illusory shadow, except for himself!

Taking the two calculations together, the battle strength of these members of the Yan clan has forcibly decreased by 50%!

"Come on!"

"Dare to fight with me!"

Ning Tianlin haha ​​smiled and didn't care.

This is just the first method.

Super violent, super sonic, super Avatar hasn't used it yet!

Super violent, can increase battle strength by 50%.

Super Avatar is even more similar to One Qi Becomes Three Purities, but it can forcibly be transformed into three identical people. After fusion, battle strength can skyrocket three times!

The first paragraph of the Star Sage can become the third stage of the Star Sage!

Another 50% protection is close to the fifth stage of the Star Saint!

But in front of these Jen clan members, the highest battle strength is only the sixth stage of Xingsheng, and now it has been forcibly suppressed to the third stage of Xingsheng, combined with the toxin of the Wanzu centipede, slowing down, etc. You can fight against one!

Especially the martial skill he has cultivated is already the giant beast Lingtian Second Style, which can increase the battle strength of two ranks alive!

For the rest of the secret technique, he is still prepared to stay and deal with the more powerful existence.

After all, members of the J clan are more than just the stars in front of them.

If he kills more, he will definitely appear more powerful.

When the time comes, the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is about to go into battle.

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