"Holy Lord and this person are probably acquainted."

"The ten-year appointment, wouldn't it be at that time?"

Especially some clansman with agile thoughts even thought about this youngster, the green man and the red man, how about the Holy Lord who was brought back?

Ten years ago, the Holy Lord was also outside.

It is very possible that Holy Lord also knows this youngster!

Just what the hell is this ten-year agreement?

Why have they never heard of it?

"The ten-year agreement?"


"You said the ten-year agreement!"

Lv Mao Hong Mao glanced at each other, and Lu Mao said, "What do you use to honor the ten-year agreement?"

"I remember at that time, we said that the ten-year agreement was the sleepy king of the insect race. Bring it here and defeat him in front of us? After all, you find someone to kill him, how do we know that you did it?"

Although they simply didn’t take this kind of thing seriously at the time, they thought it was just A kid who didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth, he said nothing. But with their memory, they still know the content of the ten-year covenant.

Now, even if this youngster has become a star saint and is better than the sleepy king, they will not admit that the bet can win.

What they said at the time, but brought the Sleeping King over, and defeated them personally in front of them.

But now, where is the Sleeping King?

Stay in a shit place, right?

In other words, he has been killed by him? Sorry, since it's dead, who knows who owns it? What about the person you paid for?

I didn't see it with my own eyes, how they will not admit it.

And they don't believe that the Sleeping King can appear here.

If you don’t follow your side, it’s impossible!

Living life is impossible enough to hide in the space ring!

"Just admit that you have a ten-year appointment."

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted.

With a wave of his hand, the silhouette of the Sleeping King appeared directly in the space.

"Where is this?"

"Where am I?"

The Sleeping King was originally imprisoned by Ning Tianlin in the 9-Layer Reincarnation Tower In a confined space of, there is no sun, no darkness, only endless grays, not even time.

And in Heaven and Earth, he is the only one.

Just when he was about to go mad in anxiety, Space Change, he was put into the Yian clan space by Ning Tianlin.

"So thick Yin Qi!"

"I am an insect race, I am afraid that battle strength will be suppressed a lot here!"

immediately , What he feels is the change of his own battle strength.

After all, he can deal with the current situation only if the battle strength is not present.

It’s just that when he sees the surrounding creatures, his face can’t change anymore, because almost everyone in front of him has the strength of the Star King, even standing in front of him Three creatures that are almost no less than Xingao!

Where is this in the end?

Especially up ahead, and two acquaintances. Ten years ago, he had seen this red and green hair and a young girl who prevented him from killing Ning Tianlin at that time.

Although he might not have been able to kill Ning Tianlin at that time, it was the red and green hair that stopped him!

That's right!


Unfortunately, he thought of a ten-year appointment.

He remembers the ten-year appointment clearly, especially in recent years, the name of Ning Tianlin has been continuously spreading in Human Race, so that it finally found the star of the clan. grown ups.

Because it is more than 90% possible that Ning Tianlin will fulfill the ten-year agreement!

After all, those who can increase their battle strength so much are definitely stand by one's word, otherwise the temperament of cultivation will be affected.

Especially when he saw the red and green hairs up ahead, he suddenly realized something, turned around, and saw that a face that made him afraid to look directly appeared in front of him.

Ning Tianlin!

My God!

He really caught himself from the insect race!

How did he do it?

Be aware that not only were there red worms of the Star Void level at the time, but the Void was also hiding the Star Void level adults!

In this case, did he bring himself out?

How is this possible!

How did he do it?

But no matter what, he knows that this is already a fact, if not, he would not be here!

Just where is this?

What the hell?

The insect race, which is very adaptable, feels forcibly suppressed here!

"Yan Clan Base Camp!"

"My God!"

Suddenly, he held breath cold air and couldn't believe his own judgment.

Because this place is countless experts in the insect race, and I don’t know where it is!

At that time, after learning that Ning Tianlin was getting better and better, he reported his ten-year relationship with Ning Tianlin to the upper management of the insect race to lure and arrest Ning Tianlin. At the same time, the senior management also gave He explained what kind of race the two red and green hairs who defeated him at the time were.

Yan clan!

One of the powerful and rare races in the universe!

Only at that time, the insect race powerhouse he had asked about did not know where the Yian space was, because this was the real secret, and only a few Peaks of the insect race existed to know the answer.

But now, he has actually reached the base camp of the Yan clan!

And obviously, it was Ning Tianlin who brought him here.

My God!

What is the origin of this Ning Tianlin?

Is it really just the powerhouse where Human Race came out of the Holy Land?

That's it, you shouldn't know where the base camp of the Yen clan is!

"Look, is he still alive?"

"The ten-year agreement, isn't it easy to complete!"

It's just this time , Ning Tianlin's voice interrupted the constant association of the Sleeping King.


Even when the Sleepy Worm hadn't reacted, he cut the Sleepy King in half with the Dualbladed Halberd in his hand.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the ten-year appointment is completed! Special rewards for one load of essence points!"

"The rewards have been issued, please check!"

At this moment, the sound of the battle strength system sounded, reminding him that the ten-year appointment has been completed.

A load of energy.

Not many at this time, but at that time, it was an astronomical figure, and Ning Tianlin didn't know how many years it would take to earn the astronomical figure.

But now, it has been distributed, and he has it!


"The agreement is complete!"

"It's time to fulfill your promise, right?"

Ning Tianlin looked directly at the red and green hairs in front, and asked seriously.

At that time, they had agreed that if his Ning Tianlin really completed the ten-year agreement at this time, then he Ning Tianlin would have the right to take Bo Wen away and travel the world with her.

Of course, all this is subject to Bo Wen's consent.

Especially their Yan clan, when the time comes, they can’t prevent themselves from meeting Bo Wen.

Only at this time, Ning Tianlin has already thought about it. Seeing the three star Martial Artists ahead, and the terrifying aura hidden in the distance, these red and green hairs, I'm afraid that simply can't be the lord of the Yan clan.

They were invincible at the time, but now it seems that they are actually just small fishes and shrimps.

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