
Bo Wen agreed, and then she closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep, and even turned over deliberately. She will bring the right hand of the space ring. Pressed under his ass.

Nothing else, because she knows that the two star powerhouses outside must always pay attention to the movement here, and nothing is impossible to miss to ensure that she is not in any danger.

If her space ring disappears for no reason, she will definitely be aware of it.

Under her ass, she doesn’t believe that they dare to look at her through the ass!

"This way..."

Ning Tianlin is a bit speechless, but he also knows that this is impossible. There are two super experts outside the door supervising.

Lifting the void, cautiously stretched out his hand, from under Bo Wen's soft buttocks, directly installed the space ring into her Promise Ring.

For others, space ring installation is impossible. It is easy to cause space collapse and item damage. After all, two unfamiliar spaces merge rapidly, but for Ning Tianlin, it is fundamental It's not a matter.

"Really gone."

Bo Wen was also shocked.

Can't figure out how Ning Tianlin did it.

But no matter what, just hand over the resources to him.

As for yourself, hehe!

No more, find patriarch to chant!

Before he has become the Lord of Universe, he will definitely give what he wants.

"Thank you."

Ning Tianlin swept the resources inside, and directly converted the battle strength system into essence points, a total of five points!

Pole is just another unit of measurement after "load".

Every Level 1, equivalent to absolutely loading!

This essence point really shocked Ning Tianlin. It is worthy of being a resource that can cultivation to the star barren level, and has accumulated more than he has grown up to now. He estimated that he said that he had reached the level of Xinghuang, and he was probably already a nine-segment in Xinghuang.

Star Saint, Star Ao, Star Void, Star Element, Star Desolation!

He Ning Tianlin, from this point, there is still three great realm.

And Xinghuang is already infinitely close to the level of Lord of Universe.

"Then I'm leaving."

No matter how many words of thanks, it seems useless. What Ning Tianlin has to do is before Bo Wen has become the Lord of Universe. , Become Lord of Universe first!

In this way, when the time comes, I also have the ability to help Bowen refining the Yi patriarch, not the Yi patriarch is killing Bowen!


Bo Wen didn't say anything to stay, for ten years, a hundred years, for them, it was really just a passing flick, maybe even a night's sleep. Just passed.


Under the cover of super stealth, Ning Tianlin flew out of the great hall and quickly disappeared into this space. Soon after, it was suspended at the entrance.

In the Y space, the entrance and exit of the Y are at the same location.

Only at this time, at this exit, there is a person standing, which is actually the Star Wilderness Powerhouse!

Moreover, it's still a nine-duan star!

The purpose is to prevent Ning Tianlin from escaping.

After all, this is the only way out of the Yan clan. The space is closed, see how you go!

Moreover, Ning Tianlin has just shown the Martial Artist level of the Star Void, at least the Star Powerhouse can stop him.

This time, the Yan clan directly dispatched the Martial Artist of Xinghuang.

Is already a Peak expert in the J clan.

"You really can count on me."

Ning Tianlin hehe sneered.

He is just a star saint, so he used the Martial Artist to stop him.

This is all about fighting mosquitoes with anti-aircraft guns.


Ning Tianlin simply did not hesitate, and flew directly in front of him, took out the super sound wave, forcibly stunned the Martial Artist. Despite how incredible the other party was, he fell asleep for three seconds.


During these three seconds, Ning Tianlin opened the channel of the Yi Clan and went straight out.

As soon as he came out, he directly used the teleportation array he had prepared and left here.


A few seconds later, the space vibrated, and an extremely angry roar rang the void.

I saw the star-horizon-class super powerhouse, who was just stunned by Ning Tianlin, walked out of the space of the Yi race. After angry roar, the divine sense spread like crazy and began to look for the whereabouts of Ning Tianlin.

He is too confident.

Confident that Ning Tianlin is absolutely impossible to escape from his hands.

After all, he is the Lord of Star Desolation, infinitely close to the existence of Lord of Universe.

If this is escaped by a star saint, he will kill him with a piece of tofu.

But unfortunately, he was really stunned. What was almost impossible happened so real, and when he woke up, he crossed the void to find the trace of Ning Tianlin.

But all failed.

Ning Tianlin did not shuttling through the void, but instead used itself as a teleportation array and returned directly to the territory of Machine Race.

The last time he returned from the insect race, he also came directly to this Machine Race.

At the same time.

Yan clan great hall.

A stern cry pierced the eardrums of countless members of the Yan clan.

"It's gone!"

"My space ring is gone!"

"Who stole my space ring!"

Bo Wen jumped up directly from the bed, staring at her palms incredibly, her face shocked.

I saw the finger that originally carried the space ring, but there was nothing left.

"Not good!"

The two star powerhouses waiting outside the door, glanced at each other, and hurriedly rushed into Bo Wen's house.

I saw Bo Wen looking at her finger incredulously, the space ring there is gone!


"Who stole my space ring!"


Bo Wen was full of anger, talking and pointing at two Xingyuan Martial Artist who broke in, "What do you do for food!"

"How can you let someone steal my space ring!"

"There are countless Resources, can make me cultivation to the star barren level!"

"It is a gift from patriarch!"

Bo Wen directly pointed the finger at the two star Martial Artists, "Yes Not you!"

"Did you bring me the thieves"!

"My space ring never leaves my body, how come I don't!"

Bowen questioned them flustered and exasperated.

"Holy Lord, are you really sure that it's gone? Did you put it elsewhere?"

The two star powerhouses both want to cry.

What's all this.

How can you rely on them.

They did nothing!

Also, almost no one steals the space ring. After all, this thing, Divine Consciousness without a master, cannot be opened at all. This is a universally recognized truth unless the master dies.

Who steals this and asks.

But seeing this, they instantly thought of the Human Race who had just rushed in.

Did he steal it?

Looking at Holy Lord like this, it's not like lying.

"I'm sure and ten thousand identifications!"

Bo Wen gnashing teeth said, "My space ring is gone!"

"Countless The resources are gone!"

"It must have been stolen!"


"Must find that person for me !"

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