"Isn't it?"

"Do you want to see this too?"

Bo Wen's heart is thumping, because if In this case, the collusion between her and Ning Tianlin might be exposed.

Although it was super invisible at the time, I don’t know if it will show up when the time goes backwards.

Involved, Bo Wen was a little nervous.

If everything can be restored, then Ning Tianlin was sitting by her bed at that time.

"What's wrong, Bo Wen?"

Feeling the changes in Bo Wen's heart, the Chief Three-Eyes Race asked directly.

He did this because he knew very well that the human who broke in must have something to do with Bo Wen.

Although he doesn't know the ten-year appointment, he also knows that Bo Wen has personal friends when he travels through the stars.

When he learned about it at the time, he didn't care. After all, Bo Wen was just a galaxy or a Star Domain Martial Artist at the time. What kind of climate can such a friend have.

But now, since the opponent came to the heavy land of the Y clan, killed some members of the Y clan, and swayed away from here, things became serious. At least, this human being is not simple.

So, he really wanted to see if Bo Wen had contact with this human being.

Is it because the other party stole the space ring, or Bo Wen gave him the resources and then destroyed the space ring!

He must figure this out.

"It's nothing."

"Dormant for patriarch's means."

Bo Wen's heart jumped, but she said quickly.


Three-Eyes Race did not say anything, and soon, the picture of Bo Wen lying on the bed clearly appeared in the void .


At the same time, Bo Wen took a long sigh of relief in the heart.

Fortunately, there is nothing!

Only the image of her lying on the bed, Ning Tianlin's stealth means at that time, did not show.

Although the other party is the Lord of Universe, which allows time to flow back, but it also flows back to the scene at the time. It is impossible to see deeper things through the image.


After watching the Three-Eyes Race for a long time, I was also a little dazed.

I can't make up my mind for a while.

Because Bo Wen put her hand under her ass, she was a little suspicious, but she didn't give out the resources!

The resources have not escaped, so how can human beings put so many resources into his own space ring?

Steal the space ring directly, can you open it?

The master is not dead, this space ring is impossible to disassemble!

"In this case, Bo Wen seems to be innocent."

"It was not that she deliberately gave the space ring to the other party, after all, she gave it to a space ring that could not be opened. Simply is of no use."

What he originally thought was that Bowen would take the resources out of the space ring, give them to the other party, and then destroy the space ring.

It seems that my guess is wrong now.

Bo Wen simply did not do this.

Although the other party will be invisible, the resources will not be. If they are taken out, they can definitely be seen, but now there is no and there is no sign of Bo Wen damaging the space ring.

"Patriarch, look!"

"The other party stole my space ring from under my ass while I was asleep!"

"This damn thief, take everything under my ass!"

Bo Wen said loudly.

Directly pointed the finger at Ning Tianlin, saying that he is a thief.

"Yes, patriarch!"

At this time, the two star powerhouses also began to intercede for Bo Wen. Entering the Holy Lord’s room is the subordinate’s responsibility!"

"Please patriarch, punish!"

They also doubted Bo Wen, if she did it on purpose, but now I see When she came, she didn't move anything, but fell asleep and was taken away by the invisible opponent.

It’s just this damn human being, you’re stupid. You just take away a space ring and can’t take out the contents. Take it home and see for yourself!

"Punish, that's for sure!"


Three-Eyes Race is a long story, and I saw two star Martial Artists rolling around on the ground, screaming in pain.

Their Divine Consciousness is suffering from Three-Eyes Race, and it is many times more painful than Fleshy body.

After about three or four minutes, the Three-Eyes Race finally stopped.

"Now, you will make up for it."

Three-Eyes Race is long instructed, "Go to Earth Wuwangdian, let Human Race Wuwangdian send someone to find this Ning Tianlin for me Come out!"

"living, then must see the person, died, then must see the corpse."

"This is their responsibility!"

"Give them half a year. If there is no movement, our Clan will begin to attack the Human Race, plunder and destroy a galaxy a day, and avenge the lost resources and the killed clansman!"

Three- Eyes Race Changxin has always been very ruthless, and I feel that Human Race is better than their Yan clan in this matter.

After all, that is the site of Human Race, and they suffered from Innate's loss.


Two star powerhouse nodded.

Although he was exhausted, he immediately turned around, walked out of the space of the Yan race, and flew towards the Human Race Wuwangdian.

"Okay, Bo Wen, if the resources are gone, they will be gone, I will give it to you."


In front of Bo Wen, there was a space ring. There was no Recognizing Master, and it was filled with extremely rich resources.

"Thanks patriarch!"

Bowwen has drawn hundreds of millions of fuck your mother in her heart!

Not only did it investigate me, but didn’t believe me, but now it’s a cultivation that makes me desperate.

In the end, refining me to strengthen myself, how can there be such a good thing in this world.

"When I have the opportunity in the future, I will provide these resources to Ning Tianlin!"

Bo Wen's heart is coldly snorted and said.

But his face is very respectful.

"That's it. When they come back from Human Race, they will have an answer soon."

Three-Eyes Race said long, the void shattered and the figure was straight Got stuck.

However, no one knows that the reason why he pays so much attention to Ning Tianlin, stealing the space ring is on one hand, and the other important thing is that he is from Earth!

He is from Earth!

His Three-Eyes Race is long, and from the first moment the picture appears, he knows that the opponent is an Earth person.

It's from Earth!

Bo Wen, unexpectedly also returned from Earth!

Otherwise, how could she have a friend of Earth.

"I really didn't expect that there are Earth immigrants in this universe!"

"There are also Earth humans alive."

The reason why he was so shocked, Nothing else, just because he and the Earth people of the year were in a hostile state! Even the third eye on your forehead was forcibly cut out from the face of a powerhouse in Earth Ancient Era.

Then refining on his forehead!

So, over the years, he has also been very concerned about Earth, knowing that this is a terrifying planet.

The humans living inside are also very scary!

"Just this Earth, where is the starry sky now?"

He can't read Bo Wen's memory. Once he reads it, he will be discovered, even though he is Lord of Universe, secondly, he can't keep Bo Wen on guard.

If this is not the case, when the refining in the future, the other party is wary of himself, and it is likely to fall short.

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