"The location where I am now belongs to the Machine Race made of solid metal."

"The name is Kachu Machine Race!"

Kachu, a solid metal, contains abundant energy.

"Retrieve nearby resources."

"Display the Star Void Level Machine Race powerhouse on the light curtain."

Ning Tianlin is facing the battle strength system said.

His current goal is still Martial Artist, which is also the fastest way to accumulate energy points.


Following his words, five light spots appeared on the screen in front of him.

Give a glance.

Not far away.

The farthest one is also not out of the Kachu area.


The figure flickered, moving towards the nearest location and flew away.

At the same time.

Machine Race.

A huge metal life full of yellow, hidden in the depths of the void, his head is against the sky, his feet are against the ground, the whole body is scattered with yellow light, and the back is against the void, like a follow Like a huge metal Buddha statue.

"You mean, this Ning Tianlin, is the remnant of Earth?"

Listening to clansman's report below, this huge metal life opened his eyes.

He can hear the word Earth clearly and it can arouse his nerves the most.


Another metal dog-like life is nodded, "Now the powerhouses of Human Race, insect race, Mu Clan and other races have been dispatched and started looking for Ning Tianlin Whereabouts."

"He appeared, indicating that Earth has recovered again!"

"Everyone's goals are the same. Must be destroyed before Earth has risen again. It turns him into nothingness again."

This metal dog-like Machine Race clearly knows what happened back then, and why they value the remnants of Earth so much.

After all, Earth was too strong back then, so powerful that it scared all races.

If Human Race hadn't participated in this matter in the end, they really wouldn't have been able to destroy Earth.

But even so, in the first battle that year, I don’t know how many other experts of the Universe level fell. Machine Race also fell two Lord of Universe!


"Let's pass on!"

"All Machine Races, as long as the battle strength reaches the Star Void level, they will try their best to search for Ning for me Tianlin! Bring him to me alive!"

"I want to learn from him where Earth is and where it has recovered."

yellow Machine Race The leader gave the order.

He is also afraid of the word "Earth".

Even though billions of years have passed since that incident, what about the billions of years? With the passage of time, there will be another billion years that will continue to come after all.

He wants to lead his Machine Race through another billion years, instead of being destroyed by the re-emergence of Earth!

Who made the Earth civilization of that year simply not completely fall!

There are even a lot of Earth remnants, hiding in the depths of the void, waiting to lie dormant.

After all, back then, too many races in the universe were sorry for the Earth people, and they were black hands.


This mechanical dog obeyed the order. After getting the order, he began to notify Machine Race of the expert who exceeded the star imaginary.

Although the race is the most, the Demon Spirit King has already spoken, everyone must listen!

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

"hua! ”

In a few days, there will be countless Machine Race lives, Also joined the army looking for Ning Tianlin.

However, most of them are still staying in the territory of Machine Race to find, only a small part, scattered the rest of the races to start searching.

What they didn't expect at all was that Ning Tianlin had turned into Luo Jin and started hunting at Machine Race.

The reason for choosing Machine Race is because through comparison, it is found that the number of essence points exchanged by Machine Race creatures is higher than the rest. In the case of the same realm, it can exceed about 20%. .

There are not many rough calculations, but cumulatively, it is also an extremely terrifying number.



After fighting for a few times, Ning Tianlin waved his hand and put the nine-duan machine race in front of the star virtual Entered the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Moreover, Ning Tianlin is satisfied that Wanzu centipede can also swallow the body of Machine Race!

Although it is a pile of metal, the centipede still eats it!

At first, Ning Tianlin was also worried that Wanzu centipede would not be able to digest it.

After all, killing a Machine Race, after swallowing the centipede, can also increase a lot of battle strength without delay.

"It's just this magic crystal, what is it?"

But what makes Ning Tianlin feel strange is that every time a Machine Race is killed, one after another mysterious is condensed silk.

Silk thread is the most chaotic at first, spreading all over the void, like the bloodline of Machine Race, but Ning Tianlin is sure that it is not bloodline at all, and in the end, these bloodlines will eventually converge into a crystal in the air .

Especially every time this crystal is successfully condensed, it immediately moves towards Void as if there is life.

Even without paying attention at first, let a crystal escape.

The speed is so fast that he is not much better than him.

Finally, he directly brought these Machine Races to the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower to kill them, so that the crystals that were finally gathered were kept in the space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Furthermore, this Machine Race, originally a metal life, has no memory. Ning Tianlin tried to read it, but it didn’t get anything. It wasn’t until the last crystal was captured that he read the machine race from it. lifetime.

I also know this kind of crystal, called Magic Crystal.

Every Machine Race has it.

Although there are many types of Machine Race, they can compete with human races, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they have this kind of magic crystal in their bodies.

When they are alive, they are like silk threads and blood all over the body, but after death, they will re-aggregate and turn into crystals, escaping the void at a very fast speed.

"The battle strength system does not answer. It seems that it should be a level I can't touch yet."

Ning Tianlin asked about the battle strength system, but there is no answer.

There is only one explanation, that is, I have not yet touched the realm of this kind of core. Forcibly fighting for it will only make myself fail.

"But no matter what, this magic crystal is a good thing."

"It can be exchanged for a good spirit."

It is precisely because of the magic crystal. The existence of these Machine Race people's spirit is about 20% more than that of the other races.


"Keep on hunting!"

Killing this one, Ning Tianlin turned and left, moved towards the star in another direction The virtual expert chased after him, but except for him, the five light spots on the original light curtain were all immobile.

One was killed, and the remaining four should be still in place.

But now, these four spots of light shuttle through the starry sky at a slow speed.

Here for a while, and there for a while, and the direction of running, as if discussed, there is not a trace of repetition. But if you add them up, it covers the area around them all over.

"What's the situation?"

Ning Tianlin was a little dazed.

"Expand the scope, and open the other Martial Artists of the Star Void."

He wanted to see whether it was just this Kachu race or other mechanical races.

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