"Ning Tianlin, you are courting death!"

The Demon Lord is furious.

Ning Tianlin's words really talked about his weakness. Because if Ning Tianlin is immortal now, it is really possible to go out and slaughter them clansman one by one. Although it is Star Saint now.

But Xingsheng who is less than thirty years old!

Give him some more time and he will surely grow to a terrifying level.

When the time comes, if you really have been lurking in the dark and assassinating the powerhouse in their clan, it will be as disgusting as a fly.

Especially in the last sentence, Ning Tianlin mentioned Earth. This does not mean that he already knows the relationship between Earth’s first battle and their Machine Race. And this Ning Tianlin definitely bears the hope of Earth.

It belongs to the well-known figure after Earth's recovery.

If not, he is the only one impossible to appear in the universe.

He is estimated to be a representative of the Earth family, specially cultivated and appeared in the universe.

Today, even if he can't be killed, he must figure out from his mouth where Earth is now and how far it has recovered.

“bang! ”

Without hesitation, he burst into shape and directly moved towards the silhouette of Ning Tianlin to chase after him.

It's just the next moment, and his face has changed dramatically.

Because he felt his whole body, as if touching a layer of extremely secret Formation, although it was not as big as water and air, but an extremely terrifying Heaven and Earth Rule suppressed his battle The strength cannot be fully exerted, which makes his battle strength drop sharply.

"Not good!"

Although only half of his body entered the nether space, he immediately realized something, and quickly stopped his body shape, and was about to cut half of the body from the nether space The body was withdrawn.

"Nether Space!"

He thought of a word.

A word about Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

According to legend, this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower is divided into Three Realms in total.

Yang Sector.

Yin Sector.

Nether Space.

This nether space, connected with Yin Sector, can reduce the entered Martial Artist and battle strength forcibly by countless times.

In particular, this nether space seems to be connected to a certain space.

Although the human race holy land controlled by the tower mountain master has never been heard about the nether space, it is relative to other Martial Artists, and he is the Lord of Universe! I knew the news!

Tashan Lord has closed the passage between the Netherworld and Netherworld, so only a few people know the existence of the Netherworld in the powerhouse where the Human Race holy land is active.

"Nether Space!"

"Definitely Nether Space!"

It was just a moment, the original crazy demon lord, there was a line in his mind The lightning, especially the overwhelming pressure of the rules, made him feel a little bit bad. To stop him forcibly, he had to pull his body out of this nether space.

I also understood everything in an instant.

This Ning Tianlin, scolded him with so many slurs, will make him lose his mind, and then lead him here.

Here is his territory, and there is absolutely a way to resist this weird Heaven and Earth coercion.

"Your sister!"

"I found out so soon!"

"As expected of Lord of Universe!"

Ning Tianlin is coldly snorted, the five senses of the Lord of Universe are strong, and the strangeness was discovered so quickly.

But since your body is halfway in, how can you get out so easily.

"Super Sonic!"


Ning Tianlin launched Super Sonic, directly ignoring the opponent’s magic crystal hegemony body, making the opponent forcibly fall into It was dizzy for three seconds, and then a halberd that had been prepared long ago cut off half of the opponent's body.

This half of the body fell directly into the nether space.

The golden light flickered, bursting out with great light.

The body is broken, like a golden light rushing into the sky.

"Ning Tianlin!"

"My devil is bound to kill you!"

Three seconds passed in a blink of an eye, and I was killed in half The demon masters of the body, of course, will not just die like this. Their bodies will last forever in the universe. Without complete elimination, they will not really die!


Without hesitation, after the demon lord dropped this cruel remark, his body flashed, restored to his original appearance, and moved without looking back. Fly away towards the distance.

No way, although he did not die, he was also hit hard.

Half of the body is gone, and almost equivalent to half of the energy is gone.

His battle strength also forcibly dropped from the eighth tier of Lord of Universe to the fourth tier of Lord of Universe!

Although he is still higher than Ning Tianlin's, his confidence has been lost, and Ning Tianlin's methods are weird. He was afraid of something unpredictable and directly chose to escape.

No way, he doesn't know too much about the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, and he is afraid that he will really die here.

The most important thing, his magic crystal domineering body is time-limited, and can’t be used indefinitely. If the magic crystal domineering body is used up and exhausted, then his death will also be It's definitely there.

He doesn't want to be a Lord of Universe beheaded by Star Saint!

In that case, he would be easy to say when he died, but he would definitely be laughed alive.

Even though this incident spreads out today, he will be laughed to death!

“bang! ”

After a while, he blasted a punch directly at the void fiercely, opened an exit, and flew out directly.

After all, the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower only has one floor. The equivalent to Lord of Universe section still cannot trap him. It is only a matter of minutes for him to go out.


"I cut off the body of Lord of Universe in half!"

Ning Tianlin laughed in the nether space.

He didn't expect, he really did it!

Although not beheaded, it has been severely damaged!

This has to be said, almost no one can believe it!

He, a star Saint Level and another Martial Artist, cut down the body of a Lord of Universe in half!

"Xing Zhan, kill half of the body, do you have any energy points?"

This is the first time that Ning Tianlin has done this kind of thing. In the past, he had to kill or kill Fleeing by himself, he has never obtained half of the opponent's body.


The battle strength system directly denies, "Only by killing, will there be collection of essence points."

"Okay. "Although he was a little disappointed, Ning Tianlin was not discouraged, let alone any depression.

Because of this half of the body, but including the palm of the opponent with a space ring!

In other words, the other party's space ring has fallen here.


One hand, this space ring fell into his hands completely, and then was put into his Promise Ring.


The space coincides, the space ring of the demon master is shattered in an instant, and countless treasures fall into the space ring of Ning Tianlin.


Ning Tianlin did not immediately check it, nor did he exchange them for essence points, but instead waved his hand and released the body of Wanzu centipede. come out.

Although he didn't kill the Demon Lord, this half of his body is still there.

The swallowing of centipede can definitely increase a lot of battle strength.

Although it is only half of the Lord of Universe, it is the body of the Lord of Universe after all, and the energy contained is absolutely explosive!

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