
Divine Consciousness returned to Ning Tianlin, the long relaxed in the heart, and even the look of panic in his eyes.

If Wanzu centipede didn't make a move just now, he would really die on this purple spar.

Fortunately, centipede can swallow everything, what is visible and invisible, and finally swallowed all the divine senses. If not, he might have really learned this time. !

"What the hell is this?"

Ning Tianlin was a little confused.

If you are alive, how can you exchange one hundred extreme essences? Growing up to this day, he has never used a living life and has exchanged essence points in the battle strength system. But if it is dead, how can it be possible?

He was almost killed by the opponent!

"The origin of the magic crystal?"

"Is it that all magic crystals come from here?"

The magic crystal has no thinking, he is I know, but this source has the thinking that can swallow all his divine sense, which is too terrifying.

"What do you care about!"

Ning Tianlin gritted his teeth and screamed, "Exchange!"

"The origin of these three magic crystals, All will be converted into essence points."

Ning Tianlin no longer wants to know what he is useful for. Most likely, it is related to Machine Race. It may not be useful for him. So, he In the end, I chose to exchange.

Moreover, three hundred poles are really an astronomical figure for now.

It can greatly increase his battle strength.


As his words fell, one after another tyrannical energy began to surge deep in his body.




In a moment, more than thousands of cells matured.

When all the cells mature, connect, and converge into a galaxy-like galaxy, the total number of cells has reached an astonishing two thousand trillion! The fleshy body battle strength alone has soared to Liujing!

That is sixty thousand trillion!

And this is just fleshy body battle strength. You know, in the past, although Ning Tianlin’s battle strength has surpassed Star Sage and reached the second stage of Star Sage, it is all battle strength. The synthesis.

Including equipment, martial skill, etc.

And now, it's just the fleshy body!

Fleshy body Star Saint 6th dan, plus Wanzu centipede, his Fleshy body battle strength directly soared to Star Saint 9th dan!

"Properly surpassed the Xingwu Martial Artist!"

Ning Tianlin did not redeem some battle strength equipment this time, because with his strength, he killed Xingao Martial Artist. It's proper, but it's still a bit difficult to deal with the Star Void, and Luo Jin in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower can still be used.

Slaying the Star Void depends on this body.

Especially after Ning Tianlin prepares to leave Machine Race, in other races, a big plan must be implemented.

Although that way, it is easy to expose him to countless bigwigs, but so what. Danger and benefit are always equal, the greater the danger, the higher the benefit!

Have you not seen that the most profitable method in this world has always been forbidden in the law?

The more dangerous it is, the big benefits are accompanied by it.

"Well, now is the time to leave this place."

After this battle, Ning Tianlin doesn't think there will be a Martial Artist from Machine Race who will enter here again. It's no use waiting here.


The divine sense flashed, and he left the space of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.


Just when he stretched out his hand and prepared to put the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower into his body, a huge hand came from the depths of the void and moved towards He was caught fiercely from where he was.

Although this is the Secret Realm in the sky, and the surroundings are full of dangers, to the big hand, it is nothing at all.

"Demon Lord!"

"You are a fool!"

"Even doing a sneak attack!"

Ning Tianlin In an instant, I felt the aura on the opponent's body, and instantly recognized that the master of this big hand was the demon master!

The demon lord who broke half of his body and escaped from the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower in a hurry!



The space is shattered, and the demon master simply did not reply, so he moved towards Ning Tianlin and grabbed it.

He is going to kill this kid!

Originally, he had already escaped from the Secret Realm, but the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong. This is Ning Tianlin, he must die!

Once, he was from Earth, and he had an absolutely irreconcilable vengeance with him, especially if this Ning Tianlin knew what happened to Ancient Era back then, he would definitely not let him go. .

Two, the terrifying of this Ning Tianlin genius.

Only thirty years old, he already has the other strengths of Star Saint Level, especially the Universe Supreme Treasure such as Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. In it, I almost fell. If you really let this When this kind of person grows up, I am afraid I will regret it in the future!

So, this Ning Tianlin must die!

And die as soon as possible!

If you give him several decades, maybe you don’t even need the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation tower, the other party can compete with you!

So, while now, must solve this Ning Tianlin.

He does not believe that the other party will always stay in this Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

As long as he exits the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, he has a thousand ways to kill Ning Tianlin! And the other party definitely thought that he had escaped and walked out of this Cang Ming space, so this time was an opportunity.

I'm afraid there won't be any in the future.

So, even if he does not get to the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower this time, he will kill Ning Tianlin!


Ning Tianlin's body turned into thousands of flesh and blood in an instant, which made the Demon Lord extremely satisfied.


Isn't this going to die like this?

He never thought that Ning Tianlin would use any other tricks, because under his attack, a Star Saint Impossible was alive, but just in the wrong position, in the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower.

Outside, there are hundreds of millions of Ning Tianlin who are also impossible to be his opponent.

So, he didn't have much doubt about Ning Tianlin's death, and thought it should be.

Furthermore, he simply never paid attention to Ning Tianlin's past, and simply didn't know that he was an Immortal Body. After all, in the eyes of a Lord of Universe, Star Saint was just an ant.

If it weren't for Ning Tianlin who was from Earth, from Earth, he would also be impossible to focus on Ning Tianlin this time.

"Unfortunately, the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower also shattered."

He scanned the Divine Consciousness and wanted to detect the breath of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, hoping that he did not Broken, it was still a Universe Supreme Treasure, wading in front of his eyes, and he got it, but after observing it for a while, he saw nothing.

He estimated that the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower was really broken and turned into nothingness.

Don't feel bad, it's fake.


It's just very fast, but he is frowned, because in this sky and flesh, he didn't find his space ring!

A large part of the reason why he stayed behind to make a trick is because of his space ring.

Especially the three magic crystals in there.

This thing, that is also obtained by his painstaking suffering untold hardships, must not be lost.

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