"What the hell?"

After standing up, Ning Tianlin took a long sigh, then no longer paid attention to the blue liquid, but continued Start descending along the green branches.

He doesn't care about the tyrannical negative atmosphere. He just wants to know what the ends of these green branches are connected to.

These things are impossible for no reason.


Just like this, half a day later, before Ning Tianlin's eyes, a blue light appeared.

hiding the sky and covering the earth, a vast expanse.


When Ning Tianlin saw what these blue lights were all about, he was shocked.

These blue lights are bloomed by a very magnificent blue flower. The ends of these green plants, without exception, are all inserted and touched on these blue flowers.

The flowers are very large, and the length is calculated in light years.

The very magnificent branches, on this huge flower, are just like a touch of branches on the branches.

"This flower..."

Only a moment later, Ning Tianlin stared at the blue flower, feeling dizzy, as if it contained extremely attractive Magic.

"One flower."

"Two flowers."

"Three flowers."

Ning Tianlin is not near the blue flowers, It's just watching and wandering from afar.

It wasn't until a few days later that he was sure that there were nine blue flowers!

Eight flowers are in full bloom.

A flower is in bud, closed tightly.

On the surface of the blooming flower, there are green branches, but there is a long trunk underneath. The thickness and diameter are larger than the green branches and nine petals. too much.

"This is the stem..."

Unfortunately, a word struck Ning Tianlin's mind.

And the more I think about it, the more I feel that this kind of probability is great.

Even in his mind, there is a faint picture.


No more delays, no matter what is in the flower, directly along the stalk, dashing down.

If he guessed right, the length of the stem will be longer!

And this stalk is not over yet!

There must be something under him!


Ning Tianlin's blood flowed, guessing that he already knew what the branches, flowers, and stalks that traverse the void are, and if the lower part cooperates Rhizome, isn't it just a plant!

And the source of the blue magic crystal on the surface is probably just the fruit formed after the flower blooms!


The more Ning Tianlin thinks about it, the more he feels that this kind of probability is great, and even his breathing is a little short.

If this is the case, then what kind of horror this plant will be, compared to Mu Clan, I’m afraid I don’t know how much horror it is!


"It's really roots!"

This flight took three full days!

According to his speed, I no longer know how many galaxies Star Domain spanned!

But this length is just the stalk of a plant!

Ning Tianlin's breathing was already a bit short when he found the roots curled up all over the sky.


"Endless roots!"

These roots are earth-yellow, and some moved towards like a straight line It spreads ahead, some bend like pig hair, some are straight and intertwined, all kinds of entanglement, but without exception, all show to Ning Tianlin, his guess is good, these are roots!

Endless roots.

"This is really a plant!"

"A plant that is so huge!"

Ning Tianlin is not surprised that it is fake , He really never thought that a plant can be so big. Although the plant itself is not simply a concept compared to the size of humans, this plant is really too big!

"The origin of the magic crystal, it turned out to be the fruit of this plant!"

Ning Tianlin felt shocked, at first, really simply didn't think about it.

The origin of the magic crystal that almost killed him is actually a kind of fruit!

"No wonder there are big and small, they are all different in length!"

Ning Tianlin guessed that it was possible.

If the origin of this magic crystal is really fruit, the blue liquid surging in the branch should be nourishment!

It is these nutrients that are full of tyrannical aura that form this boundless divine sense magic crystal.


"Since there are nutrients, where do these nutrients come from?"

"In other words, this rhizome is through What it absorbs to form these nutrients that surge in the body."

Ordinary plants absorb nutrients from the soil, but in this space, there is simply no water and soil. This Plants swallow everything that makes the stalks turn into this boundless nourishment.


Ning Tianlin glanced at the endless rhizomes, his body flashed, and moved towards the bottom to chase again.

He just wants to know what the nourishment of this unknown plant depends on!

It's just that the root system is too large and long, and it took a long time for him to discover something strange.

Because the wind that had already disappeared, that is, the wind that was swayed by countless divine senses, it started to drift again at this moment. Although it was not much, it reappeared again. And all of them are extremely tyrannical, full of negative information such as killing, complaining, jealousy and so on.

It's just that these divine senses did not rush towards Ning Tianlin, but rush towards the root system.


Not running!

It was absorbed by the huge suction!

This root system seems to be sucking up these negative energies.


Ning Tianlin didn't stay, but flew down quickly, wanting to see what was at the bottom, and whether his guess was true.




As he went down, the roar of the sky became louder and louder, like the howling of the wind, For example, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, everywhere all is the terrifying sound of screams and howl, and the more down, the wind that swayed in this divine sense is getting bigger and bigger.

It's just that no wisp of wind is moved towards his Ning Tianlin!

Even though I have seen him and felt his coming, these divine senses mixed with endless negative emotions are all attracted by the great suction of the root system took out. No matter how hard they struggle, they escape. Can't drop.




Further down, various spaces have begun to appear Collapses and black holes in space are endless, like countless Void Insect eyes, appearing in Heaven and Earth here.

Ning Tianlin's most stunned thing is that he finally knows how these endless negative emotions come from.

They are all swallowed from these void black holes! As if crossing countless spaces!

"hua! ”

In order to verify his guess, Ning Tianlin stretched out his right hand, and a metal life like a robot dog flew out of his palm, changing more and more Big, and then rushed in through one of the densely packed black holes.

Ning Tianlin just wants to know what's on the other side of the densely packed void black hole.

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