"Whether it's life or death, I think it won't be long before I know it."

The heart of the demon master is coldly snorted.

He already knows that now the entire universe, Human Race, Mu Clan, Insect Race and many other high-level races are looking for the Ning Tianlin's way down.

It is one aspect that he keeps causing trouble, and the other is that many people want to know from the mouth of this Ning Tianlin, where is the true position of this Earth.

For this reason, countless powerhouses have been dispatched to search for clues to Earth in the entire Universe Starry Sky.

Black hair, dark eyes, yellow skin, and ethnic appearance are the biggest features.

It’s just that there are countless planets in the universe, too many, too many, and until now, the real Leader does not have a specific number, and every moment, these planets will be like the cells in the human body, constantly annihilating, constantly Born.

Something different happens in the universe all the time.

So, it will be a long time to learn about Earth from the investigations one by one. Even countless powerhouses feel that it is more reliable to find Ning Tianlin and get the clue of Earth from Ning Tianlin's mouth.

"It's just the disappearance of the Secret Realm, how do I feel uneasy?"

"It looks like something great happened?"

Has grown to the level of Lord of Universe.

When one thinks and one god, there is a faint resonance with the universe.

But now, he is abruptly alerting him, feeling that something big will happen.

And it is extremely detrimental to Machine Race.

It's just that he thinks about it, but he can't get the result.

Although he is the Lord of Universe, he doesn’t know anything about the Secret Realm. He only knows some furs. He doesn’t know, the "Nine Nether Hongji" and "Nine Nether" in the Secret Realm. Lan Ji", parents of equivalent to Machine Race!

It was the divine sense that they absorbed countless Great Thousand Worlds and condensed them, giving the Machine Race life that is only metal.

Now Jiuyang Hongji and Nine Nether Lanji are gone, and both have entered Ning Tianlin's nether space. After that, who will provide machine race with divine sense?

Without divine sense, how can Machine Race people awaken?

In other words, from now on, the life of this Machine Race is only death, not new life!

In this case, before long, the number of their Machine Race lives will continue to decline. There is no supplement. Over time, the only words facing them are apoptosis and annihilation!

This time may be 100 million years, 10,000 years, or even a great war. This time can be directly shortened to 100 years!

When the time comes, except for Machine Race, a handful of great experts are still alive and think that the rest are gone!

Without new forces to supplement, their Machine Race will be annihilated!

This is also the direct reason why the Demon Lord feels the crisis.

Unfortunately, he can only feel uneasy, but he has no idea what happened. Only after a while, no new Machine Race creatures are born, will they cause real panic. .


"Ning Tianlin, you are gone this time, but next time, it won’t be so easy!"


The figure flickered, and the demon lord left here directly.

Here, it is impossible to wait until Ning Tianlin, who knows where he went with the disappearing space. It's just that a news, but also under his sign, spread between powerhouses at a very fast speed.

. . . . . .

"The Secret Realm of the sky has disappeared!"

"The forbidden area of ​​the Machine Race, the Secret Realm of the sky has disappeared. I heard that it has nothing to do with Ning Tianlin of Human Race."

Mu Clan.

A piece of news spreads at a very fast speed, not only in the powerhouse, but also in ordinary Martial Artists.


"Secret Realm disappeared!"


Although they all It's Mu Clan, not part of Machine Race, but everyone has heard of Secret Realm, knowing that this is a Great Forbidden Land of Machine Race, the super Secret Realm ranked first.

I heard that Lord of Universe might die there!

Everything is dangerous, everywhere forbidden.

I even heard that the core secret of Machine Race lies in this sky Secret Realm.

The Secret Realm, which even the Lord of Universe can't help but disappear?

What the hell?

The position of Secret Realm in the Machine Race is equivalent to Yakumo Secret Realm, in the position of Mu Clan.

There is simply the tomb of the powerhouse!

What can Secret Realm of this level have to do with Ning Tianlin?

Can he still take away Secret Realm?

Just, who is this Ning Tianlin, why have they never heard of it?

Lord of Universe?

It shouldn’t be!

Although they are still far from reaching the level of Lord of Universe, they remember clearly the only Lord of Universe in the universe. They never have this name?

Is it a new promotion?


If you are newly promoted to the Lord of Universe, it will definitely be the shaking of the universe. Numerous powerhouses will come to congratulate it. It is the major event that shakes the universe. Why have they never heard of it?

"Ning Tianlin, is the one who killed the expert in our family and destroyed the ancient wooden space arranged by patriarch?"

A wooden man eyes shined, yes The person on the side asked.

He seems to have heard of this name, and he seems to have an enemy with them Mu Clan!

"Yes, it's him!"

"Really hateful and killable!"

"If it weren't for him, once our Mu Clan's ancient abyss is formed, Every once in a while, several super experts will be bred for us, and they are all destroyed by this nasty bastard!"

The hate of one person gnashing teeth.

If Ning Tianlin was here, he would have skin cramps.

He had obviously heard the name Ning Tianlin, Mugu Abyss Battle, which made Mu Clan's expert remember the name Ning Tianlin.


"Destroy our patriarch layout?"

"He destroyed the Mugu Abyss?"

A few people on the side directly exploded.


What the hell is this Ning Tianlin?

So amazing!

Can even their patriarch layout be destroyed?

Is it really the hidden Lord of Universe?

It is estimated that only this kind of person can destroy the Secret Realm of the sky, and the destruction will disappear.



"Tell us, what is the origin of this Ning Tianlin? So capable?"

After all, there are still people who don't know what Ning Tianlin comes from. Hearing it so fiercely, they all want to know how sacred he is.

"Who are you?"

"Speak out and scare you to death!"

One person is coldly snorted, "Originally he was our enemy of Mu Clan, I You shouldn’t sing the other’s greatness and destroy your own prestige, but this Ning Tianlin is really not a mortal, do you know how old is he?"

Speaking of this, this person looks at the surrounding people, proud Asked.

"How old is it?" Someone couldn't wait and asked directly.

"Three million years old?" A person asked uncertainly.

He feels that he has already said it early enough, three million years old, can become the existence of Lord of Universe, can destroy the Secret Realm of the sky, destroy the characters arranged by patriarch, it is already very powerful NS.

It's just that the person who asked the question simply didn't have him, and the question was obviously wrong.

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