
"Don’t you know?"

Although the person who spoke was broken, he was a bit real In terms of strength, he obtained some information about Earth from a certain channel, and saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him.

I could not help laughing, and said, "I tell you, Earth, this is a planet that existed in ancient times, it is extremely scary!"


tone barely fell, the people around are shaking.

Isn't it?


This is hundreds of millions of years away from now.

It is absolutely terrifying existence to be able to have the two words of antiquity. Not only to talk about other things, but to survive from that era, both are super powerhouses.

It is all the Lord of Universe nowadays, which seems to have survived from that era.

In an instant, with just a few words, this person attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone didn't expect, this Earth turned out to be something from ancient times.

"How horrible it is, not only because he exists with Ancient Era, the most important one, but on him, he has lived a large number of Lord of Universe! It is even said that at that time, 60% Lord of Universe, they are all gathered on this planet!"

This information, even Ning Tianlin himself may not know, but it was told by this broken-mouthed Mu Clan person. Obviously, he There is also a part of strength, and it seems that it is deliberately spread under the cue of a caring person.

"Isn't it?"

"Sixty percent of the Lord of Universe!"

"What a joke!"

All of a sudden, everyone boiled and couldn't believe their ears.

Just kidding!

Sixty percent of Lord of Universe!

How is this possible!

You must know that the birth of Lord of Universe is not only extremely difficult, but also the branch Aurora, a planet's resource, how can it be possible to share so many Lord of Universe?

Also, if there are so many Lord of Universe gathered on this planet, if it wants to control and conquer the universe, isn't it a matter of minutes? But since ancient times, how come it has never been heard that the universe has been unified?

Aren't they all forever fighting for battle?


"You can really brag!"

The onlookers are all snort disdainfully.

If they were new, the sows would be able to climb the tree.

How can a planet occupy 60% of the Lord of Universe?

Not just to say anything else, doesn't it mean that the master of this planet is the master of the entire universe?

And why have they never heard of this history?

"That's it!"

"I almost believed it!"

"Lord of Universe, that is the highest existence, no one is convinced, how could it be possible Gather in a planet?"

Everyone raised objections.


"I know you don't believe it."

This broken-mouthed Mu Clan directly curls one's lip, "Still the same sentence, Just listen if you want to listen, don’t listen if you don’t want to listen. I'm still swearing like that just now. Every word I say is a lesson from Heaven and Earth! Dare to use my tree heart and swear to our patriarch!"

"There is a lie, I will never get his asylum again!"

What happened back then, there is no evidence.

Besides word of mouth, who can prove it?

Furthermore, even if it can be proved, there is no way he can reach a Martial Artist who can't even reach the star imaginary.

This is the secret he got from others!

The secret is the real secret, how could he lie.

"Okay...We will believe you for the time being."

Mu Clan all around you look at me, I look at you, what else can we do?

I can only believe it.

Everyone swears a poisonous vow with a tree heart. If you are them, don’t dare to do this!

After all, if they lie, their battle strength will no longer be able to improve.


"Listen to me obediently." The broken-mouthed wooden man said again, "Remember, what I say next, you dare to say I swear in the name of patriarch that participation is not false!"

"Well, go on, go on quickly." Mu Clan hastily nodded around, no matter what, just listen first.

As for believing and unbelief, the judgment is in the heart.

Besides, there are a few people who know about Ancient Era.

"Then I will continue!"


This person is coldly snorted, "This 60% Lord of The Universe controls the entire universe, 80% of the universe’s resources, and, by the true master of Earth, with great battle strength, countless spaces have been drawn on Earth!"

" A space is actually a world!"

"Even according to the powerhouse at the time, a space can no longer be described by a world, but a universe!"

"The master of Earth has even heard that he has already reached the 9th dan of the Lord of Universe. Only a little bit away, he will be able to break through the last step and become the real controller of the universe! Command the world!"


Now, everyone is held breath cold air.

Only a little bit, you become the controller of the universe!

Everyone knows that this universe controller is even more powerful than Lord of Universe!

The controller is the real master of this universe! Is the true emperor of the entire universe!

Nowadays, all their Lord of Universe is just the king of Fiefdom! Not the only emperor yet!

Even all creatures believe that the universe controller is just a legendary existence, which is simply impossible to achieve, because the Heavenly Dao rules will not allow him to exist.

But didn't expect, the original owner of the legendary Earth, reached this point with only a trace!

This is obviously more terrifying existence than Lord of Universe Jiudan.

"But this is the slightest thing that made him not step forward at the last moment."

The wooden man took a deep breath and continued, "Earth is used to domineering and occupying With so many resources, of course too many people will be dissatisfied, so in the end, the 40% Lord of Universe teamed up. At the last moment, forcibly teamed up and destroyed Earth!"

"Countless small worlds have collapsed, and Earth's sphere of origin has also turned into nothingness."

When this person said this, the people on the side obviously didn't believe it.

What's the joke?

40% overthrow 60%?

Do you have this ability?

Don’t say anything else, if the Master of Earth has really reached that level, it’s no use giving you more people!

This level cannot be solved with more people!

When the opponent turns his palms back, maybe countless stars will be shattered.

If this Earth is really destroyed in the end, it will never be as simple as it is now. Forty% of them can be overthrown, and there are definitely countless secrets inside. .

Whether it is because it takes up too much resources to cause dissatisfaction is another matter.

How can an ordinary commoner be jealous of the emperor's occupation of too many resources? He will only be jealous of more people around him than him!

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