"Three hundred yuan!"

"Two hundred yuan!"

"Five hundred yuan!"

In the house.

Ning Tianlin flipped through the bloody corpses, trying to find some money from them. He earned 4,800 yuan in 24 hours. This system obviously wanted him to Ning Tianlin not according to normal methods. The rhythm of the cards!

So Ning Tianlin determined that this killing can make money, and it can also complete the task!

The money of the dead is also money!

Ning Tianlin was only disappointed that he had already turned over the clothes of three corpses, one was 300 yuan, the other was 200 yuan, and even the boss in a suit only had more than 500 yuan. This adds up to just one thousand yuan!


"Poorer than me!"

"Every time I go out with at least a dozen dollars, you guys Why is there only two dollars in my pocket!"

Ning Tianlin flipped the fourth corpse again. There were only two pieces in his body, making Ning Tianlin speechless for a while. You know, you are a robber anyway! How can there be only two dollars on the robbers! Are you going to take the bus to rob!

As for the last corpse, Ning Tianlin doesn't want to say anything anymore. It costs 38 yuan. Although it can eat a large plate of chicken, it is really too little for the current Ning Tianlin. !

"What to do!"

"Still didn't get it!"

Ning Tianlin stood up from the ground, a little speechless, he originally thought that these five people At least he can make up five thousand yuan in cash, but now it seems that he really looks at the robber industry! Five people add up to a thousand dollars in total!

"It is estimated that it is because you are poor that you came out to rob."

Ning Tianlin in the heart gave the five people a definition, and at the same time looked at the thick piles in their hands. "What's the use of giving me so many Galaxy cards, I don’t have a password! What I need now is cash!"

Compared with no cash, these five people’s bank cards , But there are a lot of horror, ICBC, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank, Post, Bank of China and other bank cards, there are a total of more than forty, and Ning Tianlin estimates that these Galaxy cards are likely to have a lot of money.

After all, these five people, in terms of size and appearance, are not like ordinary robbers, and should be habitual offenders.

Since they are habitual offenders, perhaps their net worth is on these cards.

"Xing Zhan, do you know the passwords of these bank cards?"

Throwing away these bank cards is really a pity, abruptly, Ning Tianlin thought of Xing Zhan, I don't know if it knows the passwords of these bank cards. When Xing Zhan was first acquired, it was said that it was the greatest battle strength system in the universe, knowing everything and everything.

"Of course I do."

"It's just a bunch of numbers!" Xing Zhan answered very easily.

"Can you tell me about them?" Ning Tianlin asked hopefully.

"Of course, it's a matter of lip service." Xing Zhan replied very arrogantly.

"Say, then!" Ning Tianlin was a little excited. There might be a lot of wealth in it. At least one trip to the city to take out the money, five thousand yuan is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.

"Unified, six zeros." Xing Zhan said.

"Six zeros?" Ning Tianlin was taken aback, and then asked in disbelief, "These more than forty cards are all six zeros?"

"Of course !"

"All six zeros!"

"Because these cards are used by the five people to transfer the stolen money, they are all newly created cards with a unified password."

Xing Zhan’s tone has a taste of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, "And I can give you a sentence for free, without a dime in it."

"What! "

"Not a dime!"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, and then he realized that this is definitely Xing Zhan playing with himself, if otherwise, how could it be that way? It's easy to talk, and I told myself the password. It turned out that he knew that there was not a dime in it!


Ning Tianlin cursed unconsciously, after spending a long time, I didn't even have a dime! Involuntarily, the right hand used force and directly left all of the more than forty cards on the ground, spilling a large amount of crash-bang.

"You are still called robbers?"

"Thieves are richer than you!"

Ning Tianlin in the heart wrinkled. But how did he know that for this action, the five people had already transferred all their money to the family at first. After all, this kind of work is risky!

Maybe you will go to jail, or even die!

Either way, it indicates that their accounts will be frozen and become dead accounts, so they sent the money to their family members early. In this way, even if they are really in trouble and the family has money, they can live without worry.

Although they are robbers, there are also people who are worried and concerned!

"Forget it."

"I can only find another way."

Ning Tianlin can only sigh in the heart, then straighten up, just right Seeing from the window of the sixth layer, the girl rescued by herself did not leave, but stood not far below, pacing back and forth, as if waiting for who.


"Can it?"

Ning Tianlin's eyes lit up, he saved this girl, can he borrow from her first? Some money to get through today's level. After completing the task, from the reward of one million, return it to her.

"Xing Zhan, can I do this?"

Ning Tianlin is worried that the battle strength system thinks it has taken advantage of the loophole and does not admit that it has completed the task.

"I don’t care if you have 4,800 yuan, no matter how you got it."

Xing Zhan replied, "And Xing, let me know in advance. The host of the greatest battle strength system in the universe, borrowing and repaying money is justified, and it is not how much you borrow in exchange for it, it must be returned a hundred times!"

"This can reflect our compulsion! "

"One hundred times!" When Ning Tianlin heard it, his voice had increased a little unconsciously at the moment. We must pay a hundred times for what we forced!

I force the grid to be not so high!

Besides, I saved her life! I didn't let her give it away for nothing.

However, Ning Tianlin still quickly calculated in the heart what the value of a hundred times is, "I have a thousand dollars now, which means there is still a difference of three thousand eight hundred."

"One hundred times is 380,000!"

Thinking of this, Ning Tianlin swallowed unconsciously in his throat.

His ordinary family is fascinated, 380,000, which is an astronomical figure for him! It's just that the parents haven't saved so much money for a lifetime! Although the system gave that one million for nothing after completing the task, 380,000, is it a bit too much?

"Then do you borrow or not? The decision is up to you."

The battle strength system coldly asked.


"Isn’t it 380,000, that's 620,000 left!"

"My compelling character is him Ma is so tall!"

Ning Tianlin said with a bit of gritted teeth.

Furthermore, he also knows that all of this is now his own conjecture. If the woman who was rescued didn't have so much money and couldn't spend three thousand eighteen, everything would be useless.

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