“bang! ”

“bang! ”

“bang! ”

But at this time, The huge creature below the great valley of Huangtian began to attack Ning Tianlin frantically. The huge tentacles were like sharp arrows, trying to pierce Ning Tianlin's body.

But unfortunately, with the invincible golden light body, Ning Tianlin's body just moved towards the back and flew backwards, without any damage.


I tried it many times, and looked at the tentacles that simply couldn’t hurt Ning Tianlin, and rolled them up like a python, wrapping Ning Tianlin’s body around. Live, then pull down suddenly, moved towards Huangtian great valley and fell.

"Let’s take a look first, don’t worry."

Ning Tianlin originally wanted to self-destruct his body, struggling away from the opponent’s rock, but after thinking about it, it still counts. Because the body is self-destructed, it's just breaking free temporarily.

And want to escape completely, this is not the way.

A Lord of Universe wants to catch you, but there is still no problem.


Ning Tianlin's body began to move towards below and fell rapidly.

Passing through the dense fog, his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

Because of this thick fog, it is simply not a normal thick fog, but very corrosive. If he guessed right, this thick fog should be the breath of the creatures below.

Gather here for a long time.

"But it shouldn't be."

Ning Tianlin frowned, because when he first appeared in the great valley of Huangtian, he had already taken a look at the surrounding situation. Clearly, there is simply no such thick fog!

At the time, the yellow sky was great valley, but the sky was clear and clear, and there was simply no fog below!

If not, he would not choose the battlefield here!

Moreover, he has never heard of the Secret Realm in this great valley.

"This shows that this creature sneaked in after the war, or that he has been lurking here, no one knows."

It is nothing more than these two situations.

Ning Tianlin is more inclined to second.

That is this creature. It has been hidden here, but no one has found him. It has always been here!

Although it is the Lord of Universe, if it is lurking after the war, so many Martial Artists, impossible, will not notice anything.


It's just that the other party simply didn't give him much time to think about, using huge tentacles, pulling his body to fall continuously, less than ten seconds, Ning Tianlin's There was a blur in front of him, and all kinds of mud appeared before his eyes.

Inspired by Divine Consciousness, he is actually passing through a mud swamp!

"This creature, is it hidden under the swamp?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback, with this kind of guess.

But after a while, through the mud swamp, he penetrated a piece of icy river water, like groundwater, and then entered a fiery lava from the mud.

"Your sister!"

"It is pulling me towards the center of this planet!"

At this time, Ning Tianlin has already realized what , This creature, simply is not lurking in the mud swamp, but in the real underground!

Even the Star Core of this planet!


Until one minute later.

The huge tentacles stopped falling, and Ning Tianlin's body also appeared in a huge black lacquered cave.

In the dark light, there are two huge raised red eyes, just watching them quietly.

In Ning Tianlin’s mind exploration, there are only two raised eyes, but four, six, and eight. After he sighed carefully, there actually existed in the darkness. With ten eyes!

There is red.

There is green!

There is blue!

There are also white and purple!

Even in addition to this red's huge antennae, the other eyes are accompanied by claws, long feet, tail, and fangs.

"What are you doing?"

Ning Tianlin is a little confused about the situation.

These ten eyes, five creatures, seem to share a body!

Because their heads are all connected on a very large body, similar to the trunk on Earth, but they are constantly squirming, deeply red, weird and terrifying!

"Kill him! He has the heart of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower. Kill him! Take it!" With scarlet raised eyes and a hidden mouth underneath, you can see After Ning Tianlin brought it here, he roared directly.

But what made Ning Tianlin's mind shocked was that the voice used by this person turned out to be a pure Earth language!

That is the Huaxia language today!

"What to kill?"

"Boiled and eaten!"

"I haven't eaten for a long time, I cooked him and eaten !"

A mouth suddenly appeared under the white eyes, and there was even a long tongue. The first time I saw Ning Tianlin, I licked the scarlet tongue, it seemed that Ning Tianlin was a Very delicious and delicious.

But Ning Tianlin feels that the point is that this mouth speaks in pure Chinese.

"no! Can't kill him!"

"I want to watch him dance!"

"I want to watch him perform!"

"I haven't seen dancing for a long time! I want someone to show me a dance!" The blue-eyed owner's eyes were shining, and a mouth appeared on the shared torso.

The spoken language is also Huaxia.

"Mad, you are all crazy!"

"We haven't heard a song for many years!"

"Let him sing us a song !"

"Hey, where are my ears? Have you seen my ears?"

Under the green eyes, there is also a mouth, which I use the most Pure Chinese language.

"What the hell?"

"What the fuck is this creature!"

Ning Tianlin was a little shocked.

What's the matter with these four eyes? It seems that each eye has its own thinking.

"Little friends, don't worry about them!"

"They are all fools!"


At this time, the owner of purple eyes opened his mouth.

And speaking normally, I even called Ning Tianlin a little friend.

Similarly, his words are also pure Huaxia.

I even asked Ning Tianlin, "Judging from your appearance, you are also an Earth person?"

The expression was shocked, he was incredible, and he had strong expectations.


"I am from Earth!"

Ning Tianlin nodded, said to the last eye.

It seems that he is the most sensible and thoughtful person here.


"What Earth!"

"How do I feel that this name is so familiar!"

After Tianlin said these words, the four eyes around him were all confused, and even the owner of the green eyes was even more confused, and then he yelled frantically.

"What's going on!"

"I feel very familiar with this Earth, but I don't remember anything!"

"Who am I!"

"Where am I!"


With the anger of this eye, the entire space began to vibrate, and large tracts of space collapsed, As tyrannical as a watermelon.

If Ning Tianlin hadn't had the invincible golden light body protection on his body, he would have been broken into pieces in this collapse.



"Why is this Earth so familiar to me!"

The owner of other eyes Also began to go crazy.

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