"Seven Monsters of Meishan?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback.

Why do you always feel that this name is a bit familiar? Looks like I've heard of it faintly.

But how can I not remember for a while.

"I rely on!"

"The Seven Monsters of Meishan!"

Only when he searched through his childhood memories, he knew how to respond. thing.

Seven Monsters of Meishan!

Characters in Investiture of the Gods!

White Ape Yuan Hong, cultivation 89 Arcane Art, Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body murder!

Buffalo Jindasheng, strong as an ox, vomits Yellow Ox and burns people!

The yellow dog wears a ceremony and vomits red beads to hurt people!

Zhu Zizhen, the wild boar, likes the original size appear, and directly swallows the enemy in one bite.

Centipede Wu Long, vomiting black mist and fainting the enemy, can always turn into blue smoke and escape at the last critical moment.

Chang Hao, the white snake, sprays poison qi to kill the enemy, and can also turn into green smoke to escape

Goat Yang Xian, breathes white light, can turn his sheep pill into a magic weapon. Cover the enemy without moving, but the opponent can fight back!

This is the record of the Seven Monsters of Meishan in Investiture of the Gods.

If it weren't for his Ning Tianlin to be able to search for his own memory at any time, otherwise he really doesn't remember these seven creatures.

"Is this creature the Meishan Seven Monsters?"

Ning Tianlin was taken aback.

But then there is shook the head, "No, shouldn’t the Meishan Seven Monsters be seven creatures, but now, there are only five creatures! If there are two eyes that count as one creature!"

Ning Tianlin knows that every pair of eyes is conscious and should be counted as an independent creature, but now, there are only five in full.

We are two short of seven!

"Are you guys?"

But Ning Tianlin still asked the doubts in his heart.

No way.

He can only think of these.

Moreover, this is not impossible.

"Not bad!"

"We are the Seven Monsters of Meishan!"

"Didn't expect, hundreds of millions of years have passed, this is true on Earth There are legends about us."

The owner of this purple eye breathed out a long sigh after seeing Ning Tianlin's answer.


Their names are not completely submerged in the long river of time.

Some people remember their names.

This can be considered Desperate for Earth back then, not in vain!

"But, don’t you have seven Meishan Seven Monsters in total?"

"Why there are only five now?"

Ning Tianlin still thinks Doubts came out.

What happened back then, let you make it like this.

And now it’s too weird. Five and four are crazy. They don’t even remember their original names. They don’t even know Earth. They are clamoring to watch dancing. Eat.

It seems that there is only the original instinct.

"Yes, we have seven in total."

Purple eyes are sighed, full of sadness, "The green eyes you see now, he is the white snake Changhao, red The eyes, he is the wild boar Zhu Zizhen, the white eyes are the buffalo Jin Dasheng, the yellow eyes are the yellow dog wearing gifts, and I am the goat Yang Xian."

The owner of this purple eye, self- destruct identity.

Said five names.

Also let Ning Tianlin confirm that the Seven Meishan Monsters indeed refer to the seven monsters who descended from Meishan during the Conferred God War.

"War of Conferred Gods!"

Just abruptly, Ning Tianlin thought of this question.

The battle of the gods?

What is going on here?

It seems that there was still a lot of noise back then.

But he did not immediately ask, but waited for the goat Yang Xian to tell everything before.

"There are two more, our boss White Ape Yuan Hong, and our seventh brother centipede Wu Long."

"They are not here!"

Speaking of the names of the last two, the goat has a painful expression. It seems that after so many years, there is no worry about the whereabouts of the two.

"Where are they?"

Ning Tianlin asked.


Goat Yang Xian gave a wry smile, "Let’s talk about the five of us, why are we like this."

He even asked Ning Tianlin, "Do you know that the ultimate battle that Earth was broken back then?"

"En." Ning Tianlin nodded, seemingly recalling what happened back then, how could he not avoid it? this problem.

"Back then, Ancient Battle, heaven falls and earth rends, countless Lord of Universe, madly attacked Earth, the number of Lord of Universe is totally several times that of Earth's side, or even more!"

"Even though he is extremely brave, he is the best in the world, but one person is still dragged by the 100 Lord of Universe, and he is inseparable."

There is no explanation for this honor. Who is it, but Luo Chenmu doesn't need to guess, this must be a respect for the ancient Number One Person.

"So, the Seven Monsters of Meishan were forced to use the last secret technique!"

"The Great Fusion of Meishan!"

Speaking In this cultivation technique, the goat’s purple eyes showed sadness, because it contained not only the Seven Monsters of Meishan, but also the countless creatures who followed them from Meishan back then.

Said it is a fusion cultivation technique, but it is actually a sacrificial cultivation technique!

In the end, countless Meishan creatures will sacrifice for them!

In the end, only their Meishan Seven Devils will be alive.

Ning Tianlin's ears of this cultivation technique are a bit funny.

Meishan integration?

You have a prestigious name anyway, such as Meishan Fusion Dafa, and the Seven Monsters are better than Zhengyi.

At this time, he can't show the slightest strangeness. If not, the other party's good attitude can immediately become an enemy!

"This Meishan Grand Fusion is a very high-level cultivation technique. It is a Martial Artist that can make the Star Desolation 9th Duan a cultivation technique for the Lord of Universe for a short time!"

Goat Yang Xian said this with a little pride in his eyes.

Because this is the cultivation technique their seven brothers have spent countless years researching out!

It is also their capital for confronting Lord of Universe!

"Let Xinghuang Jiuduan become the Lord of Universe?!"

Ning Tianlin was shocked!

If this is the case, this cultivation technique is definitely a treasure in the world, extremely powerful! You know, even though the Martial Artists of Star Wilderness have reached the 9th dan, they are fundamentally different from the Lord of Universe!

The opponent can pinch Xinghuang Jiudan to death with a single finger!

Every great realm's perception is that there is a huge difference in strength!

"Not bad!"

"This cultivation technique can make seven Martial Artists of the nine descents and millions of Martial Artists of the galaxy, and finally turn them into a common lifeform, and This lifeform has seven thoughts! But it also has the strength of Lord of Universe!"

"Seven thoughts are the thoughts of the seven star martial artists. In the end, millions of galaxy scholars will all become victims. Burning their lives and dedicating the essence of their whole body! But their thinking is always passed away!" Speaking of this, the goat seems to remember the tragedy of the First World War. If it weren't for the year, there would be no way. They are not willing to sacrifice the lives of so many millions of Martial Artists in the galaxy!

You know, they all came out of Meishan with them!

Also the creatures of Meishan!

Moreover, they have sincerely followed themselves all their lives, loyal to themselves!

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