Hearing this, Ning Tianlin is also in a great shock.

insect race. . . . . .

Insect race actually got such a cultivation technique. . . . . .

That day hasn't changed completely!

Because of this cultivation technique, it can be said to be tailor-made for the insect race. In the entire universe, only they can achieve uniformity, what they say is what they say, even if they are charged into the Fire Pit, they will jump without the slightest hesitation!

Not to mention the sacrifice of life.

"At that time, there were more than 30,000 Martial Artists in the insect race. Although most of them failed, they still made up a thousand Lord of Universe!"

"They joined The war directly affected the trend of the battle and changed the outcome."

"It can be said that without us, Earth would not necessarily lose in the final battle that year!"

" It was we who caused Earth to that point!"

Goat Yang is conspicuously full of self-blame.

This is also an indelible pain in his heart for trillions of years.

Even this is the reason why they have been hiding here and dare not go out. They are ashamed of Earth, and ashamed of their respect. Every time they think of this, they are still a little quiet and make the four companions go crazy.

"Things are over, there is no right and wrong. After all, you also want to kill one more enemy and help Earth."

Ning Tianlin can only speak with comfort.

This kind of thing, how can there be real right and wrong.

They just want to do their part.

Everyone will do bad things with good intentions at any time.

"Besides, even without your intervention, Earth would not have won."

Ning Tianlin came to a conclusion.

Not even possible, but sure!



Goat Yang Xian was taken aback and asked quickly.

Earth had the advantage back then, and he always believed that if it weren't for them, Earth would not be so!

"Because some people don’t know how to make Earth develop, and watch the ancient Number One Person take the last step!"

Ning Tianlin is 100% sure that Earth has survived. At that time, but then, that terrifying creature will have a second, third, various ways to deal with the ancient Number One Person.

After all, the terrifying creature has determined that the ancient Number One Person at that time was the cancer cell in his heart!



The goat was taken aback, but it was curl one's lip, "You mean those Lord of Universe?"

"What about if they don't allow it?"

"The honorable master simply won't put them in his eyes!"

"Just get through that Once, there will be countless ways to punish them."

Ning Tianlin was taken aback by the words of the goat, and he couldn't help but wonder, "You... I don't know who I am talking about. "

The creatures in his mouth are not the Lord of Universe, but the horrible creatures that command the Lord of Universe!

It is the ultimate behind-the-scenes envoy, it is he who treats the ancient Number One Person as a cancer cell, and must be completely wiped out!


"What do you mean?"

The goat was taken aback, and some couldn't keep up with Ning Tianlin's rhythm.

In this universe, in addition to those Lord of Universe, who else is dreaded.

If they hadn't joined forces madly, one hand would be able to smash them out of shit!

"You don't know a legend, we actually live in the body of a certain kind of creature?"

Ning Tianlin thought for a while, and decided to tell the story.

It looks like a few in front of me, I simply don’t know this situation!

But also, their Meishan Seven Monsters are not the real Lord of Universe. They have not yet come into contact with this level, especially their identities. At that time, I am afraid that they are far from being compared with Yao Heavenly Fox.

I'm afraid they don't know this secret.

Even Ning Tianlin feels that even now, there are no more than a hundred people in the universe who have mastered this secret!


"In the body?"

"What do you mean?"

Sure enough, the goat simply never heard of this Theories and speculations are not clear for a while.

But when Ning Tianlin told him everything he knew, his eyes kept changing, sometimes frightened, sometimes sad, and sometimes a sense of relief, but quickly, but thick Strong self-blame.

"What do you mean, if there were no changes caused by us at the time, even if the dignity wins, the terrifying creatures would still not let the dignity go?"

" Will there be various means to attack the Supreme?"

"He is the ultimate behind the scenes?"

This time not only the goat asked this question, the four on the side The eyes are also suddenly extremely quiet, not mad and no trouble, looking at Ning Tianlin very seriously, there is a feeling that you don't answer well and tear you at any time.

"Not bad."

Ning Tianlin nodded, "Just as if there are cancer cells in your body, what you can think of, of course, is to destroy it immediately, not twice. Two times less than three times. Until it disappears completely!"

"This creature will not let go of the ancient Number One Person!"

This is a 100% fact.

It’s Ning Tianlin who will definitely do it instead.


"Although you are wrong, it is not the root cause."

Ning Tianlin nodded, "So, you should cheer up now and find a way to grow up as soon as possible to become the ancient Number One Person. Revenge!"

"Only the enemy is the ultimate reward!"

"These Lords of Universe should be killed. If possible, this terrifying creature, we have to fight He fights!"

"Instead of staying here crazy, like a cage, only trapped here for hundreds of millions of years!"

Ning Tianlin's goal, of course, is not only It is these Lord of Universes, he will eventually go to the step of the ancient Number One Person.

What the ancient Number One Person faced at that time, he will definitely face it in the future.

Even more terrifying!

But he will never be afraid, he has to control this universe, and even get out of it! Personally and this terrifying creature, come to a one-on-one decisive battle!

Moreover, he always has a guess.

That is that this terrifying creature may not be terrible, in another universe, he is also very likely to be just an ordinary person!

Just like Earth’s ordinary person!

Otherwise, facing the "cancer" of the ancient Number One Person that can kill him, it is not taking medicine or driving the creatures of Lord of Universe, but directly descending the fleshy body and personally taking the ancients. Number One Person beheaded!

If he doesn't appear, it is very likely that he can't do it!

Just like before Earth did not change greatly, the ordinary person is impossible to see inwardly, and simply cannot see the internal structure of his body, but if he starts cultivation, it is different.

Anyone can see the inside of the body clearly, and even Divine Consciousness comes and kills directly!


The goat smiled bitterly, "Do you think we are mad because we have a guilty heart?"

"We don't have any Have you ever wanted to avenge your respect?"

"After all, one can kill one, and one pair is one pair. Although we Meishan Seven Devils have done something wrong, we have never been afraid of death! "

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