
Ning Tianlin gritted his teeth and made a decision!

If there is anything in this world that has the fastest source, this is the first place, simply no one dares to rank second!

After all, this is no business!

And it is the kind of means that can accumulate the wealth that the other party has accumulated for many years, and occupy one's own place!

"But I am not grabbing, but letting you return it!"

"Return ten times a hundred times!"

Ning Tianlin thought of this, The three major temples, Ten Great Sects, Eight Great Families, this Human Race holy land, and even the Great Sect inheritance of other races, it can be said that they are all involved in the great valley of Huangtian today!

Moreover, it is inseparable from Ancient Battle.

"There is a super invisible existence, as long as it is not a special memorial, it can definitely plunder the other party's resources"!

This is the fastest way Ning Tianlin can think of to increase his essence points.

Absolutely faster than hunting down Martial Artist!

These Great Sects, great inheritance, the things they accumulate can only be calculated in hundreds of millions. It is definitely his horrible wealth that Ning Tianlin cannot accumulate for thousands of years with his own one.

Ning Tianlin, this time he set his sights on them.

"This matter will be implemented when I come back from Earth!"

Ning Tianlin made the decision.

I even picked the first target.

When this period of time has passed, he returned from Earth and immediately began to implement it!

Only by letting oneself become Lord of Universe as soon as possible can he have the absolute right to speak when the real crisis comes. After all, as long as he is in the second paragraph of the Lord of Universe, he can be comparable to the nine paragraphs of the Lord of Universe!

Once he becomes the Lord of Universe, he will definitely be in the forefront of the Lord of Universe immediately!

"Before returning to Earth, I still have two things to do!"

"One is to kill 10,000 famous Martial Artists and accumulate some energy points!"

"The other one is revenge!"

He Ning Tianlin still remembers that he had a grudge but he didn't avenge it.

When he was in one of the 100 cities of Human Race, the central capital city, a Mu Clan’s star holy Muze technique suddenly descended, not only smashed him into scum, but also killed him. The master of City Lord and Lin Jiayi.

these two people, one is good for him and the other is good for Lin Jiayi.

Although he also knows that there is more use of the relationship, but when people get along with others, isn't it all you use me, I use you?

Mutual help among friends is not a kind of use?

these two people, he once swore that when he became the Lord of Universe, he would turn things around, turn back time, and bring these two people back to life! And their level is not high, a star king, a star hole!

It will never cause too much backlash.

But now, all he can do is to avenge this grudge first!

After all, I was tricked by the other party.

At that time, when Ning Tianlin became a star saint, he decided to implement it, but various things were intertwined, which delayed some time and missed it.

This time before returning to Earth to take a look, he must have solved the matter first.

"Now, start from this Martial Artist!"

Ning Tianlin a cold glow flashed.

A decision is made!

Ten thousand!

Ten thousand martial artists beheaded, he went to Mu Clan, killed Muzeshu, and then returned to Earth!

If everything goes well, it will take less than a year or two, or even a few months!


The figure flashed, and Ning Tianlin also left this place directly.

The next place.

He chose the orcs.

He clearly remembered that at that time, the Orcs sent no less than five star-horse-level Martial Artists to come to this great valley to kill him.

This time his goal is 50 expert Martial Artist level of the Orc Star Wilderness!

You come five, I will kill fifty!

Ten times refunded!


With the existence of the battle strength system, any Martial Artist hiding in the void cultivation is simply not a secret to him, as long as he thoughts move, battle The strength system will directly give him a coordinate.

In such matters, the battle strength system generally will not conceal anything.

The Orc Territory.

A planet full of yellow sand.

10,000 meters underground.

There are endless potholes around.

In particular, these potholes are floating in another layer of void, as if they would dissipate in an unstable space at any time.

"What are you doing!"

"Come to our orcs to go wild!"

Ning Tianlin used super stealth and appeared on a nose often, long In front of the Martial Artist who looked a bit like a mouse, he didn't show up. Instead, he released the ghouls from the Tradition Clan, the Holy A Clan, and the Undead Clan.

Only an instant, this rodent saw three Martial Artists of different races, and their complexion greatly changed.

How did they appear?

He didn't notice it at all.

It seems to appear directly in this space.

Moreover, this rodent is extremely puzzled by the three Martial Artists in front of him, how can they be together?

Aren’t the undead and the tragedy a natural enemy?

There is also the Saint A clan, they are not at all in harmony with the Tanshu clan, the undead clan?

How did their three races directly descend on their territory together?

I never think I have offended them.

“bang! ”

It was just three ghouls, simply didn't talk nonsense with him, and under the order of Ning Tianlin, directly attacked the opponent.

But you can't kill, you can beat half-dead, but you can't die!

Although they don't understand why they want to do this, Ning Tianlin's words are the imperial decree in their hearts, and what they say is what they say, and they can't be violated in the slightest!




For a time, heaven falls and earth rends, space collapsed.

It’s just that Ning Tianlin is already in the void outside, and a silent Formation has been laid. Anyone outside will not notice a natural phenomenon here unless the Lord of Universe glances!

But he has dealt with Lord of Universe several times. He knows that these people often hide in their respective voids for cultivation. They will not scan for no reason, let alone the Martial Artist's territory. Take a glance.

In less than two seconds, the rodent was restrained!

Yes, two seconds!

Because Ning Tianlin is a helper in super stealth!

Took out the invincible ultimate weapon, super dizzy!

Make the opponent dizzy for three seconds for no reason, there is no answer at all!

And in these three seconds, the three Peak Martial Artists will subdue the rat in just one second!

Not only did he break his body to pieces, but it also banned him so that he could not be able to fight back at all!


Ning Tianlin hehe smiled, raised the knife in his hand, and directly killed the rodent that could not resist.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for gaining five thousand poles of energy!"

The sound of the battle strength system also sounded at this time.



After the Wanzu centipede was recruited, he ate it with big mouthfuls for a moment Later, in Ning Tianlin's hand, he spit out a space ring, which is another four thousand pole essence countdown.

half a day later.

The silhouettes of several people appeared in another martial artist cultivation place of the Orcs.

After killing, he found another place.

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