"Chairman, I don’t know if I can talk about it alone? It’s not good for too many people to know about many things."

Ning Tianlin took a look at all around, if so Said the referring.

"Okay." The chairman considered for a while, nodded, "Then be in this attic." At the same time, he waved his hand and said to the surrounding bodyguards, "You leave two hundred meters away without my order. , Don’t come near!"

"Chairman!" When the surrounding guards heard this, they immediately became anxious. The youngster in front of him is an extreme danger, although he is now harmless to humans and animals, very respectful. Looks like, but judging by the aura leaking from his body, the other party's body is definitely deadly!

Killed people!

He also walked out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, and is most sensitive to this kind of breath! Moreover, the other party can appear here quietly, which is definitely the expert in expert! Don't fail!

"It's okay."

The chairman waved his hand. He has been up and down for a lifetime, and he still has several points of self-confidence in identifying people. From the youngster's eyes, all he can see is Sincere, without any hostile meaning, plus what the other party just said, he is willing to talk to this youngster.

Because his dream is to complete the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and he has been fighting for it!

It’s just this road, it’s really hard to walk...

"Major Ann, go down, I will stay with the chairman, if he wants to It’s not good for the chairman. I must step over the old man’s corpse!” At this time, Mr. Zhu on the side spoke, and looked at Ning Tianlin and said, “Mr. Ning, I’m here to listen, there won’t be any problems, right? "

"You have also seen that I have a good relationship with the chairman. Many things will be discussed with my old bones."

The audit is one aspect, this old Zhu The most worrying thing is actually the safety of the chairman, because the other party's body really smells of ominous beast, how can he, a man of his life, not feel it.

But if the person in front of you really wants to be disadvantageous to the chairman, he will definitely fight to the death.

"I have no opinion, as long as the chairman agrees." Ning Tianlin said.

"Well. The chairman was nodded on the spot, and then, these security personnel quickly retreated. Only a moment later, Ning Tianlin was shocked because the battle strength system told him that now at least has ten Lock his head with the sniper rifle.

As long as he dares to make any changes, he will definitely be screened by the other party.

"Chairman, I don’t know, have you ever heard of it, alien? "Ning Tianlin stared into the chairman's eyes and asked seriously.

Yes, alien!!!

Ning Tianlin's excuse this time is still the alien Human! He wants to push everything to aliens! After all, the battle strength system is too bad, he said that it is impossible to compare with aliens!

As long as battle strength With the system in hand, give him time to Ning Tianlin. In the future, he will sling aliens and plunder their resources!

Aliens, in front of the battle strength system, he is really not even a scum , But at this moment, all the aliens who can come to Earth are absolutely awesome. At the very least, they must be ahead of Earth in terms of technology.

"Well. "

"Have heard it. "

After a while, the chairman is nodded, and the old man next to him is also nodded.

"Then, in this case, it will be easier to explain. My current identity is an alien, who came to your Earth from a planet in the galaxy, with a special purpose. "

"As for the purpose, it is not convenient for me to tell you because of the confidentiality regulations. "

"Now this body was dug out from a tomb in your Jinchuan City, because my spaceship happened to pass by at that time, and it was monitored that he had just died not long ago, so I took his The body is for one's own use. "

"You can go and investigate, this body called Ning Tianlin, 23 days ago, died and was buried because of something. "

This excuse is also the reason that Ning Tianlin thinks is the most convincing to the person in front of him now. If not, just resurrecting himself is a difficult problem to explain. Now push everything to aliens On the body, where water flows, a canal is formed.

Besides, I will have to come up with a lot of technology after the meeting.

"En. "

The chairman nodded, he indicated that he knew, this kind of thing, he wants to figure out, it is just a very simple thing.

"I will come this time, as long as one request, Just join your 001 unit. "

Ning Tianlin stared at the chairman's eyes, and said very seriously, only seeing that the faces of the two people on the opposite side had changed, he added hurriedly, "Of course, it is just a non-staff person who enjoys the same as them. that power. "

"But the obligation, I will not fulfill it. "

Unit 001, Ning Tianlin had never heard of it. The battle strength system told him that the people in it were all the elites of the special forces and were selected from thousands of elites. , Has extremely high military quality.

The ordinary person fights them hand-to-hand, there are not one or two hundred, don’t even think about it!

But these are not the main ones, Ning Tianlin also He doesn’t care at all. What he values ​​is that anyone in the 001 unit has a gun license and has immunity from homicide!

Even if it is a manslaughter, or even deliberately killing someone who has not committed a crime, There is no need to bear any responsibility. Because they are only responsible to one person, that is the chairman!

Although this 001 unit is called a unit, there are only twelve people, no names, only code names, and ten The Chinese zodiac in the second zodiac is replaced. Tiger, rabbit, dragon, etc., everyone, the lowest is the major level.

"It seems that you still know a lot. "

The chairman did not answer the same disagreement, but glanced at Ning Tianlin's eyes and said slowly. He didn't expect the youngster's intelligence in front of him to be really good, 001 troops, the entire Greater China knew it Yes, no more than ten people.

It’s just that he is thinking about why the opponent should join the 001 unit. Weapons? Equipment? Absolutely impossible. If the opponent is really an alien, he still needs these? Even his side. The old man is also thinking about why the youngster in front of him should join such an organization.

"Chairman, you know, if my alien identity is revealed, I might... "

Ning Tianlin finished speaking, and made a wiping motion of his neck, which also made the chairman instantly aware of Ning Tianlin's purpose. It is not against the law to kill, and there are such people. After all, the law is made by the truly privileged people to serve them.

Prince committed the crime of the common people, and that only existed in a certain period of time, or in the legend.

And this 001 unit, just Have this kind of power! After all, sometimes it is necessary to perform highly confidential tasks related to major events of the country. This is allowed in any country.

Anyone knows that the country The interests of the country are above all else!

"Chairman, in exchange, I will provide the country with everything I can provide, help, and greatly accelerate the development of the country. You may not know that our planet's technology is at least 500 years ahead of your Earth. "

In order to add weight, Ning Tianlin said, "Chairman, you don't want to know, how did I appear here?" "

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