Three years later.

A piece of snow.

Ning Tianlin was walking slowly in the snow with a little boy and a little girl in her hand.

The two children are both less than two years old, but they can both trot. For a while, and for a while, they are constantly tumbling on the snow. Ning Tianlin looks at them and feels Kind of strange satisfaction.

The boy was born to him and Shu Yishan, and the girl was born to him and Lin Jiayi.

The difference between the two is less than ten days.

It turned out that he ran into the universe and rarely considered family matters, just to protect their safety, but now, he only feels that he has the inheritance of bloodline, and he has a different kind of responsibility than before.

Looking at the two little fellows, he only felt that he saw the original himself.

"Father, father hug."

The little boy took the lead in moving towards Ning Tianlin and rushed over, but then the little girl didn’t dare to show weakness, rushed over, and also opened. Raised his arms.

Ning Tianlin looked at them with a smile, squatted on the ground, opened his arms, and put both children in his arms at once.


Ning Tianlin laughed, took them to earn a few laps on the snow, then hugged them, flew up in the air for a while, and flew down for a while , Let them experience the feeling of flying in the sky, and even took them on a seabed tour.

It's just that the two children are too young, so he used astral qi to condense them into a protective cover.



The two children laughed out loud, just thinking it was very funny.


Just at this moment, his Divine Consciousness actually sensed a huge golden ape, one crawling on the ground, almost the size of a city A dark green crocodile, and a skin is rough, flesh is thick, a wild boar that can be popular, suspended in the headquarters of League of Legends.

"Shi Xiaojun, can you dare to fight with us!"

"Our ancient clan, we must fight with you humans for the right to occupy this Earth!"

The three creatures that came were all of the star cave level. They all activated the ancient bloodline contained in the original body in the rapid recovery of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. They believed that their strength had greatly increased and reached the level of the first few experts of Earth!

No human being can compete with them.

After all, the heroes among humans have already represented the high-end level of the Earth people, but the public announcement seems to be only the Nebula level, and simply is not their opponent!

So they approached Shi Xiaojun directly this time.

The number one expert known as the League of Legends!

As long as they defeat him, they will go to Heavenly Saint Island again and fight against the Ning Family expert who is known as the human number one Holy Land!

It's a pity that Ning Tianlin probably has already left Earth. That one is the number one expert known as human. After he beat him to the ground, humans no longer have an expert that can compete with them. .

When the time comes, they will take the countless resources of Earth as their own!

Let human beings be their slaves and work for them!

Now, these three creatures that resurrected the ancient bloodline are just the front soldiers. Behind them, there are at least hundreds of ancient creatures hidden in the dark.

After all, these years, the power of mankind is really too great. They are simply not sure that what mankind has announced is the most powerful existence, and there is no hidden selfishness.

You must know that human beings love to hide everything they do, especially Chinese people, who always like to keep some killing move and the like for backup.


Countless heroes rose into the air, flying off the ground, floating in the void, staring coldly at these three ancient creatures, "Who are you, dare to break in League of Legends headquarters, quickly retreat, otherwise kill without mercy!"

at least has a hundred heroes.

A big figure is useful?

In the past few years, they have no idea how many ominous beasts raging in Human Race have been killed!

These ominous beasts are also due to the recovery of Spiritual Qi, which can start cultivation and continue to evolve. With some battle strength, they are raging in the Human Race. However, because of the systematic growth system of human beings, There are various martial arts resources, and I don’t know how much faster the progress is than ominous beast.

They are suppressed and posted!

There has never been any beast woodlouse plague.

But now, I dare to come to the League of Legends to play wild! Really tired and crooked!

However, these three ominous beasts are indeed big enough, much larger than the ominous beasts they have seen before.


The only answer to these heroes is the attack of three activating ancient bloodline ominous beasts.

In an instant, the giant crocodile opened its mouth and swallowed more than fifty people. If the other heroes weren't flashing fast, they would all be swallowed. However, they escaped the attack of the giant crocodile, but they were all pinched by the giant palm of the giant orangutan nearby.

"Shi Xiaojun, don't you dare to come out as the Alliance Leader of the League of Legends?"

"If you hide like this, I will squeeze all your subordinates! "

The golden orangutan roared at the sky, and even beat his chest constantly with his palms, and directly shook the remaining heroes in his hands.

However, Shi Xiaojun still did not come out.

Not afraid, but because he is simply not here!

One year ago, he entered a Secret Realm that appeared and started exploring, and he has not come out until now.

"What's the matter?"

"These three ominous beasts are so powerful, the heroes are not their opponents, and they are subdued with one move!"

Countless people looked up at the sky, watching this scene were extremely shocked.

What's going on, how these ominous beasts break through the defense of the city, come here, and even hit the headquarters of the League of Legends. And these heroes are not their one-to-one enemy!

Where is Shi Xiaojun?

Where is he going?

You know, he is the number one expert of League of Legends!

Does he also know that he is not the opponent, and deliberately avoids and dare not fight?

"I count three times. If I don't come out, I will really crush these heroes"!

The golden gorilla roared.

Is it because Shi Xiaojun looked down on him and didn't bother to come out to fight?




It keeps counting down, the sound is loud, so heavenly and Earth.

"Well, since you don't come out, then I will squeeze your League of Legends dísciple. From then on, your League of Legends will be a joke of your humans"!


The golden orangutan is about to smash the bodies of all the heroes!

The three of them believe that today is definitely going to be a day in the annals of history!

Their ancient bloodline will represent all creatures of Earth, conquer and enslave mankind! Let them become the true Sovereign of Earth!

Even the other bloodlines hidden behind them are all watching this scene with excitement.

Humans are too scumbag.

I didn't even dare to come out!

At the beginning, they didn't dare to lie dormant for so long. They should have done it as soon as the bloodline was activated. These people thunder, simply don't do it! It can only deal with some of the same kind that hasn't activated the ancient bloodline.

Simply is not their opponent!

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