"What's wrong?"

"What's going on!"

Seeing the abnormal performance of the warlock in the rivers and lakes, Mr. Zhu was taken aback, and The guard at the door also rushed forward, wanting to know what happened inside, but the first time he looked inside the room, his scalp was numb, not scared, but extremely angry!

He can be this guard, and he is also an elite selected from the army. He came out of the sea of ​​blood and blood. How can he care about the flesh and blood on the ground? He cares, this dead is the old man’s. granddaughter!

The granddaughter of the old man was cruelly beaten into scum!

Now, there is only one head left!


Without the slightest hesitation, the guard pointed the gun in his hand at Ning Tianlin and pressed the trigger, but it was not the head, he did not It will make the opponent die, but will only make the opponent lose the ability to operate.

Wait, he will personally torture the other party to death, let the other party taste the most powerful torture!

I killed the granddaughter of the old man, how could he die so easily!




Six shots were fired in a row, and the angle of each shot was different. One shot was for the left shoulder, one was for the right shoulder, one was for the left leg, one was for the right leg, and the other was for the left wrist. One shot is the right hand wrist, and the speed of going out of the wall is very fast, and it takes less than two seconds in total.

Furthermore, with his hit rate of 100 shots and 100 hits, self-confidence can definitely give the other party the ability to zombie action in an instant!

But weird, what made him incredible is that the bullet he fired was blocked by an invisible energy when it was still one meter away from the youngster in the house.

After the bullet spun rapidly in the air, it fell to the ground. The front of the shell has been ground into slag.

Six shots in a row are like this!

"What's the matter!"

"What are you doing, Luoping! Don't put the gun down yet!"

The old man is a little far away, physical inconvenience, not I know what happened inside, but when I think of the people inside once said that he didn't want to be disturbed during treatment, but now the door is not only pushed open, but his guard moved towards the other party and fired, which made the inside What do people think of themselves! Can't save my granddaughter!

I just thought that Luo Ping had been with me for more than ten years. I knew his nature very well, and he was definitely not an impulsive person. Now, I did such a thing in front of my own face. Warlock's reaction, something extraordinary must have happened inside!

But he still yelled and asked Luo Ping to put down the gun. The "alien" treatment method in it might be a bit excessive, but you can't shoot either.

But when the old man hurriedly walked to the door and looked inside, he complexion greatly changed, and he almost fainted, trembling extend the hand, face deathly pale, angry Said, "Kill him!"

"Kill him for me!"

He couldn't believe how his granddaughter had become like this, and was actually alive. It's like this!

I am asking you to come to see a doctor, not to ask you to kill!




Without hesitation, Luo Ping pulled the trigger again. But just like before, all the bullets he shot stopped one meter away from the opponent, and there seemed to be an energy shield protecting the opponent!

He didn't stop until all the bullets in his gun were fired.


The Ning Tianlin sighed in the mask was still discovered by the other party, not to mention the people outside, even if he saw this kind of scene in the house , Will go crazy with excitement! Even the Fleshy body was beaten into scum.

If he hadn't had great confidence in the battle strength system, he would have killed and escaped at this time!


Ning Tianlin has arranged a soundproof wall beside him, which not only has a protective effect, but the sound cannot be transmitted at all, so he can only stretch out his left palm, right hand Poke the index finger in the palm, making a "stop" action commonly used by basketball referees.

After sighing, continue the action in his hand, because there are still a few bones and scum, which haven't broken into pieces.



Since this is the case, we can only continue the unfinished actions in front of everyone.

"Kill him!"

"Kill him for me!"

Because of the granddaughter’s "Death", the old man has lost his mind, and simply did not Consider why the bullet can't get in, but instructed, "Go, bring me the submachine gun!"

"Beat him into briquettes!"

The pistol doesn't work, then Just use a formidable power bigger submachine gun!

"There is also a sniper! Bring me the sniper too! I don't believe it, what can stop a sniper rifle so close!" The old man was instructed again.


With a wave of his hand, Luo Ping asked the guards who had rushed over to find what the old man had ordered. He could not leave now, maybe sometime in this room The scum of scum will rush up, which is detrimental to the elderly!

He must stay to protect the elderly!

"It's okay."

Just in Ning Tianlin, all the fleshy body, except for the head, reached a slag, even the bones, tendons, and veins. The battle strength system The voice finally rang in his ears, "Put the lotus flower in your hand in the air above this piece of meat."

"Three hundred essence points, I have automatically counted from your remaining essence points Deduction."

In the palm of Ning Tianlin, a refining flower suddenly appeared, red and green, exuding this thick natural phenomenon. At this time, I didn’t care that the 300 points had been deducted, and I went directly to it. Throwing these pieces of minced meat, you saw the lotus floating in the void, slowly rising.

In a short while, it was two meters above the ground.


After that, countless golden rays of light shot out from the slowly rotating lotus flower, enveloping the ground residue and minced meat. In the incredible attention of everyone, these residues of minced meat began to slowly condense again.

Under the cover of this mysterious lotus flower, in a short while, a sad skeleton was formed, tightly, granulation began to grow on this skeleton, not very long, arms, abdomen, thighs, Hands, feet, wrists, and even chests grew out of this skeleton.

In less than two minutes, a white body, but without a head, appeared in front of everyone, but the blood on the ground did not flow or condense, and did not move at all.

This reunited fleshy body looks very pale without a trace of rosy.

As these skeleton fleshy bodies slowly formed, the red and green lotus flowers swirling in the air slowly withered, and at the moment the fleshy bodies reunited, they completely withered without a trace of luster. .

In this scene, several people who were still angry just now showed incredible color, and even the eyes of the old man Zhu Lin revealed joy that the fleshy body of his granddaughter unexpectedly reunited. NS!

Although I don’t have a head yet, lying on the ground with my eyes closed, it seems that it’s not terrifying anymore!

And Ning Tianlin also let out a long sigh at this time. Even though it is not over yet, at least it makes him look like he is not the crazy murderer.



"Ready to shoot!"

At this time, suddenly walked in outside the door Ten guards, all with submachine guns in their hands, even one of them, grabbed a very powerful sniper rifle and walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he had already started to aim at the people in the room.

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