
"Ning Tianlin is dead!"

Especially when the onlookers heard the news Part of them seemed to be relatively happy. Their impression of Ning Tianlin was a genius, but a genius who always caused trouble and refused to submit to human discipline.

He even killed a lot of the same kind of Human Race.

Now, finally dead!

I still committed suicide by Wuwang Palace Lord!

Since Wuwang Palace Lord has admitted personally, then the news must be correct!

Unfortunately, this news began to spread on the Internet at an extremely fast speed. Especially in the hundred cities of Human Race, there are human elites, but there are also countless spies of various races hidden. The news was quickly passed back to the clan.


"Ning Tianlin is dead!"

Mu Clan's gangster, upon hearing this news, he almost couldn't believe his ear.

He is dead?

How did you die?

He has a Golden Bell Cover!

It's hard to break!

Have you figured out his identity? Is it the descendant of the ancient Number One Person from Earth? Or his own reincarnation?

Many doubts bothered them, even Mu Clan's patriarch, some couldn't believe this information was true.

He fought with Ning Tianlin and knew how difficult the opponent was. It was not how high his battle strength was, but the opponent had an Immortal Body and an Invincible Golden Body, just like a tortoise shell. simply not broken!

Even if he is tied up, he can self-destruct at any time, become invisible, and escape again!

Even they don’t know how to live in Ning Tianlin.

But now, is Ning Tianlin so dead?

It's also a bit too sudden!

It's just that this news came from the spies hidden in the Hundred Cities of Human Race. It was from the words of the Wuwang Palace Lord. It shouldn't be wrong! Even the spy sent over the footage that was just recorded.

No, Mu Clan and all the experts are all you look at me, I look at you, I don’t know if I should believe this news.

At the same time.

insect race.


"Ning Tianlin is dead!"

Insect race originally had three Lord of Universes, but now, only left Two were played, a Lord of Universe 9-dan, and a Lord of Universe 7-dan. That one, a few days ago, was killed by Ning Tianlin with a Lord of Universe!

And still killed in their ambush!

If Ning Tianlin hadn't appeared in the end, they would have only found the Earth Lord of Universe, but not Ning Tianlin!

In other words, this Ning Tianlin's invisibility, even if they can't find it.

Especially their space ring was taken by the opponent in the vertigo, and they also cut off their arms!

They Yan can not hold a grudge against Ning Tianlin!

Just, he just died like this?

Die in the hands of the Wuwang Palace Lord?

They really can't believe it. Because they have already experienced Ning Tianlin's various methods, it is too difficult to kill him, at most they can only trap the other party. But looking at the picture from their subordinates, they had to believe it.

Because this is what the Wuwang Palace Lord said personally.

As Lord of Universe, I can’t tell lies, especially in front of so many people.

"It's a pity."

"It's a pity."

"I'm ready for a breakthrough, I will find you to understand it myself!"

A Lord of Universe said, "It's just what's going on with this ominous beast? How come I was caught by the Wuwang Palace Lord? The things he can see, he didn't kill them directly, and they are definitely not mortals!"

For a moment, these two insect race owners were speculating about the origin of Wanzu centipede.

Machine Race.

Machine Race patriarch also immediately got the news.

If anyone in this world hates Ning Tianlin the most, it is his demon master!

Because after all these years of changes, he unexpectedly discovered that no new Machine Race was born! Mechanical life has only death, no new life!

Because simply there is no new one to enrich their souls!

Without consciousness, machinery will always be machinery, just scrap metal!

Ning Tianlin is very likely to destroy the magic crystal tree of their Machine Race in the abyss!

If not, how could there be no magic crystal floating out of the abyss after so many years, giving birth to a new life?

If this continues, their Machine Race will be over!

It is very likely to change from the cosmic clan to a rare race, and eventually die!

There is only death, no new additions, and only death is waiting for their Machine Race!

Over the past few years, he is also looking for Ning Tianlin like crazy, wanting to find out about the magic crystal tree, but this Ning Tianlin is just like hiding deliberately, there is no more information.

Now, it's dead!

Dead in the hands of the Wuwang Palace Lord!

But how can you die!

You are dead, what about our Machine Race?

Does it also follow you to die?

Involuntarily, the eyes of the Demon Lord looked towards the Wuwang Palace Lord in the video are full of hatred, you fool, how can you kill him!

How can you kill him!

You are helping him destroy our Machine Race!

If there is such a situation, our Machine Race is over, and the entire universe will follow us to the end. I don’t mind launching a cosmic war!

Just because of you idiot, killed Ning Tianlin!



At the same time.

In many places in the universe, the news of Ning Tianlin's death has been known. Although it does not exceed five minutes from beginning to end, there is no time limit for the dissemination of information.

In just five minutes, too much has been passed.

Everyone was shocked by Ning Tianlin's death, but it was a pity.

Many things, including the news of the Universe Number One Person, will disappear in the long river of history.

Perhaps, only this Wuwang Palace Lord knows.

For a while, they wondered whether to find the Wuwang Palace Lord and ask about the ancient Number One Person. They don’t believe it. Since you killed Ning Tianlin, you didn’t even inquire about it. .

Perhaps you want to swallow that person’s inheritance by yourself, deliberately not to say it?

He didn't even know the Palace Lord himself. At this time, many big guys began to stir and wanted to talk to him about something.

"From now on, you follow me and give me Human Race to take care of the nursing home. I will definitely not hurt you, and I can even help you advance again."

Looking at the centipede in his hand, Wuwu Palace Lord is still thinking about persuading.

He believes that what Ning Tianlin can conquer, how can he fail?

The other party is just a star Martial Artist, but he is Lord of Universe!


It's just that Wanzu centipede would not care about him, and even felt Ning Tianlin's body a long time ago, spitting poison qi at the Wuwang Palace Lord, Then, with a "Pa", it disappeared from the opponent's hand and directly merged into Ning Tianlin's body.

The shit is dead!

You fool!

My master is standing next to you, you don’t really know!

Silly enough!


With the integration with Wanzu centipede, Ning Tianlin slowly revealed his figure, holding a Dualbladed Halberd in his hand, coldly Watching Wuwang Palace Lord.

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