
"This thing, it's so decided!"

"Take advantage of this Ning Tianlin in Wuwang Hall, everyone knows about the cultivation, and let the other Lord of Universe descend right away!"

The eyes of the two insect race patriarchs were fierce.

If you don't take a gamble this time, they will definitely lose their lives in the future!

"I will notify Human Race!"

"I will notify Mu Clan and Machine Race!"

Two Lords of Universe, they did it right away Decide.

As long as these cosmic clans agree, the rest must be agreed.

If you disagree, start a war and destroy them!

They were able to join forces back then, and now they definitely do!


Lord of Universe nine-dan insect card Huila, soon appeared in the human race holy land, but did not enter, but at the door, waiting for Tashan Come out of the king.

Because this is the only place he cannot go in.

In the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, he Tower Mountain King is the god! No one can help him! Even Tashan King can keep his Kahuila here forever as long as he wants to!


Tashan King, who has closed the door and is ready to see if he can break through, was disturbed again by his subordinates, opened his eyes, and then the next moment, he has appeared At the entrance of the Human Race Holy Land, listen to Khahuila's intentions.

After thinking about it for a full fifteen minutes, he wrinkled his brows and said "Okay!"

He agreed!

This is the best opportunity!

If not, wait for Ning Tianlin's continuous breakthrough, or really slow down, I am afraid they will all die!

This time, Tashan King did not enter the Holy Land of Human Race, but left with the Lord of Universe of the insect race, but he went to the Qin Family, one of the Eight Great Families, which means that he has the Lord of Universe. The existence of Jiudan.

Yin-Yang Sect of Ten Great Sects where Kahuila went.

The sect master of Yin-Yang Sect is also the powerhouse of the Human Race universe.

After the notification, everyone was nodded, but they also started to act to notify others. This kind of thing is too important. After all, it is necessary to gather all the Lord of Universe, not Information notification will do.

They have to visit one by one in person.

After all, they are all Lord of Universe, and they are all respected by thousands of people.


At the same time, Mu Clan, Machine Race's Lord of Universe, too, flew out of their territory and started to notify others.

One pass two, two pass four, four pass eight, eight pass sixteen.

Soon, no more than a day.

Most of the Lord of Universe in the universe knew about this, and the rest entered each Secret Realm, and their clansman didn't know what the other party was doing.

Although there are still Lord of Universe disagrees and do not want to be taken advantage of, after all, they and Ning Tianlin are also lacking hatred and enmity, but under the threat of extermination and war, they are still nodded.

So too!

Almost 10,000 Lord of Universe.

How many can Ning Tianlin kill?

One star realm, five or six dead!

When the time comes, whoever dies is unlucky!

The rest, we must kill this Ning Tianlin!



In less than half a day, nearly 10,000 Lord of Universe appeared in Wuwang Hall. Outside of the occupants’ area, the Wuwang Temple was impervious to all sides of the besieged area.

"Feng Wuya, do it!"

Machine Race said to a transparent, almost colorless Lord of Universe.


Following his words, Feng Wuya was nodded, his body swelled, and began to expand like a bubble, and finally forcibly became a huge The transparent sphere, like a rippling water, envelops the entire Wuwang Hall.


Then slowly, disappeared in the void, circle by circle, all disappeared.


"This has been blocked by Feng Wuya!"

"He Ning Tianlin is invisible, but he can't get out. Covered by Feng Wuya!"

"As long as he forcibly rushed out and hit Feng Wuya's body, we would know where he was!"

This is also a lot of Lord of Universe Worried about.

As Kahuila of the insect race said, Ning Tianlin has a powerful stealth function, and he can't find it even if he stands by his side. If this is the case, he still surrounds him, Ning Tianlin They didn't know if they flew past them.

But with Feng Wuya's blockade, it is foolproof!

Feng Wuya also has the function of invisibility, and is also invisible in the void, and the huge body, like a sphere, envelops Wuwang Temple, when the time comes, if Ning Tianlin wants If you escape, you will definitely hit Feng Wuya's body!

When the time comes, his location can be determined!


Even a Lord of Universe was still worried, and flew directly into the void, and took out a huge golden ball!

It looks like steel.

Not only the entire Wuwang Temple is enveloped, but Feng Wuya's body is also included!

When the time comes, even if his Ning Tianlin passes Feng Wuya, he will be trapped in this golden light.

"Well, in that case, we will enter the Wuwang Hall and start looking for Ning Tianlin!"

"If you find his silhouette, you don’t need to say anything, kill !"

Kahuila's voice was loud, and it spread all over the eardrums of Lord of Universe.


Lord of Universe nodded.

Since this has been achieved, there is no turning back.

Whether Ning Tianlin died or they were born, it depends on their own destiny.


The formation dispersed and turned into nearly a thousand teams, moving towards the depths of Wuwang Palace.

This place is also their first visit.

It is the other Lord of Universe of Human Race, and I have never been to this place.

This is the private realm of Wuwang Palace Lord, and some of them also hide important secrets. Only he Wuwang Palace Lord knows this well, and the rest are guests.


"Look at it, it turned out to be a Medicine Garden, which was obviously swept by Ning Tianlin."

Soon, there is a The Lord of Universe of the Kovo tribe discovered the Medicine Garden that was swept away by Ning Tianlin.

Nothing is left in it.

Even the grass was pulled out by Ning Tianlin.


"This is the footprint left by Ning Tianlin. It is inside moved towards, which means that he must not leave yet!"

Someone found the new continent and looked excited.

As long as Ning Tianlin has not left, it proves that they have not come in vain.

It's just that the actions are more careful.

Although the opponent is the universe, it is the existence of beheading the Lord of Universe!

If they hide in the dark at this time, maybe they don't even know that they died.



Everyone kept moving towards deep inside, but no one wanted to be the first bird.

After all, the first one encountered by Ning Tianlin, but it is easy to die!

Half an hour.

One hour.

For an hour and a half, none of them found anything.


At this time, the team led by a Stone Golem Race suddenly heard a blast in the air ahead, and even Dangdang metal collision Voice.

I couldn't help but be taken aback.

Then I was happy.

There is a situation!

Will it be Ning Tianlin?

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