"Not bad!"

Ning Tianlin was overjoyed.

These randomly drawn creatures are all of the same level as him, the sixth stage of the universe!

Although it can only exist for 10,000 years, it also means that these creatures can protect him for 10,000 years! During these ten thousand years, he can drive at will, whatever he wants!

"But if you want to activate this Holy Luo star pen, it seems to consume a lot of air."

Although only three creatures are simply drawn, Ning Tianlin But he also felt that his whole body was taken away. If he hadn't just swallowed the medicine pill, he might not be able to stand here steadily at the moment.

Too much consumption!

After all, I want to draw a Martial Artist of the same level. Impossible does not consume anything.


Only a moment later, Ning Tianlin is free Killed a big bird, but this time, the battle strength system did not prompt him to obtain essence points, indicating that the drawn creature could not provide him with essence points.

This also caused Ning Tianlin's brows to jump.

Also, if you kill the drawn creature, you can also provide yourself with energy points and turn it into a battle strength, then Ning Tianlin doesn’t need to do anything, just draw here, draw Kill one by one.

How many years later, it will automatically grow into Lord of Universe.

"This is enough."

Ning Tianlin has a certain number in his heart. In any case, this Holy Luo star pen is of great help to him. With it, you can save yourself too many things.

Especially if he is promoted to the Lord of Universe, and the pen of the Holy Luo star pen is also promoted to the treasure of the universe, then when the time comes, he can draw the Lord of Universe! In this way, he has rows of Lord of Universe as slaves!

Which force will be his opponent?


"What's the matter?"

"How did this vortex hole disappear!"

When Ning Tianlin refining the Holy Star Pen into his own thing, in the Baltic Sea of ​​blood, a large group of Blood Race creatures had already discovered this strangeness.

Because of this vortex, it has moved in the sea of ​​blood for hundreds of millions of years and has never disappeared!

Some people don't even know whether this sea of ​​blood appeared earlier, or this vortex appeared earlier, or both appeared at the same time.

Especially where vortex passes, it will swallow countless creatures, and even the universe can’t escape. Therefore, this thing is constantly tested by Blood Race to prevent any mutations from causing irreversibility. Loss.

But didn't expect, this thing has disappeared!

The site selection was stopped without warning, and the sea of ​​blood was restored!

Even because of the short disappearance, a sea of ​​blood flooded back, and there was a big wave in a short time!


"Let’s see what’s going on!"

Countless creatures in the sea of ​​blood gathered in crazy moved towards here, wanting to see what happened, how could something suddenly happen here . It's just that the next moment, a silhouette, slowly stood up where the vortex had disappeared.

Isn't Ning Tianlin who else can anyone.

It's just that his silhouette has changed and turned into another look, which is the silhouette of Ox Demon King, which is often used in Earth.

"Look at it!"

"There are creatures!"

"There are creatures coming out!"

All the creatures of Blood Race look incredible at Ning Tianlin.

What's the matter?

Why did such a creature appear?

They have never seen it before!

The first is born with two horns, walks upright, has large hooves, a thick tail behind him, and black fluffy hair. At that station, he exudes unparalleled power.

"Astral realm!"

"It is a creature of Astral realm"!

Several Blood Race creatures shouted.

They are Xingyuan Martial Artists, but can't see Ning Tianlin's realm, but the pressure is not as big as the master of Blood Race gives them. They must be Xingzhou Martial Artists!


Just as soon as Ning Tianlin appeared, he opened his mouth, agitated his abdomen, and then took a deep breath.

In an instant, the water in the entire sea of ​​blood began to move towards his mouth surging, even the countless creatures around him, simply can’t stop this terrifying suction, the same star universe as Ning Tianlin Not even Martial Artist!

They are all being swallowed crazily by this huge suction.

And their bodies, as long as they are shrouded by this suction, their bodies will become smaller. When you reach Ning Tianlin's mouth, no matter how big your body was before, but now, it is less than ten of your mouth. One part!

"Run away"!


Countless creatures exclaimed, wanting to flee this place madly.

They live in the Baltic Sea of ​​blood all year round, but this has never happened before.

But what makes them terrifying is that the entire Baltic sky is shrouded, and all places are in this huge suction.

In half an hour.

The originally spacious Baltic Sea, all turned into dust, entered Ning Tianlin's abdomen, to be precise, entered the abdomen of Wanzu centipede. All the creatures did not die, but appeared in another piece of newly formed Baltic Sea.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

All the blood race creatures were pumped out of one-billionth of the battle strength to increase the battle strength of the Wanzu centipede.


Ning Tianlin finished everything, keeping the appearance of Ox Demon King, and flew out.

It's just that he is up ahead at the moment, and there is a huge creature suspended in the void.

The wings are on the back, the fangs are the most exposed, the hands are on the chest, the muscles are bursting, the eyes are scarlet, the first is two horns, and he is staring at the extremely cold eyes, watching Ning Tianlin's body .

"What a courage!"

"A creature of the realm of the universe, dare to come to me to go wild and disappear the Baltic Sea!"

Although the visitor was frightened, after all, the Baltic Sea was gone and disappeared under a mysterious force. Even he could not do it, but the other party is just a Martial Artist of the realm of the universe, so it is not to be afraid!

Besides, he is the master of Blood Race, how can he leave here without doing anything.


Ning Tianlin looked back at the opponent's gaze, and instantly recognized this person.

This person is Arras, the Lord of Blood Race!

A Martial Artist of Star Desolation 9 Dan!

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and it is very possible to step into the existence of Lord of Universe!

"Since you know me, don't be obediently surrender!"

Alas is coldly snorted, but his heart is shaken. Who is this creature?

He has never seen it before!

But he called out his name in one mouthful!

Moreover, since he knew himself, but he didn't panic at all, he felt a little bad. It's like a little white rabbit sees a big bad wolf and doesn't run. There must be a reason.

Does the other party think that a realm can compete with his Martial Artist 9-dan?

What's the joke?


"Kill you like a chicken!"

Ning Tianlin sneered, and then the super sound wave was suddenly activated, forcibly making the opponent dizzy For three seconds, he waved out the three servants of Xinghuang Jiudan who had been captured that year, and released them.

It was up to them to subdue them, and they were instantly disabled.

Then when there's no resistance and the physical fitness was not as good as before, Ning Tianlin waved the weapon and cut off the head of Arras.

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