"Just kill like this, I don't know when it will be."

With more and more soul-eaters rushing and killing, Ning Tianlin I couldn't help but looked towards the poisonous cloud hovering over the herd, covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

He didn't expect, there will be so many of these soul-eaters.

Completely endless.

In the outer universe, although all you see is one piece, there are hundreds of them, but now, hundreds of millions can't stop them!

Did you enter the nest of the Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion?

"But these creatures are fear and trouble for others, but for me, they are delicious."

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted, with a wave of the right hand, directly The silhouette of the Wanzu centipede was released.


As soon as he appeared, Wanzu centipede raised his head and screamed at the sky.

With the permission of Ning Tianlin, Wanzu centipede almost didn't stop at the slightest, and the body flashed directly at the soul-eating ghost scorpion!

Immediately, the herd immediately became agitated, and the poisonous cloud in midair also began to move, and the direction of its movement was exactly the direction where the centipede ran away.

"In the eyes of other Martial Artists, this poisonous cloud can corrupt the soul and cannot be contaminated at all. In the eyes of Wanzu centipede, this is a feast!"

Wanzu centipede The body wriggled for a while. After a while, the body expanded sharply, and it stopped when there were several millions of feet.

The whole body straddles the void. As soon as it raised its head, its huge mouth suddenly opened, and terrifying suction rushed out of its body, like a giant whale absorbing water. The poisonous cloud is instantly inhaled into the body.

The soul-eating ghost scorpion beast below suddenly violently commotion. For the terrifying existence of the centipede, they are also instinctively afraid and jealous.

"You are really impudent!"

Looking at Wanzu centipede devouring their creatures wildly, a soul-eater with battle strength reaching the realm of Xinghuang, moved towards Wanzu centipede Rushed over.

There is disdain in his eyes.

It’s an insect beast of the second stage of the universe, he doesn’t care about it!

He is Xinghuang realm. In the past, he can definitely kill the opponent directly!

It was just that when his body was close to the centipede of Wanzu, the complexity changed, because he felt that his battle strength was dropping drastically, even less than 10% of the original!

Especially Centipede's eyes shot out the light of Medusa's eyes. Although he didn't petrify, the battle strength dropped a lot.


Before he was close to the opponent's body, he was directly swallowed by the centipede with his mouth widened.

Nothing else, because Ning Tianlin's silhouette is integrated with the Wanzu centipede.


Only at this moment, in the extreme distance, a breath of terror, especially far and near, directly descended on Heaven and Earth.

It is the terrifying aura that Ning Tianlin feels as the Lord of Universe.


At the same time, Ning Tianlin also controlled the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, allowing three servants of Xinghuang Jiudan to get in.

After all, it is the existence of Lord of Universe. If he wants to defeat the opponent, he has to borrow the bodies of these three servants.

"Who are you waiting, come to our impudent!"

This is a very large soul-eater, much larger than all the others just now. Scarlet eyes the size of a planet looked down at Ning Tianlin, revealing anger.

This outsider has already killed a lot of clansman!

Damn it!


"I'm here to destroy your clan!"

Ning Tianlin sneered, his body shook, and he became a ghoul again His body, and in an instant, all the secret techniques were used.

Like the powerhouse that killed the fifth-stage Lord of Universe last time, its own battle strength has skyrocketed more than 160 times, reaching the first stage of the Lord of Universe, almost two-stage!

And the battle strength of the Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion King has dropped to less than a period of time! It's even only a few threads higher than Xinghuang 9th Duan!

"How...How can it be possible."

This Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion King complexion greatly changed, and I can hardly believe my own changes, how is this possible, this time Son, his battle strength actually weakened to this point!


It’s just that Ning Tianlin would care about this, a palm containing a majestic spirit blasted out unceremoniously, and it was firmly printed on this bite. On the back of the soul scorpion king.

"pu chi."

Suffering a heavy blow, the Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion King fiercely spouted a bit of dark brown blood from his mouth.

Especially as soon as this dark brown blood fell in the void, due to its extremely corrosiveness, it made a zi zi sound, and the area under the body was also ulcerated.

The Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion King suffered a heavy blow, and a roar from his throat, his body swelled and opened. In a blink of an eye, the originally extremely large body became even more exaggerated, and it was completely a ferocious body. Starry sky giant beast.

The blood-red pupils stared at Ning Tianlin, a huge scorpion tail with a length of one million meters, shot at him violently.

"Will you be afraid of you? Fool."

Ning Tianlin sneered when he saw it, and faced the huge scorpion tail that pierced the sky, greeted him head-on.

"Heaven and Earth Dharma Idol!"

As soon as the fingerprints changed, Ning Tianlin's body began to swell rapidly, and the strength contained in his body also increased rapidly, and the battle strength was even greater. Directly doubled.

Allow the scorpion tail to pierce through the body, but no blood burst out.


The Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion King could hardly believe his own eyes, and what he attacked was only an afterimage of the other party.

He is obviously only the realm of the universe, but now, how can it be so powerful!

I have an afterimage to myself!

"Dualbladed Halberd!"

Ning Tianlin's complexion remained unchanged, the expanded body, with a giant hand, the huge Dualbladed Halberd was smashed, and its halberd contained The huge momentum directly cut off the scorpion tail.


The sharp pain from the tail caused the Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion King to send out a mournful scream, swinging his body frantically.

Even behind the broken tail, a faint blue poisonous thorn quickly shot out, moving towards Ning Tianlin and flew away.

It's just that Ning Tianlin didn't even hide, allowing the stinger to enter the body.

Because for others, this may be fatal, but for Wanzu centipede, it is a tonic!

It can swallow poison and grow!

"How is it possible!"

Seeing that his most powerful means failed, the eyes of the Soul Eater Ghost Scorpion King completely revealed an incredible color.

You know, this blue poisonous thorn is the essence of his life! Not to mention the realm of the universe, it is the second stage of the Lord of Universe, and you will fall to the ground if you hit it!

But now, the other party is like a okay person! There was even a look of intoxication in his eyes!

Is this a deadly stinger? Why does it feel the same as supplements.


It's just that he hasn't recovered from the shock and screams, and a huge halberd has appeared above his head.

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