"Did you cause the spatial change just now?"

Nine Nether Lan Ji asked Ning Tianlin.

They all felt that this space was spreading endlessly, as if the earth were torn and extended, and the sky stretched endlessly.

"You guessed it right."

Ning Tianlin haha ​​smiled, his figure flashed, and disappeared here in Heaven and Earth.

With these two plants, he has nothing to say, he only knows that these two plants have not been suppressed in battle strength.

They are all nine dans of Lord of Universe!

I asked the battle strength system, but did not tell myself the reason.

However, it is obvious that the progress of these two plants is larger than the space outside. They seem to be able to swallow the emotions of the creatures here!

And devour their emotions, make faster progress!

"I still know too little about this place."

Ning Tianlin did not become invisible this time, but floated in the void, setting his gaze on the deeper part of this gloomy space.

In that area, there doesn't seem to be any birds and beasts, and it seems a bit quiet.

But Ning Tianlin, who knew this place was weird, was sure that there were even more terrifying creatures in that space, and did not know whether their battle strength had the existence of the breakthrough Lord of Universe.

He still clearly remembered that at the last moment of King Yama's nether space, there was an incomparable gigantic paw that frightened King Yama.

Be aware that King Yama had just been promoted to the eighth dan of Lord of Universe at that time!

The lowest thing is in the 9th dan of Lord of Universe, or even higher!

It’s just that Ning Tianlin didn’t continue to chase, but he knew that after suffering several losses, those guys here, because the battle strength was not suppressed, with their current battle strength, unless the opponent showed up on their own initiative. Otherwise, it is extremely difficult to detect it.

Maybe I have been spotted by those giant beasts with stronger battle strength, staring at me in the dark.

He is now able to kill the fifth paragraph of Lord of Universe, but there are too many of the sixth and seventh paragraphs of Lord of Universe here. He just saw several of them when he was invisible, and he has not yet The strength to behead them.

But it’s okay to escape and protect yourself.

At the same time.

Although Ao Ming is staying in the soul gathering bottle at this moment, he is always paying attention to the state of the outside. After all, he is now tied to this youngster, especially in this ghost. In the space, there can be no mistakes.

He rarely enters this nether space, and at most he just wanders around the periphery and then leaves. After all, the suppression of battle strength is too strong,

And he is just a soul state, If it is really dead, it will be completely dead, and impossible will have another chance to be resurrected.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that the youngster’s battle strength has not been suppressed at all, as if swallowing something, blocking the suppression of the Heaven and Earth Rule!

Be aware that when he obtained the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, he entered the Nether Space, but he was suppressed, without exception!

"Although your battle strength has not been suppressed, you'd better not walk indiscriminately and leave here early to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Heavenly Dragon Remind on the side that now he needs to rely on Ning Tianlin to help him repair his soul, naturally he will not see him being torn to pieces here.

In this area, there are a huge number of various creatures. If you can’t do a critical strike, you will only get more and more creatures to gather here, and even attract the real powerhouse of this nether space. When the time comes... .

Ning Tianlin is slightly nodded, the other party does not understand his life-saving method, whether it is for him or himself, it is kind to remind him.

"All the creatures in this nether space, leaving the nether space, are like fish leaving the water, and die automatically. This is the law of these creatures in this nether space, although they are not suppressed by battle strength here. It’s an absolute powerhouse, but it’s only limited to the nether space."

Heavenly Dragon indifferently said, this is Heaven and Earth Law. No one can change it, at least someone he knows. No, even his master has tried it, but none of them succeeded.

hearing this, Ning Tianlin said: "I don’t know how this nether space appeared. This Heavenly Dao Law is indeed there is no lack of strange things. This is only the outermost part of the nether space, if it’s the deepest part. , I don’t know there will be...?"

Ning Tianlin just said here, he turned his eyes to the six-toed Heavenly Dragon next to him, and he noticed the six-toeds on the side. Mixed with Heavenly Dragon, when he heard the deepest part of the Nether Space, his face was filled with an unconcealed look of caution.

Slightly opened his mouth and looked at the cautious color on the face of the six-toed chased Heavenly Dragon. At this moment, Ning Tianlin suddenly felt a little surprised. As the powerhouse of Lord of Universe Jiudan, what he recalled , It turned out to be such a solemn and prudent color just to think about it.


What kind of terrifying exists in the deepest part of the nether space? Would it make a powerhouse of the former Lord of Universe nine-dan show such a look?

The weird and weird atmosphere hovered around him. After a long while, it broke away from the sigh of the six-toed Heavenly Dragon, and it seemed to be relieved from that memory.

"youngster, for the sake of you helping me, the old man advises you not to peep into the depths of the nether space curiously."

"old man knows you must be There are many methods, but I still want to advise you, in front of the real powerhouse, there is no absolute strength, any method is nothing and useless."

Heavenly Dragon took a deep breath, Waved his hand and said slowly.

"Although I don't know what is in the depths, I can sense it very vaguely. There is a very terrifying existence..."

Seeing the dignified complexion of the Six-toed Heavenly Dragon, Ning Tianlin swallowed, making a Lord of Universe Jiuduan so prudent, what terrifying creatures exist in the depths of that nether space.

"The unknown is the most terrifying."

"I can slightly sense the terrifying in the depths of the nether space, but also because I also owned the Fourth Layer of the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower At that time, I was also full of curiosity about the netherworld space like you."

"And when I really felt terrifying, it was in many Lord of Universe powerhouses, where the Fourth Layer was collapsed with the secret technique. For a moment, I was faintly aware, otherwise it would be absolutely difficult to detect."

"It was only at the moment when the Fourth Layer was about to collapse. One contact between the old man and the nether space was From the soles of the feet to the top of the head, it comes from the trembling of the soul."

Looking back on that day, Ao Ming also felt his soul numb.

On that day, only a pair of eyes appeared, and he glanced at him lightly. It was as if his body was numb and he was difficult to move.

And those eyes, he still has not forgotten.

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