Beijing City.

Wanda Hotel.

"Next, let me sing a song "Little Apple" to everyone." In the presidential suite, Ning Tianxin said with a smile to the computer screen, "Don't laugh, and dance. "

After finishing speaking, he moved the seat beside him, adjusted the angle of the video, clicked on the exclusive music of Little Apple, and started singing. At the same time, the body also dances to the rhythm.

In particular, the clothes she is wearing now are exactly the same as those worn by the lead dancer Pei Seqi in the Little Apple MV. They are all red and white, which symbolizes the beautiful snake.

Even on the face, there is a touch of make-up, which is obviously carefully prepared.

"Like, too similar, you are Pei Seqi, Pei Seqi is you, stupid I don’t know clearly!"

"666, the performance department of the Academy of Arts is different, Profession! What do you learn like! And sweetheart’s voice is getting better and better!"

"Out of tune, out of tune, you are my little apple’s "I" is four, no Three times, sweetheart ran away, no, you have to do it again! Come again!"

"Upstairs, you must sing. If you don’t fly a big rocket, you don’t need a BB. Only those who fly a big rocket can mention it. Opinion!"

"Fuck, don’t you see if I’m watching a joke, I’ve eaten shit in my mouth or have a firecracker! It’s so stinky!"

No more After ten seconds, various comments began to be refreshed on the computer screen, and the number of live broadcast viewers displayed in the upper left corner of the screen has reached more than 138,000 people, ranking first in the Ranking List.

Furthermore, from time to time, there are big Rockets with a high level of local tyrants.

Ning Tianxin now has a lot of fans. Even the day before, these fans formed a "sweetheart" to cheer her up.

As soon as she went online, these "sweetheart pie" began to dispatch, big horn banners, big rocket fish balls flying all kinds of randomly.

I don’t know why, the platform’s resources have begun to lean towards her. If a few days ago it was because of the rewards of one billion renminbi and the popularity was overwhelming, the platform looked at 200 million renminbi. If you take care of it, in the past three days, the entire Douyu platform seems to have been opened by his house.

All kinds of resources are flying all over the sky.

A grand recommendation on the platform homepage for a while, a full-service broadcast on the platform, and a collection of treasure chests for a while, all-weather non-stop, it is simply a comprehensive packaging creation!

Everyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the Douyu platform making stars! It must be another New Generation Internet celebrity gradually raised! And they are all witnesses to the rise of this new star!

At the same time.

Beijing city. Art Academy.

The Freshman Building of the Performance Department.

"How is it possible!"

"She was injured so badly at the time, how could it be good, the corridors are all dripping blood!"

Guan Xiaotong Dormitory.

Chang Feifei stared at the computer screen with an incredible expression, didn't expect that Ning Tianxin actually started a live broadcast! You know, she was so badly injured that two holes were exploded in her palms, and many of her classmates saw it!

But now, how can it be all right!

The past few days, she has been observing in secret, as long as Ning Tianxin is online, she will open her vest to see, but the other party simply doesn't appear to be injured! She's alive and kicking, there are no holes in her palms, white, more beautiful than her hands!

And somehow, she held it abruptly, Ning Tianxin’s voice was getting better and better, not to mention others, but she was about to sink in, even the skin on the other’s face looked like the original The better.

Under the high-definition camera, you can't see the slightest spots.

"Fox Mei!"


Looking at Ning Tianxin wiggling her waist there, jumping with a little apple, Chang Feifei’s There was resentment on his face, and even more slander in his heart. Why is she Ning Tianxin able to get so much money in rewards, and also have the resources of the platform to take care of.

Why can't she who thinks she is more beautiful!

She knows in her heart that it won’t take long for the other party to become an Internet celebrity anchor! This means that the other party is already on the way to fame, a big step faster than Chang Feifei!


"Pretend to be sick."

"I pretended to be sick at the time. I came here on purpose, just because I didn’t want to participate in military training. , After all, military training is so tiring, my legs are numb."

In a dormitory not far from Chang Feifei’s dormitory, Yin Susu also stared at Ning Tianxin on the screen, a little envious. I even wondered why the person who was rewarded so much money was not himself.

It's just that she also knows, this can only be a matter of thinking. Everyone's fate is different. This may be the fate of Ning Tianxin. But I am not bad now. I can become friends with Ning Tianxin, and with the other's personality, if I really encounter anything in the future, the other party will definitely help me.

She is Yin Susu, a contented person!

But thinking of Ning Tianxin whispering to herself a few days ago, it was a bit funny. In order not to participate in the military training, I actually came up with such a trick and made such a big movement. I don't know how the blood in the hall was made, and I also caused a quarrel with Chang Feifei at the time.

Because the other party said, "Ning Tianxin must be disabled in the future."


Wanda Hotel.

Presidential suite.

"Thank you."

"Thank you for your support."

"Thanks to Brother Peng for the big rocket, and thanks to Brother Xiaoniao for the big rocket, also Thanks to Lu Yifa’s big rocket, thank you."

"Today’s live broadcast is here, sweetheart is going to rest. Thank you."

After that, I will stop again. Two minutes later, Ning Tianxin pressed the exit button and exited the screen. At the same time, she took a long breath in the heart. As the anchor, she can not only exercise her eloquence, but also exercise her body.

Dancing a few dances, always sweating all over.




At this time, on the sofa, there was a sudden call There was applause, "Okay, it's not bad. It turns out that the younger sister dances so well. I have never seen it before. I'm almost fighting with Pei Seqi in the MV."

Speaking, right? It was Ning Tianlin. He had already been sitting on the sofa on the side more than twenty minutes ago, but the younger sister had been focusing on live broadcasting and did not see him. And in order not to disturb the younger sister, he also became a spectator for more than 20 minutes without saying anything.

Only after the live broadcast, did he publish one of his own.

He was originally worried that the younger sister would stay here alone, a little lonely. From now on, it seems to have been pretty good.


"You are back!"

Ning Tianxin was taken aback, and the two turned around hurriedly and saw their big brother leaning on the sofa When I went up, I couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Brother, when did you come back, don't you tell me?" When he left, Ning Tianlin said ten days, and now only eight days have passed.

"I just came back."

Ning Tianlin smiled, "How did you get this dress? It looks exactly like what Pei Seqi wears."

Note: Ideas Karker..... There is another chapter in the evening. It was 11 o'clock at the earliest. It took more than four hours to code this chapter. Forgive me, there are only three chapters today. . . . . .

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