"Your sister!"

"It's you!"

When I saw the appearance of the official account woman, Ning Tianlin Froze. Immediately after that, I felt 10,000 birds rushing past my head.


"This girl looks like Bowen!"

The girl was still the one she saw when she was in the Yi clan. Time appearance.

In her twenties, she has a round face, but her face is reserved and covered with frost. At first glance, she will feel that this girl is an extremely difficult person to get along with. However, Ning Tianlin knew that under the cold appearance of the other party, there was a fiery heart.

"Ning Tianlin should have thought of her a long time ago."

Ning Tianlin was a little speechless, realizing that the other party had a Holy Spirit induction with him, he was his Holy Lord, and the other party was his own Holy Spirit, as long as the opponent leaves the Yan clan, he will be telepathic immediately, and he will be able to discover the opponent's location immediately.

It's just that he is a little strange, why didn't he feel the other party?

But Bo Wen felt him?


"Ning Tianlin!"

I was hovering in the void in Ning Tianlin, ready to ask the battle strength system when Bowen is , A silhouette of a pretty woman appeared directly beside her, and then, caught off guard, patted him on the shoulder.

Only when he turned his head, an afterimage flashed away, and then nothing was seen.

"Okay, come out!"

"I know it is you, Bo Wen."

Ning Tianlin is a bit speechless, how old is this? , Still play this.

From the birth of Earth to the present, it should have been more than three hundred years.

For the Jin Clan, he is still a small child, but for the Earth people, he is already an old man.

"It's boring."

"You can't find me if you know me."

In the void, Bo Wen murmured, the space rippled, and then went straight Up ahead in Ning Tianlin appeared.

I saw Bowen at this moment, wearing a pale red dress, which set off her quite tall, fair-skinned, and can compete with the stars on Earth. He is laughing at this moment. Behind his hands, looked at Ning Tianlin.

"Good little brother."

Bo Wen spoke in a clear voice, with a spoiled taste.

"little brother, I am your Holy Lord, not a little brother!"

Ning Tianlin is speechless. At his age, he has long been in Earth and I don’t know how much Grandfather's age, no one is a little brother.

"Okay, it's not a little brother, it's Ning Tianlin."

At this time, Bo Wen directly called her name. However, he still walked forward in three steps and two steps, grabbed Ning Tianlin's arm directly, hugged it in his arms, and complained, "Ning Tianlin, I miss you so much, why don't you find me for so long?"

"I'm so boring to stay in the Yi Clan."

Ning Tianlin was speechless for a while, too, it was almost two or three hundred years since the last goodbye. He was still waiting to grow up to the level of Martial Artist to see her, but he didn't expect that she would come by herself.

"If you are bored, you should take me off."

"Leak out my position so that I can take a good rest."

Ning Tianlin flicked the opponent's forehead with his fingers, with a soft touch.


"Who told you not to come and find me, it is a punishment for you!"

Bo Wen coldly snorted, "Also Yes, my Ning Tianlin little brother, now it is a great character that the whole universe knows, even the fifty-eight Lord of Universes, and even the ninth section of the universe died in your hands. It’s amazing."

"Who can still be your opponent."

"What if they find you, just kill them."

Bo Wen from the Yan clan When I walk out, the first thing is to inquire about Ning Tianlin's news and see how he is doing recently. Although I know the location of Ning Tianlin, I can't come right away because I still have work to do when I come out.

Just didn’t expect, the news that Ning Tianlin had cut fifty-eight Lord of Universe was too big, and even the entire universe was talking about Ning Tianlin, she soon knew .

She couldn't help it anymore this time.

No matter how much patriarch blocks, she will also come and find Ning Tianlin!

I'm afraid he will get hurt and what will happen.

"I was right little brother, didn't expect little brother to be so great now."

Bo Wen said with a smile proudly.

"Why are you so powerful? It's all nine chapters of Xinghuang!"

Ning Tianlin just feels even more speechless. This Bowen’s battle strength has been advanced by leaps and bounds. At this point, you must know that he was the Star King two or three hundred years ago, and now he is already the Star Desolation 9th Duan.

Realm is higher than yourself!

This speed, I am afraid that no one in the universe can match.

Ning Tianlin also knows that this is the good fortune of her Bowen, not only due to her own reasons, but also because the bloodline of the Holy Spirit of the Jin tribe awakens on her body. It will not take long for her Destined to be the existence of the lord of the Yan clan.

Although in the Jin clan, the wind must be the wind and the rain must be the rain, but the role played by the Princess is more.

Because above her, there is also the patriarch of the Yi ethnic group!

It is also the existence of a Lord of Universe Jiudan.

It’s just that the Jin tribe is a rare race. There is no need to fight for resources at all. The territory it occupies is not very large. It also closes the space all the year round. Therefore, few people will pay attention to them. Body.

The role played by the Yan clan in the universe is mostly set up Sect.

But in fact, few people know that the patriarch of the Yan clan also participated in the Earth War. However, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and few people think of him, and he was the only one who entered. , And did not follow the large force.

Therefore, almost no one knows that he was bloodbathed in Earth that year.


"Given my is innate talent, you can’t compare it."

Bo Wen was invincible at first, But in the end I was convinced, "But with my current strength, I can kill the existence of Lord of Universe for one or two stages, but if it is higher, I will immediately shine, unlike the little brother you, even Lord of Universe 9th dan can be killed like a chicken!"

This is also where she admires Ning Tianlin. Now it is also Xinghuang, and it is the first one, but it can kill Lord of Universe 8th. , She simply couldn't do it.

"Not bad."

"You can also kill the Lord of Universe."

Ning Tianlin's heart is also shaken, it seems that he is a Holy Holy Spirit must have inherited the countless secret techniques of the Yan clan. If not, it would not be able to fight high level at a low level, and it would still cross the great realm of Lord of Universe.

"It's just that I can't feel your breath at all?"

"You are my Holy Spirit, what's the matter?'

Ning Tianlin has some doubts. It's just that she can't feel it after she enters the Y clan. After all, the Y clan is their base camp and has a lot of wonders, but now she is standing in front of her, she can't feel her existence.

If it weren’t for the eyes to see, he wouldn’t believe it was true!

It’s just that soon, he just thumped, "Can’t you feel it in the Jin clan? "

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