
Ning Tianlin is cursing in his heart.

This patriarch of the Zhen clan really knows how to play yin.

But I also blame myself for being careless, he should have thought of this kind of thing a long time ago, how could the other party let Bo Wen act alone. Moreover, if it hadn't been for Bo Wen to lead the way, the other party would definitely not be able to find herself.

"He knows the appearance of Bo Wen, and of course he also knows that you exist. The other party is the Holy Spirit. Of course there will be the Holy Lord, but they didn’t expect Bo Wen, the Holy Lord of the Holy Spirit. It will be so powerful, and it will scare him."

The battle strength system also said at this time, "You even cut the Wuwang Palace Lord, one of the three insect race kings. Killing fifty-eight Lord of Universe really frightened him. He was afraid that what you could see from him or Bo Wen would ruin his good deeds."

" If Bo Wen hadn’t come this time, or even threatened with Cang Mo Haisha, he would not let Bo Wen come over to avoid accidents at the last minute."

"Because you are now giving The feeling of all powerhouses in the universe is "weird". No one knows your reality. I don’t know if you will find the secret of Wuyou Jiulian. Even when Bowen took out Wuyou Jiulian, the other party directly sucked in a cold breath. "

"Because he is not at all sure if you know this treasure!"

The battle strength system said, directly in the mind that Ning Tianlin lights up where the opponent is. The location, as expected, is not far from here, less than half a light-year away, not even one person, but three!

One patriarch, two patriarchs.

"I can really value me, and I dare not come."

Ning Tianlin's heart is coldly snorted, this kind of insidious person is really not a good thing. For a hundred years, in front of Bo Wen, she has been cold and warm. In the role of an excellent elder, even now, Bo Wen still thinks that the other party is very concerned about herself and is a good patriarch!

"It's not good to have a fierce reputation..."

Ning Tianlin sighed in his heart, and then smiled at Bo Wen unchanged on his face, "Come on, let Let me look at the lotus flower in your hand. I didn’t see it clearly just now. Let me look at it again. It feels very good."

Ning Tianlin felt that it’s not because this thing is left by Bo Wen’s side now. Good thing, if you really play against the patriarch, this thing is not known if it is a hidden danger, so I will solve it first.

His space ring can hold everything, so put it in first.


"Look at it."

"This lotus is very beautiful."

"Wait for me It is refining, use it to breakthrough Lord of Universe, and it will be my Life-Source Weapon in the future."

Bo Wen thinks about the future and is very happy, "when the time comes, Holy Lord You are not necessarily my opponent, hehe."

Speaking, Bo Wen spit out the lotus and put it on Ning Tianlin’s hand. In her heart, who It is possible to snatch her treasure away, but Ning Tianlin will not.

In this scene, a purple hairy creature half a light-year away was breathing a little bit shortly.

His eyes are shining through the void, staring at this place, for fear of any accident.


Ning Tianlin took it with a smile, and then didn't even look at it, just moved his mind and put this thing into his Promise Ring.

"En?" Bo Wen couldn't react for a while, wondering why her Holy Lord hid this thing.

At this time, Ning Tianlin just stretched out her hand to make her stop questioning, and then facing the void, moved towards the direction where the patriarch of the Yi clan was located, "Come out."

"If not , This thing will never be returned to you."

Ning Tianlin finished speaking, using the secret technique to make the voice reverberate in the entire void.

"Hey, Holy Lord, you know that patriarch is also there!"

"You are amazing!"

But Bo Wen was taken aback, Immediately there was some sorry, she really didn't expect, Ning Tianlin could actually feel the existence of Lord of Universe. After all, when Ning Tianlin entered the Yian clan space, he killed many Yian clan members.

So in order to avoid embarrassment, she did not let patriarch come over. After all, one is his own Holy Lord, and the other is a patriarch who treats himself very well.

But didn't expect, his Holy Lord unexpectedly discovered it!


"He can kill the Lord of Universe, and he will definitely find them there!"

Bo Wen nodded, in the heart feels I still don't think about it.

I felt a little hesitant for a while. I don’t know why my Holy Lord wanted to call the team leader. Is it impossible to do it?

However, following Ning Tianlin's words, the opponent did not immediately appear.

Because the other party's heart is inexhaustible, I don't know what Ning Tianlin means by doing this, what did he find out for, did he find his intention?


This thing about the Wuyou Nine Lotuses is the unspread secret of their Yi clan. Only their patriarch knows about it, but even now, they have not figured out the specific purpose of the Wuyou Nine Lotuses, only Knowing that all the cultivation base and bloodline will be sealed when the nine-duan breakthrough Lord of Universe can be achieved, leaving some peculiar effects.

He Ning Tianlin is absolutely impossible to know!

After all, this is from the Secret Realm of Cang Mo Haisha, not everyone knows it! No one knows about the Yan clan except him!

"It's definitely not Wuyou Jiulian, maybe I have something to tell myself."

A patriarch of the Yan tribe with purple hair said in his heart.

Because it is possible.

After all, Bo Wen didn't even notice, how could the other party discover her conspiracy!

"But is it going or not?"

For a while, the patriarch of the Yi ethnic group hesitated.

Because once the other party really recognizes this thing, it will be difficult for him to get out! Not to mention that the other party killed one of the three kings of Wuwang Palace Lord and insect race, Bowen alone would not let him feel better!

Bo Wen is his true nemesis!

If the opponent has a murderous intention, he doesn't know how he died, and he won't have the ability to struggle with him!

If not, he would not put so much effort into leaving a very good impression on the other party over the years.

But if you don’t go out, if the other party doesn’t hand over Wuyou Jiulian, everything he has will be completely abandoned!

"I have dozens of blows!"

"If I don't come out anymore, I will take Bowen away immediately!"

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted, directly facing the empty road .

He doesn't believe that the other party will give up at this time for so long, it is impossible!




In just an instant, Ning Tianlin began to count .

But Bo Wen was at a loss not knowing what to do, why she didn't know what to do with the Holy Lord.

But she said nothing. Because in her heart, the Holy Lord is the most important thing. The two of them feel that bloodline is connected, and no creature can compare. Even when Ning Tianlin entered the Yian clan space to kill, she finally decided.

If Ning Tianlin is caught and killed, she will let the Yan clan be buried!

If it hadn't been for the Yan clan to find herself back, she wouldn't have come to the door.

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