"However, this guy made a lot of noise during the breakthrough, and Heaven and Earth here can sense it."

" I'm afraid that guy has some other powerhouses or creatures within ten thousand zhang, I'm afraid I have already felt it."

Ning Tianlin looked at that direction, but fortunately the area of ​​this desert is enough. Great, there are not many people entering here, otherwise the guy would not be so lucky anymore.

Looking from a distance, the piece of Heaven and Earth where the energy converges, the rich energy is like the substance, as if it is wrapped in a huge energy circle, it is extremely magnificent.

Such a change, as Ning Tianlin had expected, attracted the attention of many creatures, and some other creatures also cast their consterious eyes there.

At the same time, the energy coercion belonging to the powerhouse also faintly spreads out, making the weaker creatures in that area feel trembling in fear.

These changes in energy, as time continued, not only did not weaken, but instead became more and more intense.

"This is caused by the breakthrough when the energy reaches the Peak. After the other party's breakthrough is completed, it will gradually decrease until it returns to normal."

Look at Ning Tianlin Said Bo Wen, who was a little confused about these situations.

After a while, in that area, a majestic aura, like a giant dragon-like awakened, slowly diffused from the whole body, and continued to spread out at a very fast speed. .


"This aura, where did I meet it?"

Ning Tianlin, who always pays attention to the dynamics here, is there After the majestic aura spread to them, even though it was already very thin, Ning Tianlin could still feel this aura as familiar.

"What's going on?"


Ning Tianlin, who pondered for a while, suddenly remembered. I remembered who the other party was!

When he was still a Star Core Martial Artist, he encountered a powerhouse in Yin Yang Tan that had survived hundreds of millions of years ago!

Moreover, he once told the other party that his master was in this desert and sea sand. It must be the senior who came to look for his master, and he didn't know if he was found.

"Enlightenment Daoxuan senior!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes were bright, and when he judged that the other party was him through his breath, he felt happy for the other party in his heart.

After all, it is not easy to find a fortuitous encounter in this desert.

But how can he absorb the energy around him?

"What do you remember?"

Bo Wen raised her brows as she looked at Ning Tianlin who was talking to herself.

"Let’s go, let’s go over there and have a look."

"I know that person, he is our Earth..."

Ning Tianlin, who didn't explain too much to Bo Wen, didn't wait for her to react, she already took her hand, moved towards the most energy-rich direction and flew past.

As the enlightenment of Taoism became more and more dynamic, the energy fluctuations in the sky in this area were the most violent, which directly caused a lot of dark clouds to condense in the sky.


When the majestic aura around Enlightenment Daoxuan reached a peak, it suddenly burst out around it.

Immediately afterwards, centering on Enlightenment Dao Xuan, on the surrounding sand surface, as if being thrown into countless bombs, countless sand pillars burst out.

When the pillar of sand that goes straight to the sky bursts open directly in the void, it will fall like a rain of sand from top to bottom, hiding the sky and covering the earth.

In an instant, a roar carrying a majestic spirit, suddenly rushed out of the Enlightenment Profound body, like a dragon roar, rushing into the shatter void, and went straight into the sky.

After a while.

Wu Daoxuan, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly stood up, and began to float, his feet lightly stepped on the void, and his body was straight like a gun.

The majestic imposing manner permeating from his body, like a sword that opens the sky, pierced the endless sky above his head!

Wu Daoxuan did not move, But the majestic imposing manner that pervades it makes this world shake.

After a while.

Ning Tianlin, who rushed over with Bo Wen, looked at Wu Daoxuan floating in the void not far away.

I saw the enlightened Taoxuan at this moment, his eyes closed tightly, and it looked like it had turned into a sculpture.

The majestic breath surrounds the body, and it shuttles regularly from time to time.

"Congratulations to senior, I took another step forward."

Lord of Universe can be said to be the top powerhouse in the universe. They are also some of the closest people to Heavenly Dao Law. , In this level, if they want to improve each stage, it can be said to be extremely difficult.

So, Ning Tianlin is also happy for enlightening Daoxuan from the heart. You must know that some powerhouses may not be able to take such a step forward even for hundreds of millions of years.

At the same time, it is more because as they come from Earth, no matter whose strength is raised, it is a good thing for Earth's overall strength.

It's just that Ning Tianlin doesn't know how the other party's body becomes like this?

The whole body is blue, just like the blue of Earth's starry sky!

"God, Big Brother Lin, he didn't seem to hear what you said. What's the matter? Hasn't he already completed the breakthrough?"

Looking at the suspension there With a completely motionless comprehension, Bo Wen's eyes flashed with surprise. This situation is different from the performance of other Martial Artist breakthroughs. Is the breakthrough of Lord of Universe so different?

"Senior seems to have entered a wonderful state, wait a minute, it should be good soon."

Ning Tianlin hesitated for a while, just explained that in his heart It is also not very clear what kind of state Wu Daoxuan is in right now.

Even the body has become blue.

Especially all the fluctuations just now do not seem to be advanced, but an application of secret technique!

Ning Tianlin is a little confused at the moment, everything seems to be not what he thought.

Hearing this, Bo Wen was also taken aback, and did not ask more, as long as it was not bad.

While the two of them were talking, Wu Daoxuan, who closed his eyes tightly in the sky, frowned slightly.

There was a slight energy fluctuation at the center of his eyebrows. It seemed that something was activated at the center of his eyebrows.

Although the fluctuation is not very obvious, Ning Tianlin, who is not far away, who is always paying attention to the dynamics of Enlightenment Taoxuan, also feels the slightest strangeness.

"Bowen, I am afraid that the situation of the senior is not that simple. What we can do now is to help him protect the law and ensure that there will be no invasion of other creatures in this area."

What happened, can only be known after Wu Daoxuan wakes up, Ning Tianlin in order to guard against the unexpected, exchanges it from the battle strength system for a Formation that can be concealed aura.

Before Bo Wen just rushed to Ning Tianlin, she had already learned something about Enlightening Daoxuan from Ning Tianlin.

At the moment, I didn't dare to be careless, so I helped Ning Tianlin arrange Formation around, and at the same time, he was always alert to the surrounding situation.

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