"It is these Spirit Beasts who chose to escape and rebel, and later the Spirit Beast who fled Earth before the outbreak of the Great War of Earth. They came to this desert with those treasures. The Nine Nether Sacred Land in the sea sand."

"As for why they choose to go to Nine Nether Sacred Land, the reason is not known. Is it because of a certain law or what is attracted to it? It’s just people It's just a guess."

"Then they went there, haven't they gone out again?" Ning Tianlin hesitated for a moment, and continued to ask, he felt that the real reason was not that simple.

"No, they stayed in the Nether Nether Sacred Land all the time, just like the Demon Sand Clan was sealed. The specific reason may only be known after they really go deep there."

"The master once said that, according to legend, this Nether Nether Sacred Land does not belong to our universe to be precise." Wu Daoxuan said. When he said the last few words, he could obviously feel the words bite. It's very heavy.

"Doesn't belong to our universe?" Hearing these words, Ning Tianlin was almost taken aback. The news was too shocking.

Seeing that Ning Tianlin's expression was almost the same as when he first heard this disappearance, Wu Daoxuan did not go on, after all, whoever heard the news would be shocked the first time. of.

After a while, Enlightenment Xuancai continued: "Any powerhouse that reaches the 9-Layer of the Lord of Universe is almost the Peak of the universe."

" The abilities possessed by this level are already unimaginable by ordinary people, and this Nether Sacred Land is said to have the existence that can break through the Lord of Universe 9-Layer."

"The so-called without wind there cannot be Waves, according to legend, this Nine Nether Sacred Land is a space forcibly opened up in the universe by a super powerhouse."

"And this space has its own laws, the Heavenly Dao Law in the universe is there. It’s not applicable in the square space. There is a very special existence in the universe."

Ning Tianlin suck in a breath of cold air, the amount of information is fierce every time, and he can understand the opening up of space. But the space opened up by Heavenly Dao Law in the universe is terrifying.

Lord of Universe 9-Layer can really do it?

Is it the universe controller?

"As for whether this legend is really in a fantasy story, you can only know the answer if you go deep into the deepest part of the Nether Nether Sacred Land."

All the information that Nine Nether Sacred Land knew about Nine Nether Sacred Land and his guesses were all told.

Basically, the content was heard when he followed the master back then, and he heard it accidentally when the master was talking with other powerhouses.

After a while, Ning Tianlin was nodded. The news that Wu Daoxuan said this time was enough to overturn some of his knowledge of the universe, and he really needed to digest it.

In the middle of the journey, he couldn’t help asking the battle strength system about the authenticity of these messages, and the battle strength system pretended not to hear it, and didn’t say a word, which made him want to go to the street. , True or false pit a sigh of relief.

However, he has nothing to do with the temper of the battle strength system. He has long been used to it.

"Thanks Senior, you can tell me so much information about Nine Nether Sacred Land."

Although Nine Nether Sacred Land is so secretive, for Bo Wen, even the mountains of daggers and seas of flames, Ning Tianlin also decided to go for a break.

Furthermore, he has also searched from the memory of the patriarch of the hou clan, and the place to take Bowen is only the peripheral zone of the Nine Nether Sacred Land. His predecessor patriarch went to him. Ning Tianlin naturally has confidence to go.

"I don’t believe it, no matter how special your Nether Sacred Land is, you won’t stay in the universe anymore!"

Ning Tianlin clenched the teeth, cruel in the heart, Although he will be jealous because of the mystery of Nine Nether Sacred Land, it will not hinder his determination to go there.

After Wu Daoxuan saw Ning Tianlin's attitude after knowing the situation of Nine Nether Sacred Land, he knew that the decision made by the other party would definitely not change, and persuasion would have no effect.

"Have you decided?" Wu Daoxuan glanced at the two of them and confirmed again.

"Well, you have to go, senior, don't worry too much. I can handle this Nine Nether Sacred Land with my own means, and we only go to the outermost periphery."

Ning Tianlin nodded with a smile said, and at the same time turned his gaze to Bo Wen. Fortunately, he came with Bo Wen this time. If Bo Wen was accompanied by the old monster of the roar clan and went forward rashly, I am afraid it would really be. It's dangerous.

"This is also good..."

Wu Daoxuan was relieved when he heard that the other party was just going to the outermost periphery. He believed that Ning Tianlin still had this strength.

"Hey, there is a situation..."

Immediately, Wu Daoxuan turned his head slightly, looking towards the desert in the distance, and at the same time maximized his Divine Consciousness The proliferation of globalization.

In an instant, his face was solemn.

I just feel that in Divine Consciousness, several silhouettes are flying here quickly, and all of them feel terrifying to him.

Appears to be higher than his battle strength!


Wu Daoxuan quickly turned around and loudly shouted at Ning Tianlin.


Without hesitation, I just moved towards those silhouettes and rushed over.

He wants to block the opponent!

If not, if the opponent comes, Ning Tianlin and the others will definitely be in big trouble.

You must know that although Ning Tianlin appeared here, and he is a genius amongst geniuses, he is only a Martial Artist, how could he be an opponent of the Lord of Universe in the high level!

The opponent can definitely kill him!

The battle strength between Lord of Universe and Martial Artist is the difference between Heaven and Earth!

"Can't let them come!"

"Ning Tianlin is Earth's hope, cannot fall here!"

There is only this idea in Wu Daoxuan's heart, even if My life and death are already not in.

And it may be because of the blue energy. His current Divine Consciousness is not affected by the desert and yellow sand.

It's just that he has stayed here all these years, and simply doesn't know what Luo Chenmu has made in the outer universe.

Furthermore, with Ning Tianlin's character, how could he leave at this time? After taking Bowen into the Holy Spirit space, he quickly moved towards Wu Daoxuan and chased after him.

"hmph, a group of overestimate one's capabilities, I really think that you are invincible in the desert."

Nine Heavens Scarlet Flames Spear in his hand is pointing diagonally to the void, with fierce energy Shooting out from the tip of the gun, Enlightenment Dao Xuan was floating in the void, and the corners of his mouth made a slight arc of ice.

There was a boom.

Directly rushed to the past.


The void that was originally a little calm suddenly became violent, five fierce and unmatched imposing manners, violently the void above the breakthrough.

At the same time, they condense into five huge sand pillars with shades of have nothing common with each other, like five Heaven-supporting Pillars, standing firmly on the void in that area.

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