Don't say Sophie's life is the life of the dead man in front of him. As long as he understands the truth, he will exchange it with him without even thinking.

But if Sophie has any shortcomings, even if she saves her life, Wu Daoxuan will take the entire Mosha tribe to bury her with her. If it can't be done in ten years, it will be a hundred years, irreconcilable.

"Old Mister, it was only half a month since your friend was arrested last time. During this time, they must have not returned to the clan, which means that your friend is still safe."

Cang Thorn pursed his mouth, looked at the old man who was in front of him to beckon him to continue speaking, then opened the mouth and said again.

"In this desert sea sand, our magic sand clan has an innate advantage to the environment here. The harsh and strange environment causes us to not have a fixed route every time we go out."

"So, I can't give you the exact location information of that wave of soldiers now."

Brows slightly wrinkle's Wu Daoxuan pondered for a while, before what Cangqi said This is indeed the case. The violent wind on this desert can sometimes tear the space apart, not to mention the occasional sea and sand alternating situation, it is really difficult to have a fixed line.

"Go on."

Wu Daoxuan knows that it is really difficult for other people to find people in the desert, even if they have accurate coordinates.

The Mosha Clan is an exception. If they want to find someone in this desert, although it is not easy to talk about, it is certainly not too difficult.

"I mean, if you want to find your friend, you have to rely on me to do it."

A trace of cunning flashed across the face of the thorn, His meaning is already obvious. If you want to save your friend, you must not kill me unless you can do it regardless of her life or death.

"The wave of soldiers who escorted your friend has not returned to the clan now. I can't guarantee that they will not go back in a short time. If they are in the clan, I am afraid they will..."

The thorn, which breathed a long breath, changed the posture of curled up on the sand a little, so that his body can be more comfortable. Whether he is using his own value or using time to threaten the other party , Anyway, the goal has been achieved.

"So, if you were me, what would you do?"

Wu Daoxuan narrowed his eyes, staring at the thorn in front of him with a faint smile, what would he do? I don't know what the other party is thinking, and asks a little jokingly.

"If I were your Excellency, I would..."

The stared body had some uncomfortable thorns, and forcibly swallowed words that were about to reach the mouth. No matter how stupid he is, he will believe that the other party will really listen to him. Let him find that wave of soldiers by himself, and then bring them over again.

"Old Mister, I will tell you Promise, I can bring your friend over to see you alive."

"In order to show that I did not lie, I can press the other three with you as a guarantee, how about?"


As soon as Cang Thorn's voice fell, the four people curled up beside them immediately became calm, and different thoughts broke out in their hearts.

Why are they staying here? If the thorn never goes back, then they won't be cut alive by the old man in front of them. Obviously, no one wants to stay here.

"No, I don't agree..."

"I don't agree, why don't you leave yourself here?... "

"Old Mister, what he can do, I can do it...Yes, so can I, I swear to show you now... "

In the face of a strong desire to survive, the four close friends who were still cooperating immediately began to quarrel.

Sometimes people are like this. If they are perish together, they may not be like this, because they know that everyone has to die, so they will resist with one heart.

But if only one of the five has a chance to survive, then it must not be by fair means or foul to fight for that opportunity.

"Crack noise!"

Several quarrels made Wu Daoxuan, who was already a little irritable, even more annoyed. He turned his eyes to the thorns. The other four people.

After a cold scan, Wu Daoxuan, who had already made plans, completely lost interest in these four people.

"pu ......"

After three mournful screams, Wu Daoxuan inserted the Nine Heavens Scarlet Flames Spear in the sand beside him , Staring coldly at the already trembling thorns of the body again.

Wu Daoxuan with his eyebrows drooping slightly, his hands hung between his sleeves, his indifferent face quietly showed a faint sneer, and said jokingly.

"How about? It's much quieter now, and they won't make money with you anymore, how good."

"Also, I can kill them, Well, you can also kill you too..."

For people like Cang Cang who are full of thoughts, Wu Daoxuan feels that it is necessary to use the method of killing the chicken to warn the monkey. Frighten him so that he will honestly do what he says.

The main reason is that what he will do next is to be done on the basis of the other party's complete willingness.

"Old Mister, you said, you can do whatever you want me to do, I will listen to you, just beg you not to kill me."

Look at the other person while speaking with your own eyes , So he solved the lives of his four companions, Cang Cang was also completely frightened, he no longer thought that the bargaining chip could save his life.

He doesn't have any courage to negotiate conditions with the other party anymore, for fear that the other party will give himself a result if he doesn't go well.

Although this kind of probability is not great, Cang Thorn can't guarantee that the other party might really do that, and then go to Cang Mo to find his friend.

Wu Daoxuan glanced faintly at Cang Thorn, which had been wilted to the extreme. Knowing that his goal had been achieved, he deliberately lowered his voice and said.

"Life or death."

"Choose yourself!"

After uttering the plain words in the mouth of Wu Daoxuan, yes For Cang Thorn, it seemed to have a great pressure, and one word was enough to judge his life and death.

"Birth, I choose a student!"

It seems that he was drained of the last strength, Cang Cang said weakly, in order to survive, he has no choice, even now No matter what the other party asks him to do, he will choose to agree.


"The next thing I do to you, you don't have any resistance."

"Remember, as long as you dare If you resist a little bit, then it is not three dead bodies lying down."

Slowly walked to the side of Cang Sashi who was almost sluggish, Wu Daoxuan's hands began to lie on his chest. Stopped flipping all kinds of weird gestures.

At the same time, he forcibly mobilized the only blue energy in his body and gathered it between his palms. With the continuous use of the secret technique, a light blue energy ball mixed with mysterious ripples quietly suspended in Between the palms.


After the rippled light blue energy ball constantly stabilized, Wu Daoxuan relied on spirit strength to control the energy ball and slowly turned towards the sky. The thorn's mouth floated past.

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