Lasting to the top of the jungle, Ning Tianlin swept past at a very fast speed. The running time lasted about ten minutes or so, and finally approached the position of the battle. nearby.

The coercion passed down by the violent energy fluctuations in the sky is getting stronger and stronger as it gets closer and closer, Ning Tianlin feels that Bo Wen has become a little uncomfortable.

"Come, eat this medicine pill, and you will be fine."

After swallowing Ning Tianlin and handing it over to resist the pressure of powerhouse, Bo Wen’s condition It slowed down, and the pressure on the powerhouse battle began to slowly adapt.

At several millions kilometers away from the battle circle of both sides, Ning Tianlin stopped with Bo Wen.

With the help of the huge forest, he rushed to a hidden location on a towering giant tree.

Here, Ning Tianlin and Bo Wen can clearly see the situation of both sides in the fight.

Looking at it up close, Bo Wen truly felt the fierceness and horror of the 9th dan of Lord of Universe.

Under the blue sky, the two colors of one black and white are both bursting with unmatched energy, and constantly bursting and colliding, looking extremely spectacular.

Ning Tianlin's gaze first swept towards the huge Spirit Beast in the fierce battle. This giant beast was extremely large.

The surface of the huge animal body is covered with a dense layer of pure white hair. Under the sunlight, patches of white glow appear, which is extremely dazzling.

Spirit Beast's head is a fierce-looking tiger head. In its flashing eyes, there are a pair of bizarre purple beast pupils. After opening it is a huge mouth full of sharp fangs. Roaring constantly.

The side of the huge tiger's body, with a pair of white wings, flashing white wings, one after another hurricane enough for the Tearing Space, hiding the sky and covering the earth swept out.

The sturdy feet and claws are also covered with a layer of pure white hair, only the sharp nails on the feet leak out.

Every time the white giant tiger steps on, it will make the void tremble, unimaginable how powerful it is.

Standing on the void white giant tiger, there is an invisible coercion all over the body, just like a natural king with an innate imposing manner.

"Is this the legendary Nether White Tiger?"

Ning Tianlin looks at the Nine Nether White Tiger, his body is covered with pure white hair. , And the Slaughter Qi leaked out between the raised hands and feet, murmured softly.

"This Nine Nether White Tiger is really a Spirit Beast that combines elegance and destruction. The two opposites are perfectly integrated in it."

While Ning Tianlin sighed for the appearance of Nine Nether White Tiger, Bo Wen next to her was also looking at the Spirit Beast with blurred eyes, and she was reluctant to take her eyes off the Spirit Beast.

Ning Tianlin soon turned his attention to the mysterious black robed man who was fighting against the Nether Nether White Tiger.

"This person turned out to be a Human Race!"

His eyes swept over the black robe-wrapped body, Ning Tianlin was surprised, which powerhouse in Human Race dared to fight with The Nine Nether White Tiger, who kills and kills, competes against each other.

"Lord of Universe 9 Dan of Human Race powerhouse......"

Ning Tianlin tried his best to search for related memories in his mind, but still did not find a black The robed man is the same as the powerhouse, and the breath of the mysterious black robed man has never been met before.

Mysterious black robed man hangs in the void and looks at it in a direction opposite to the Nine Nether White Tiger. His whole body is covered by black mist. Nothing of him can be seen outside. Appearance characteristics.

At this time, if Wu Daoxuan was also watching the scene, he would definitely not be able to help but go up and find the mysterious black robed man frantically and desperately.

Because of that person, he had seen him once a while ago. The black robed man shattered him directly by the hand of the black robed man.

Although the same thing is that you can't see the characteristics of your appearance, but the breath that comes out of your body, Enlightenment Daoxuan will definitely not forget.

Above the void, the weird mysterious black robed man reveals an extremely uncomfortable gloomy air all over his body.

"The human beings dressed up as God, playing the Devil, why should they lure this king to this marginal area."

Above the void, the huge Nether White Tiger suddenly speaks Human's words shouted loudly.

Hearing this Nine Nether White Tiger suddenly spoke, Ning Tianlin was shocked. The other party turned out to be pure Huaxia instead of the mainstream language in the universe.

After thinking of what Wu Daoxuan senior had given him before, and some news about Nether Nether Sacred Land, he quickly became relieved. Here, Spirit Beast has had a relationship with Earth hundreds of millions of years ago. The relationship is close, and it is normal to speak Huaxia.

As for the Nine Nether White Tiger speak human's words, Ning Tianlin has also heard about it in these years of research. When it comes to the Spirit Beast of Lord of Universe, it has already developed spiritual wisdom and wisdom. It will not be lower than human beings.

"Hehe, Tiger King, do you think in the depths of Nether Nether Sacred Land, old man dare to stand in front of you and fight you?"

black robed old man tight Staring at Nine Nether White Tiger, a gloomy voice floated from the wide sleeves.

If he hadn't worked so hard to lure the Nether White Tiger out, he wouldn't dare to do anything in the depths of Nether Sacred Land. The horror there was not much he could bear.

At the same time, after hearing the mysterious black robed man speak, Ning Tianlin was surprised again in his heart: "Fuck, this mysterious black robed man also speaks Chinese!"

"Why are you so painstakingly looking for this king?"

Nine Nether White Tiger said mockingly. He wanted to know what the other party's purpose was. simple.

"I don't know if I can borrow Tiger King's Bai Xuanjing!" The mysterious black robed man directly spoke out his intentions.

"White Xuanjing? It takes billions of years for my White Tiger Race to generate a small crystal in my body. Wouldn't you say you want it, and I will give it?" Nine Nether White Tiger unceremoniously took the black Robed man's request was met.

Mysterious black robed man seemed to have expected that it would not be so easy, and said: "I can exchange things with you, you just need to say what you want."

Ning Tianlin next to him, through the conversation between the two sides, felt that this mysterious old man seemed to be the same somewhat dreaded Nine Nether White Tiger in front of him, so his words were not strong.

hearing this, Nine Nether White Tiger suddenly burst into laughter, moved towards the other party and said jokingly.

"Give something in exchange?"

"Okay, as long as you can bring me a condensate pill that can transform the Lord of Universe into nine segments, I will give it to you A white mysterious crystal, what do you think?"

He knew that the request he made was absolutely impossible to satisfy the other party.

Transformation, countless Spirit Beasts can do it.

But all have been transformed early.

For him, transformation is an extremely extravagant thing.

Because his situation is very different from others.

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