With a light wave of the sleeve gown, the veins of an ordinary human arm suddenly burst, and the blood vessels entangled in the arm continue to expand rapidly.

When the whole arm swelled to the extreme point that the Fleshy body can bear, a centipede with sharp fangs was roaring out with its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl.

Suddenly, Ning Tianlin's entire arm has been completely integrated by the centipede of the ten thousand races, with scarlet and ferocious eyes staring at the void.


A strong suction spouted from the mouth of the centipede, like a huge fishing net that was thrown out, suddenly bursting out in front of it.

The turbulent force, even the yellow sand on the ground, was constantly moved towards that virtual big net and poured over it.

In the void, the poisonous spear showers hiding the sky and covering the earth all changed their original trajectory direction when they touched the fierce suction from the centipede.


With shouted in a low voice, the ten thousand centipede in Ning Tianlin's arm suddenly levitated out, and its body shape also expanded rapidly. The huge figure lay directly in the void.

A huge suction spurted out again, and all the poisonous spears in the void were moved towards the centipede of ten thousand races under the fierce suction, and flew away in that huge mouth.

Occasionally, there are very few poison spears that have been missed, and the strength in them has been smashed long ago. It is even more difficult to cause any threat to Ning Tianlin below.

"Hehe, actually swallowed it? It's just bring about one's own destruction!"

"I thought this monster could have so much capacity, it turned out to be just such a little IQ, then wait Let the poison go and die!" Just when Ning Tianlin had just brought out the centipede summon of the ten thousand clan, Cang Lei's heart was also tight, for fear that the other party would use any more secret methods.

It can be seen that the giant centipede with a long elephant and ferociousness took the initiative to swallow all the poisonous spears into his abdomen. This behavior gave him a somewhat cautious expression, but it also relaxed a lot and replaced it. His face is a sneer.

For the venom of their Mosha tribe, he is still very confident. In his impression, there is no species that can be intact with that venom. Surviving, even if it is still alive, it will definitely suffer severe damage.

Not to mention that it is swallowed directly into the stomach, and swallowing so much in one mouth, it will only make the poison of the venom attack faster.

After the first wave of poisonous spear rain ended, Cang Lei didn't have too many thoughts in his heart when he looked at the hideous monster still floating in the void.

I only think it may be that the time for the onset of toxicity has not yet arrived, or the reason why the amount of toxicity has not yet reached, rather than doubt the degree of toxicity.

"Everyone listens to my password, ready to continue throwing!"

"Hehe, since that monster likes to eat, let him eat enough!"

"xiu ..."

With another round of poisonous spear throwing, splitting the air sound resounded in the void again...

The huge body of the centipede Below, a pair of dark eyes stared at the waves in the void, and the showers of poison spears that were continuously thrown over, let the centipede of the ten thousand clan continue to swallow them into their stomachs.

"Compared with poison? You are afraid that it will be given to Wanzu centipede, and you are not qualified to tick it!"

Ning Tianlin coldly snorted, the venom on the poison spear thrown over is indeed It is extremely poisonous, and it is not too much to describe it.

But in the body of the centipede of the ten thousand races, the poison is nothing at all, and within a moment, it will be corroded and digested quickly, and it becomes the abdomen tonic of the centipede of the ten thousand races.

"What, you mean..."

At this moment, the voice of the battle strength system resounded in Ning Tianlin's mind again. After some communication, he His brows wrinkled slightly, and after a moment of pondering, he cursed secretly in the heart.

"This damn old bastard!"

Immediately after thinking for a while, he used mystery to sound transmission towards the enlightened Taoxuan in the space ring.

"Senior, the situation has changed, and I have to trouble you to go out."

Since the direct battle is against the headquarters of the Mosha tribe, Ning Tianlin did not Let Wu Daoxuan directly participate in the battle, but let him stay with Sophie in his space ring.

In this case, Ning Tianlin will be more able to let go of his hands and feet to fight, and there will be no more worries.

Although Wu Daoxuan is very strong, there are many Martial Artists who are better than him here. If you are not careful, you will drink hate on the spot. If you do this, the risk is too great.

Enlightenment Daoxuan is not the kind of person who does not distinguish between right and wrong. He can still tell the difference in strength between the enemy and the enemy, so he also agreed with Ning Tianlin's approach.

The most important thing is that during this period of time, he also has some understanding of Ning Tianlin's fighting methods. The opponent can almost be said to be indestructible, which also allows him to fight Ning Tianlin alone. Just relax.

"Senior, that magic sand patriarch is now at the critical moment to integrate rare treasure."

"At this time, he is also at the weakest time. You alone are enough I can deal with it."

"Remember, we must not let him merge successfully!"

Ning Tianlin briefly explained the magic sand patriarch to Wu Daoxuan with a secret sound. The specific situation, as well as the location of the coordinates, were also told to Enlighten Daoxuan.

hearing this, Wu Daoxuan is slightly nodded, there is no hesitation at the moment, this kind of opportunity is fleeting, he must grasp it well.

He is not the kind of mother-in-law. When he should be decisive, he will never feel disdainful because of those boring moral issues, secret sneak attacks, and the like. Everything is achieved. It's just a means.

"Go, enlighten senior, I will leave it to me!"

Ning Tianlin faced the enlightened Taoxuan said solemnly flying out of the space ring.

Even if the rare treasure is really successfully integrated by the magic sand patriarch, Ning Tianlin knows that from the battle strength system, it can be exchanged in the same one again.

When I think of this level of treasure, the number of essence points required is definitely quite amazing. Thinking of this, Ning Tianlin feels painful for a while, it is better to do this now.

Furthermore, if the Old Guy of the Demon Sand Clan successfully integrates the rare treasure, it will become troublesome if other people want to retake the rare treasure again.

"S...the monster that swallowed all the poison spears, how come he hasn't been poisoned to death anymore, can he support him?"

"You Still thinking about the monster? Didn’t you see another person next to that year ago?"

"Where did this person emerge from? Space ring can survive? Impossible, right.. ."

Some sharp-eyed soldiers noticed the situation on his side as soon as Wu Dao Xuan Gang appeared.

"Lord of Universe fourth stage! That person is fourth stage, higher than that youngster's realm!"

"Damn it, just a Lord of Universe second stage is like this It’s hard to fight, but there’s another one that’s more powerful. How can I fight this?"

"Hey, no, look at that four-stage, it doesn’t seem to be a help for the youngster but is anxious to go. What to do..."

Wu Daoxuan did not pay attention to the battle of the ten thousand centipedes in the void, because dealing with these clansman clansman, he knew that there was no suspense in the result, it was just a matter of time.

With the acceleration of the essence of the body, Wu Daoxuan's body is slightly trembled, with huge purple black wings, slowly emerging from the back under the instillation of the essence of the body, and after it has grown to a certain extent , Then stopped.

The soles of the feet lightly tapped on the ground and jumped up. Under the fan of the giant wings behind, Wu Daoxuan shot away at the coordinate position given by Ning Tianlin.

"Impudent, stop for me!"

Seeing the actions of Wu Daoxuan, after the two of Cang Lei and Cang Li, who supervised the battle in front, looked at each other, the figure suddenly flickered. After coming out, with a gloomy face, he wanted to stop Wu Daoxuan.

"Hehe, blind, when I don’t exist? You still pass me first!"

Under the perfusion of Ning Tianlin's body essence, Dualbladed Halberd brings With fierce air-breaking energy, fiercely smashed both Cang Lei and Cang Li fiercely.

"Not good!"

The two who just wanted to move in the direction of Wu Daoxuan, only felt a fierce force coming from behind, they hurriedly stopped their figure and moved back. go.

At the same time, Ning Tianlin quickly dodges the attacks of other soldiers around. After a few flashes, he appeared in front of the two Cang Lei and intercepted them in the void with a smile. Can't go any further.

"Magic Sand Guards, stop that person for me!"

Seeing that Wu Daoxuan wants to rush directly into the castle, Cang Lei's face is cold and he turns his head. , Shouted to the most elite guards outside the castle.

"Fuck, guard your head!"

With an angry shout, Ning Tianlin directly held Dualbladed Halberd in his hand and moved towards Cang Lei blasted the past, because it was in a hurry, so He did not have time to turn on the battle strength system.


Seeing the appearance of Ning Tianlin's shot, Cang Lei did not dare to be careless at the moment. For this weird youngster, his instinct told him to be careful.

The Cang Lei, which mobilizes the essence of the body extremely quickly, uses the essence to condense a pale-yellow energy cover around the body, which is used to resist Ning Tianlin's "horrible" blow.

However, a strange picture happened.

The energy shield that Cang Lei envisioned was not shattered, and there were almost no broken cracks.

The attack power he has endured just now does not simply contain the terrifying power that can kill the Lord of Universe nine-dan.

It is completely ordinary Lord of Universe 2nd stage, and the normal force released by it is stronger or stronger, and it is not enough to pose a substantial threat to him.

Also found that there was something wrong and not far away. The two looked at each other in blank dismay, and they both noticed something strange.

In their eyes, Ning Tianlin's method does not seem to be the only one just now, otherwise, it would be impossible to use a trick to kill the Avatar of patriarch's energy.

As the person involved, Ning Tianlin's face was also slightly flushed. Just now, in order to realize Daoxuan's smooth entry into the castle, he also suddenly shot out in a hurry.

He used the real strength of the second dan of Lord of Universe to directly smash the tyrannical fleshy body of the ninth dan of the Lord of Universe...

As a result, Cang Lei himself basically and It's nothing like a person, but Ning Tianlin was shocked by the backlash force, and some blood surged.

The change on Ning Tianlin's face did not escape Cang Lei's eyes, but they did not take the initiative to act indifferently.

As for Ning Tianlin's real battle strength, the two are also really at a loss. After looking at each other, they heard it in a secret tone.

"What's the situation? Are you suffocating a big move? Make your face blush?"

"How do I know, I just thought that I was going to be caught by this The blow fell on the ground, but instead he flew him out."

Ning Tianlin, whose face improved while thinking about countermeasures, shook and was shocked. Wrists tingling.

At the same time, he took a look at Cang Lei's fleshy body basically without any damage.

At the same time, the well-trained guards, at the same time that Canglei’s orders were issued, dozens of silhouettes flashed through the void at high speed, moving towards Wudaoxuan with lightning speed. The direction gathers past.

"Kill him!"

Compared to other ordinary Mosha soldiers, dozens of guards with slightly weird costumes look like a poisonous snake. Staring at Wu Daoxuan tightly.


With a cry of coldly shouted, dozens of silhouettes were almost at the same time. Start to merge with each other.

With the weird fusion of more than a dozen energies, the energy contained in it has exploded exponentially.

Looking at the attack of a dozen or so magic sand guards with solemn expressions, Wu Daoxuan only took a rough sweep to distinguish their true strength clearly, all in the Lord of Universe nine paragraphs.

A joint attack at this level is not terrifying, and Wu Daoxuan dare not be careless.

However, for him, even if he can't beat him, with the purple and black wings behind him, it is not impossible to escape the attack range.

The giant wings are one and the other, and the terrifying energy of light blue instantly becomes stronger again on the basis of the original understanding of Taoism.

The wings on the back shook slightly, and with the cooperation of the essence of the body, they accelerated the moved towards the castle and flew past.

"Stand here, don’t move, and you two will find you two later!"

I originally wanted to tease Cang Lei two, but there are more than a dozen Mosha At the same time that the clan guards made a move, Ning Tianlin put down a ruthless word and began to mobilize his body's energy again.

"The fool is standing here motionless!"

After Cang Lei and two of them looked at each other, there was a look of contempt in their eyes. You youngster is a secretive method that makes people feel touched. Not sure about strength.

However, it is not so terrible that one sentence can make them stand still, right? Obedient slaves may be fine, but the two of them are obviously not Ning Tianlin's slaves.

"Super sound waves!"

As Ning Tianlin's throat continues to roll, the sound waves that spread out from the mouth, like the substance, are in a circular ripple state moved towards the battlefield, Indiscriminately radiate the past in all directions.


The scene fell into silence again, and everyone maintained their original attacking posture and stood still.

"Fuck, that guy is not nonsense, it really can't move!"

"Damn it, what kind of secret technique is this, there is no end..."

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