This sudden change of painting style made Ning Tianlin's eyes slightly closed, completely unprepared, and he couldn't help but slam in his heart.

What is a stall? It's the solemn Netherworld, OK!

What is a messy thing? That is the purest and most sacred soul of mankind, okay!

These vulgar words don’t care about you.

What is the greedy boss? Do you think you are in the underworld, or are you building a secret base for terrorist organizations?

Can't escape the clutches? Said it as if he was a perverted sex monster who stretched his hand to the young girl in bloom!

"Xing Zhan, are the smart robots in your place so blasted right now?"

"When did you play with multiple personalities, please give me another one!"

Ning Tianlin didn't want to use this mountain-cannon-like robotic beauty anymore, and appealed to the battle strength system.

"Xing Zhan? Did you hear that, I want to exchange it!"

"Xing Zhan?"

"The product has been sold and cannot be returned !"

The sound of the battle strength system rang out in Ning Tianlin's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"When did you become a profiteer?"

"Why didn't you find out before, you still have this kind of defective product?"

" Isn't it a system product, it must be a boutique!"

Ning Tianlin replied unhappily.

"Defective product? This is a fine product!"

"Speaking so tall, how much do you think they can digest when they first encounter these?"

"You care what tone the robot uses, so that they can understand it, that's fine."

For Ning Tianlin questioning the quality of the product, the battle strength system tone is a bit dissatisfied. He has everything here, but there are no defective products!

"It seems that this is the case, and the goal is achieved..."

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Spanish or Russian, even if it’s local, as long as it is these people The style that can be read is fine!

It’s just that this damn earthy robot is a bit too rough...

Ning Tianlin simply shuts off the sense of hearing temporarily. If you don’t hear, it’s pure, no Is it just a robot to explain? Just do what he explained...

"cough cough..."

"My mother is afraid of you elm brains If it’s not enough, I’ll tell you the truth."

"All of you sitting, including everyone in the planet, have each one, and they are all given to you by Ning Tianlin. Now, life is the person of his Ning Tianlin, and death is the ghost of his Ning Tianlin."

"This is what is called, life and death are involuntary, wealth is not in heaven, all of them are in Ning Tianlin. In the palm of the hand, it is firmly drilled."

While speaking, this beautiful robot made a gesture that was completely inconsistent with the image, and the cuffs of the professional suit were rolled up directly, revealing White arms, opened his voice.

"Just now that IQ was not good, hurry up and give the seat under your buttocks to an old lady, standing too tiring!"

"Uh. .."

"What is IQ not good? Your talent IQ is not good, your family is not good IQ!"

The named Chang Elder was stunned and even more so. Fiercely cursed in his heart.

"Whatever you see, you are the one who is calling, and if you have an opinion, hold back for the old lady."

The beauty of the robot, at this moment, is like a shrew standing on the street, with one hand on her hips. Pointing to Chang Elder's direction, he said directly.


Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, Chang Elder still didn't dare to show the slightest expression on his face. He obediently moved the seat over, while he stood pitifully back where he was.

This woman cannot afford to offend!

I just pick up some derogatory words to describe Ning Tianlin, and she is the only one who dares to be so bold!

The most important thing is that Ning Tianlin has no response? He didn't even say a word, obviously tacit approval.

Chang Elder dare to guarantee that if these people among them, who dares to speak like this, they will definitely be slapped into pieces by Ning Tianlin, and they are still lying on the ground, no matter how they buckle them Of the kind.

Not only Chang Elder, but also the rest of the people in the hall were surprised by this contrast in attitude.

Is it...

Ning Tianlin has a tendency to self-masochistic? He just likes to be abused like this, is he cool? Talk to him well, will he be unhappy instead?

You have to use this earthy rough tone to communicate normally. Perhaps, probably, it should be...

People who think they have insights into Ning Tianlin’s personality are also For a while, believe oneself infallible secretly nodded.

As everyone knows, Ning Tianlin has closed her hearing a long time ago. This mechanical beauty is now in an absolute state of stocking. If you love to talk, you can talk about it...


The beauty of the robot lifted her right leg up and stepped directly on the seat that originally belonged to Elder. She didn't care about the underside of the hip skirt, which faintly exposed the spring light.

With a wave of his left hand, he continued the topic just now.

"Hey, you people, it can be regarded as the blood mold of eight lifetimes, and it has been planted in the hands of Ning Tianlin!"

"Bah, baah, baah! You guys! Eight lifetimes? This is the first lifetime. This is the first time I am a human being. It’s so miserable."

"It’s really a condition that doesn’t allow it.

How much hatred does this woman have with Ning Tianlin?

Everyone has an illusion that the place they are staying now is not a high-end conference hall, but a teahouse in the streets and alleys of the people.

No, even that grade is not up to the level, at best it is the kind of open-air farmer’s market.

"When it comes to eight lifetime's bloody bad luck, my old lady has to take you to step on the Netherworld spot in advance. When the time comes, I will be familiar with the road."

" Take the one with insufficient IQ as an example. You can assume that she is belching now!"


Often Elder wants to kill someone. The impulse, don’t you just ask a question? As for how you stepped...

"After she hiccups, her soul will go out of her body. If she is wandering around with a look of awkwardness, it will be miserable. You will be Old Ning Great. Sect was forced to go back to the Netherworld!"

"None of you can escape this kind of fate, because once someone belches, he will know, not just know that you are How belching is where the belching is. He knows the exact location of the belching."

"So, my old lady advises you, after belching, hurry up and go to your Old Ning big one. Yin Sector reports. As for how to go, you don’t have to worry about it."

"He has a bead called Samsara Bead, which can control Yin-Yang Reincarnation, and your soul will be It leads to the entrance of Yin Sector."

"Similarly, if you want to spend the next life under Old Ning's hands, you will be reborn from there."


"Why don't you say that your Old Ning is big, it's an awesome character, people have methods, just take care of you people, simply don't want it..."


This kind of earth-flavored teaching is easy to understand by everyone. The language is popular and rude. Even the example given is simple and kind.

Everyone looked thoughtful nodded, and in their hearts they gave this robotic beauty, fiercely, a secret compliment.

She said what they felt, what they were afraid to say, because Ning Tianlin seemed to be such an image in their hearts...

However, carefully Thinking about it, these people seem to be really, and they have fallen into Ning Tianlin's claws.

Think carefully and fear!

But so what? For eternal life, for the soul, Ning Tianlin's big pit, they are so sure that they can't stop it.

"The goods with poor IQ, in the future, if the fleshy body is broken into slag, it will become a solitary soul, unbound ghost, bah, it is a pure soul who went to the underworld to report."

"The following set of procedures is what she must go."

"Passing Gates of Hell..."

"By Yellow Springs Road..."


"Take the three-life stone...the three-life stone, the three lives, the previous life, this life, and the future..."

"The evildoer, directly enter the seek life but can't, seek Death but can't’s Eighteen Levels of Hell..."

"Benevolent people., drink Mengpo soup...gone naihe...rebirth..."


Wait, Netherworld some must-know generalizations are summarized by the robot beauty, concisely and concisely...

Even Ning Tianlin The Tianlin Temple in Beijing was also introduced by the robot beauty in the form of letting everyone recognize the door in advance...

This earth-flavor explanation conference, just like the robot beauty, spit After a lot of comments, it took a full half an hour before he closed the small mouth like a machine gun.

"oh la la."

It immediately turned into a stream of light, together with the mirrored light curtain, which disappeared in the hall together.

Everyone was reluctant to let go of the beauty of the robot for a while...

To be precise, I still want to have an ear addiction again, listen to the beauty of the robot, to Ning Tianlin's crazy complaints.

The introduction of Yin Sector is like a complaint to Ning Tianlin. By the way, some common sense must be mixed in...

Perceive the energy fluctuation when the mirror screen disappears, Ning Tianlin also let out a sigh of relief, and his hearing was restored.


Slightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

There was a slightly more active atmosphere just now, and the watch exploded again. It was the kind of anti-explosion that can't be quiet.

"Is there anyone you understand?" Ning Tianlin asked softly.

"oh la la ..."

Everyone shua shua shook their heads in denial, indicating that what should be understood, what should not be understood, they all understand.


Ning Tianlin is slightly nodded, as long as someone understands it, then these common sense will soon be introduced into the ears of the residents of Jiayi Star.

Ning Tianlin, who does not want to be too entangled on this topic, continues to open the mouth and said.

"Since you understand everything, let's pay the tuition."



The faces of everyone are full of capital question marks.

"Isn't this common sense that you want to popularize for us? Why are you still collecting tuition?"

"Is it appropriate to be so blatant?"

"Hey, let's hand it in. It's only half an hour. Where can it be more expensive..."

The crowd with dumbfounded faces looked at each other, all in the heart Choose compromise.

This Ning Tianlin is really a big pit. Before he started to sell his life, he pitted his own people first.

"I think you are all poor, even cheaper."

In Ning Tianlin's tone, he seemed to understand everyone's feelings, and he glanced down sympathetically Later, it seemed that I could not bear to say with a slight smile.


Poverty? Cheaper?

If Ning Tianlin didn't say these words, everyone felt that it might be better.

Now, I will only feel more nervous. Will Ning Tianlin sympathize with them? That is definitely impossible!

I would rather believe that the sun rises from the west than Ning Tianlin's slightly narrowed eyes.

In an instinctive reaction, everyone blocked the space ring in their hands, subconsciously, with their other hand.

"Lin Elder, as the former master of a pavilion, it starts with you."

"The tuition fee is all according to your heart."


Then a wave of his hand, a gray bead suspended in front of everyone.

"This is the Pearl of Qiming."

"If you pay the tuition sincerely, it will light up, otherwise, it will always look gray."

" p>

This is actually a bead that detects whether there is anything in the opponent's space ring, but Ning Tianlin said it was another explanation.

Although these people have anything in their space ring, they are all obvious at a glance, but for the sake of face, it's hard to ask for them all.

But Qimingzhu is different. It will only light up if there is nothing in the other's space ring.


The standing chief Elder Lin Lingyi walked towards Qi Mingzhu with a gentle complexion.

Why is sincere, she is definitely sincere.

oh la la.

Lin Lingyi waved her hand, and from the space ring, she picked out something that she thought was more valuable and placed it next to Qi Mingzhu.

"Huh? Isn't it bright yet?"

Brows slightly wrinkle's Lin Lingyi is somewhat surprised, this is the most treasured treasure among her whole body worth.

She really didn't have any secrets, she was really sincere, otherwise, she would be impossible to get the best.

"Is this a test?"

She, who should have set an example, is somewhat embarrassed at the moment. This bead is not bright. Isn't it true that she is in front of everyone? Not satisfied!

"Then try to take a few more pieces, I don’t believe it is still not bright!"

Lin Lingyi bit her teeth, her heart is cruel, and she directly takes out all his treasures Among them, ten of the best come out.

"How is it possible? Still not bright! Broken?"

She faintly felt that this bead must be broken. Those are eleven treasures, which are bigger than the ones in her ring now. All the remaining things are much more precious, and it is definitely more than enough to show sincerity.

Although she deeply doubted the effect of this bead, she did not dare to show it in the slightest.

It must be not sincere enough, then come again!

"Fetch twenty pieces!"

"Fetch eighty pieces!"

...not bright yet!

Lin Lingyi, whose face is full of pain, is about to call her mother if she feels distressed.

"There are only some debris left..."

All the treasures she has accumulated for most of her life have been taken out, and the remaining things are some that can't be put on the table. That’s all.

But the bead is still gray!

"I don't believe it, I'll give it all to you!"

Lin Lingyi, who doesn't believe in evil, simply took out all the things left in the space ring, all the things left in the space ring. .

She didn't dare to breathe more, staring at the bead closely. If it doesn't shine, she is sure that there must be something wrong with the beads.

Is it possible that, can she show her sincerity if she strips all her clothes off?

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