"hong long long ..."

A Divine Consciousness flashed in Ning Tianlin's mind, pressing on the big mountain on the lionhorn, and directly Rise, shattered in the void.

The lionhorn beast that has lost its restraint, the beast's body suddenly swayed, covered with hair, and under the reflection of the light, it exudes a dense cold glow.


A beast roar on the spot, resounded, instantly adjusted the body's breath to a challenge state.


The fore palm is slightly bent, the hind palm is stepped back, and with a little force, the whole body jumps up and jumps to the other direction parallel to Ning Tianlin.

"Boy, I don't want to bullied the weak, I let you..."

Lionhorn said loudly with a smile, against Martial Artist at this level of Ning Tianlin, it Even if you don't use all your hands and feet, it's a sure win.

It was just a blast of Heavenly Beast roar, it was confident and stunned the opponent on the spot.


Be stunned by the thunder of that hong long long, shaking ears, Ning Tianlin did not wait for the lionhorn beast to finish speaking, and directly screamed.

"Let you uncle, hurry up!"

The essence of the body is running into a fighting state, Ning Tianlin's Dualbladed Halberd quietly used it, and his right foot withdrew slightly. The entire silhouette is like a cannonball ready to go.

"Haha, really arrogant enough!"

"But it's not enough, because you, no, that, one, capital, capital!"

The last few words were bitten heavily by the lionhorn beast.

It was a good intention, but Ning Tianlin gave it a strong push back. The pair of lantern-like eyes of the lioncorn beast suddenly lingered with a little pale red fierceness.

Since the face is shameless, please be polite!

"I want to see if I am old and can't lift the knife, or your Ning Tianlin floats, dare to challenge the Lord of Universe like this!"

"Ignorance Children!"


Gazed at Ning Tianlin in front of him, the lionhorn beast got up in a rage and took the lead! The imposing manner of the Lord of Universe spreads rapidly from the body.

Just looking at the powerhouse momentum, it's quite shocking and fierce.


The strong wind blowing on the face should have cut Ning Tianlin's body like a knife, but it was just like a breeze, light from his face Stroking past.

"Just use such a little strength? It's too small to look down on me!"

On the other side of the void, Ning Tianlin jokingly locked the silhouette of the lion and horned beast in front, humming coldly road.

Obviously, this lionhorn beast is releasing water! No, to be precise, underestimate the enemy!

It thinks it is enough to clean up Ning Tianlin and produce such a little battle strength!

At this time, Ning Tianlin's slender left hand is surrounded by surging essence, and the richness is almost substantial, covering the fingertips.

"Go back to me and start again!"

In the middle of the curls, with one after another turbulent energy, he stared at the slightly slow lion with cold eyes Horned beast.

"Go back? Are you scared?"

"Why, don’t you have the strength to move it?"

Lion Horn The beast was cast away unabated, and the contempt in his eyes was revealed.

It believes that if this claw goes down, it will definitely break Ning Tianlin's shot into a pile of meat!

As for defeating Ning Tianlin by mistake?

That's impossible. In the Nine Revolutions Reincarnation Tower, even if Ning Tianlin commits suicide 10,000 times, he can't die!

One kilometer!

"Don't do it yet?"

The lionhorn beast is surprised, but it can't be beaten. It can run or beg for mercy on the spot. I won't laugh at you.

Five hundred meters!

"This kid must be really taken aback, maybe he was scared and stupid?"

One hundred meters!

"What the hell is he doing? If I go on this claw, the outcome is determined, there is no suspense at all!"

The distance of 500 meters, he Ning Tianlin still Can it turn the sky upside down?

"get lost!"

Ning Tianlin sipped in a low voice, he, who has been standing still, moved at this moment!

"oh la la!"

With a wave of his left hand upwards, and then, just a few tens of meters in front of the lioncorn beast, the space suddenly distorted without warning.

Immediately, the tyrannical essence energy spewed out from his palm at an extremely fast speed, and finally, in the void like lightning, it condensed into an energy barrier that was only half a meter thick.

And, on the surface of the barrier, there is a sharp thorn a few meters long, standing abruptly in the upper position. It is conceivable that if this is hit by one head, it will not end well!

"hmph, such insignificant ability!"

Looking at the energy barrier that suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, the lionhorn beast was lightly snorted with disdain. Obviously, it simply does not regard this barrier as a barrier. Going on.

This is too weak, right? Only half a meter thick energy barrier? Anyway, gather a few feet thick, right?

In that case, it might be able to stop it, and it just let go of a fart.

tsk tsk, to the effect that lionhorn beast somewhat blindly self-confident, simply can't guess, how abnormal and terrifying the speed of Ning Tianlin's upgrade is.

I don't even know how pure the energy of the barrier condensed in front of me is. It was released in Ning Tianlin's body long ago after being compressed several times.

It seems simple and thin, but definitely have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly!

"Give me...!"

On the lionhorn beast's face, there was a humane grin. The offensive did not change, and it hit the barrier fiercely in front of it. go.

It firmly believes that its brain will definitely be without suspense, shattering the energy!

Suddenly, a strange scene appeared, and the light on the screen energy cover skyrocketed.


As soon as the broken word uttered half of the sound, it stopped.

The big beast's mouth is even more coincidental. It was directly thrust in by the thorn, and it was hugely supported.

"Clang Dang!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire big face of the lionhorn beast followed fiercely's stick to the energy shield, and could no longer move forward.

And the thorn is even more pierced from the mouth, through the throat...

"oh la la!"

The body carried The huge inertia, mixed with the whistling wind, continued to surge towards the thin energy shield.


There was another earth-shattering explosion. The entire body of the lionhorn beast lay directly on the energy shield, and was forcibly hung by that stab. .

And the barrier just shuddered very slightly...

"tsk tsk, it hurts to look at it."

See In this scene, Ning Tianlin glanced aside unbearably.

"Hey, I knew this lion horn beast was so stupid, so I wouldn't put that thorn."

Ning Tianlin teased.

Hearing the violent explosion caused by the impact, and the hairs of the lionhorn beast that were knocked down, it was really miserable and could not be more miserable.

"I still hit the thorn with my mouth. Just thinking about it, it really hurts!"

The full-loaded heavy-ton truck directly hits the huge hard rock , The entire front of the car will be directly squeezed into thin iron sheets due to inertia.

This lionhorn beast, don’t break your brain. Ning Tianlin doesn’t want to accept a Spirit Beast with a brain problem. Moreover, this broken brain is still hit by itself. It's bad, it's really embarrassing...


After sighing, Ning Tianlin sighed against the barrier and let out a sigh of relief. , The somewhat obtrusive thorn, quietly escaped from the barrier.


Perhaps the lionhorn beast was really stunned. After losing the power of the thrust, the whole body was no longer under control. It fell close to the energy screen cover.

Along the way, there was a sharp rubbing sound...

The originally dense hair was dropped by the friction and the bunches of it.


There was another loud noise, like a free fall motion, the falling lioncorn, fiercely and the ground came an all-round kiss.


The strands of hair in the void also fell accurately and accurately on the body of the lionhorn beast with its four hooves open.

Quiet, dead quiet!

The battle between heaven shaking and earth shattering in the original Lord of Universe has become this comical scene.

Ning Tianlin couldn't bear to step forward to check the wound of the lionhorn beast, standing quietly in place.

Because of the unexpectedly hard force, the lionhorn beast gave the "self-harm" no struggling strength, lying there quietly, slowly.

There are still a few scattered hairs, making the lionhorn beast's miserable look even more miserable...

After a while, the lionhorn beast with a languor, slowly Slowly opened the big lantern eyes.

With his face full of pain and disbelief, it is certain that the energy barrier that Ning Tianlin just displayed is not something that can be condensed by the shit Xingyuan and Xinghuang Martial Artist...


Lord of Universe can do it!

Lord of Universe?

Take the code, Ning Tianlin turned out to be Lord of Universe! There is such a young Lord of Universe in the universe?

The key is to let it meet him without death, not only that, but it also arrogantly set the head of the fight.

The result? Lose in one move! There is really no place to put this old face...

The lionhorn beast just wants to lie down like this, making a buzzing head quiet.


I noticed that the lionhorn beast woke up, and the Ning Tianlin who was hanging in the void suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared immediately, he had already come to the area beside it.

There is no afterimage of Ning Tianlin's fall in the void, it is completely controlled by the mind.

"Hey, did you pretend to be a dead pig?"

"Since you are awake, then hum!"

Ning Tianlin joked softly, While speaking, he stretched out his right foot angrily, moved towards the fat buttocks of the Lionhorn Beast and kicked it lightly.


Just as the lionhorn was about to curse and fight back, the sharp pain in its throat made it unable to pronounce even a complete word.

"ao wu ..."

The beast roar that sounded like a huge bell, but at this moment, it turned into a painful moan like a sick cat.

"ao wu..."


The throat is injured with internal organs, which is different from the superficial wound outside the body, this lionhorn beast The current situation is that even breathing is painful.

"You were not so prestigious just now, are you the biggest when the sky is big?"

"How come you are more than one now?"

Ning Tianlin smiled and moved, and at the same time, he kicked again, and the body of the lionhorn beast was flattened by the kick.

He had to take a good look at the bitter appearance of this lionhorn beast, with his face lying on the ground, this miserable appearance could not be appreciated.

"ao wu ..."

It was another heart-wrenching scream.

"You are really a talent!"

"So long as a spur, you think you broke it?"

" Fight, just fight, why do you shout so loudly? It looks so violent? Then why didn't you pull out that spur?"

Ning Tianlin was taunted with a strong smile.

If that thorn really enters from the lionhorn beast’s throat and comes out of the ass, it’s really a big deal...

"How about it, you confessed?" Or do it again?"

Ning Tianlin smiled and shook the head before asking.

"ao wu!"

This sick cat-like moan seems to be stronger than the previous two times. Obviously, he is still not convinced, and is still yelling at Ning Tianlin.

"It's all like this, and the mouth is still so hard?" Ning Tianlin hummed coldly.

"Is your mouth hard? Mad, you poke into a ball!"

Although there is no sound, it does not hinder the lionhorn beast, in the heart constantly Refute Ning Tianlin's words.

"It's coming soon!..."

In a rough voice, the lionhorn beast secretly said joyfully.

"In one minute, I will be able to stab this energy and give it a thorough refining!"

After glancing at Ning Tianlin on the side, Lion The speed of the qi movement in the horned beast's body has accelerated again.

"hmph, when I lose this thorn, it will be when you suffer!"

There is revenge, there is grudge, the lionhorn is even in the Heart thinks about how to beat Ning Tianlin to the ground, and then torture him like this!

"In a moment, I have to find a big iron rod and put it in your mouth, so that you can taste the pain that even breathes!"


However, the more the lionhorn is refining, the more frightened it is.

The purity of this energy spike is far beyond its imagination, and there is even a kind of energy that it has never encountered before.

Be aware that it is the Lord of Universe that has lived for hundreds of millions of years, and Ning Tianlin is just a hairless brat for hundreds of years. How could there be something that it has never encountered before!


This kind of remaining weird energy, seemingly weak, but it is difficult and powerful.

"I will help you!"

The energy fluctuation in the lionhorn beast, of course, could not escape Ning Tianlin's investigation, and was shouted at the moment.

"Help me?"


"This stab is definitely not a problem for you, it will be gone with a wave of your hand!"

The lionhorn beast was slightly nodded, and signaled Ning Tianlin to do it quickly, otherwise the feeling of as if having a fish bone stuck in one's throat is really too uncomfortable.

Ning Tianlin sneered, arrogance will pay the price of arrogance!

"oh la la!"

With a big hand, he grabbed the thick tail of the lionhorn beast, and forcibly lifted its body upside down.


Want Ning Tianlin to immediately stop the action of the lionhorn beast, he screamed incoherently, but it was too late.


Ning Tianlin directly stretched the entire body of the lionhorn beast, and used the tail as a force point to volley round.


Huh! ...

The violent circling range is hunting and humming above Ning Tianlin's head.

The lionhorn beast never thought that Ning Tianlin's so-called helping it turned out to be to give Lun out the piercing energy from its mouth!


What can be solved by moving your finger is, does it have to be so violent?

It's too cruel!


Ning Tianlin is more powerful, and the whole circle is almost completely the afterimage of the lionhorn beast.

He didn't do anything about it, if he was not ruthless, the thorn would come out!

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