
The energy contained in two medicine pills bursts out at the same time, and medicine efficacy is very fast.

Bu Yunyan's originally confused eyes, after a brief period of sobriety, became a little sluggish.

"3 minutes!"

"Wait another 3 minutes, everyone can ask questions!"

Excited Yin-Yang Sect messenger, satisfied Rubbing his palms, he immediately got up and stood, and promised to everyone who was also secretly excited.

The triumphant tone is like showing off their Yin-Yang Sect's superb methods. You can't do it, only our Yin-Yang Sect can do it!

The messengers are too lazy to care about it. Pill Recipe is the strength of Yin-Yang Sect.


The envoys who were watching the changes of Bu Yunyan's body could not help but feel the heartbeat speeding up.

Once that step, they open their mouths and say what they want to know, report it to their patriarch immediately.

This is great news. Is there any powerhouse that doesn’t try hard and wants to know the news of Earth and Ning Tianlin urgently? It's just that there is no way out.

And they are different. They will be the first witnesses of this event. When the time comes, they are definitely the heroes in defending the universe. The entire universe will remember what they did today!

3 minutes is fast, but in the anxious waiting of everyone, it seems very long...

At the same time, the universe's thousands of stars.



An extremely large body, the positive pole traverses the void quickly, wherever it passes, the starry sky is closed, and the secret veins are rippling.

Some sporadic planets are directly smashed by its body. It is not that it does not want to avoid it, but that it is too lazy to avoid it.

Thousands of planets in this universe, they committed heinous sins to Earth back then, and they should be entitled to collect such a small amount of interest.

Such a big movement, even some powerhouses nearby were alarmed, thinking that there was an invasion by a powerful enemy, and each one was waiting.

However, when I saw the huge monster, I didn't plan to come, but after a flash, he also let go of the hanging heart.

It is estimated that it is the powerhouse that can not escape the world, and it has come out and wandered around. Those powerhouses in the heart are so speculated.

It's just that the flying posture of the huge monster surprised them all, which is too strange.

Others face forward and swept forward, but this huge monster is just the opposite. It is the ass moved towards the front, the head moved towards the back, and travels backwards through the starry sky.

Sure enough, he is a hidden old monster. Even the flying posture is so different in the universe and full of personality.

Looking at the huge monster leaving quickly, the nearby powerhouses all cast envy.

What's the matter, they can travel through the starry sky unscrupulously like that powerhouse, even with their buttocks facing forward, and no one dared to fart half...


3 minutes, the time is up!

That step Yunyan stood up on her own!

"Women Bu Yunyan, pay respects to the master."

Bu Yunyan, whose complexion has recovered a bit, looked in the hall for a week, and walked towards the envoy of Yin-Yang Sect beside him. After the past, immediately, bowed his head to see Dao.

"haha, very good, very good!"

Yin-Yang Sect made the person laugh with satisfaction.

This Zuixin Pill also has a built-in attribute, that is, whoever feeds the medicine pill, the person who takes the medicine will listen.

In other words, in the entire hall, Yunyan only listened to him at this step, not even the Patriarch of the Howler.

"Why are you giggling? Hurry up and ask questions!"

The impatient machine clan messenger opened his mouth and urged.

If he didn't know how much of the specific attribute of this Xpress Pill, he would have been immediately in the past to ask questions, how could it be his turn to be there to be blind.

The look in the eyes of the messenger of the machine clan is like a fool, and it is not clear at all!

"hmph, what are you talking about? Just look at it!"

The messenger of Yin-Yang Sect gave the other party angrily. He knew that he was not breathing now. At that time, the eyes of the whole hall were staring at him.

"Do you know Ning Tianlin?"

"If you go back to the master, you know."

...this mindless question, roar The clan patriarch is so angry, I really want to slap it and shoot the Yin-Yang Sect messenger into a pile of meat!

Do you still have to ask? Didn’t the old man tell you a long time ago that this woman is an accomplice of Ning Tianlin, a mindless thing!

"Then what is your relationship with him?"

The Yin-Yang Sect messenger directly ignored those contemptuous eyes, and deliberately continued questioning according to his rhythm.

It’s even more in the heart coldly snorted and said, "I’ll ask whatever I want, do you care? If you can’t get the free pill, just do it obediently and look at me and ask!"

Associate? Then need to ask! I really took it...

The messengers of all races, who had their own gaps, could only mutter in a hurry.

Nothing, I can only hope that the Yin-Yang Sect messenger quickly asked the point. Fortunately, they are now in the base camp of the Hou clan, so there is no need to worry about accidents.

At most, it’s okay to wait a few more minutes, wait a lot, and let the Yin-Yang Sect messenger be arrogant for a while, wait until the gate of the Howler clan, and then kill him. The prestige is.

With the feeling of focal point of ten thousands, the messenger Yin-Yang Sect still wants to enjoy it for a while. After asking directly, wouldn't it be that no one will take him.

"He is my Master."

Bu Yunyan's expression is like an is a puppet, even his voice has no emotion.


It turned out to be Ning Tianlin's discipline? This howler caught a big fish!

Now, the envoys of all races have a more spectrum in their hearts. What they want to know, this woman must know all!

Even the messenger of Yin-Yang Sect didn't expect. He would ask about such a relationship when he asked casually.

"Quickly ask her, who is the master of Ning Tianlin!"

The most calm roar patriarch, who couldn't hold back anymore, shouted hurriedly.

This is too important. To cultivate a super genius like Ning Tianlin, besides the ancient Number One Person, who else can do it?

takes part or not, just ask!

If it is really the ancient Number One Person, it means that he hasn't fallen at all back then, which would be a big trouble!

It is necessary to quickly unite all the forces in the universe, just like back then, aggressively attacking Earth, and must completely annihilate the ancient Number One Person!

"Answer what he said!"

Aware of the seriousness of the problem, the messenger Yin-Yang Sect did not dare to neglect.

"This, I don’t know, Master Ning has always been cultivation alone."

Bu Yunyan answered truthfully, she really didn’t hear Ning Tianlin mention it. There is also a master's matter.

How could it not!

The face of Patriarch, the hou clan, was also gloomy in an instant. Is his guess wrong?

Wait, Ning Tianli cultivation alone!

Doesn’t that mean that he is the incarnation of the ancient Number One Person, or a new body found during the re-cultivation!

"I don't know? Then what is the name of your Sect, I should know it!"

The messenger of Yin-Yang Sect browses tightly knit and asked sharply.

Obviously, I was very dissatisfied with Bu Yunyan's answer. I immediately thought that it was also possible that Bu Yunyan's status in Sect was too low. I simply don't know some secret history in the door.

"It's called Profound Yellow Sect."

"Who founded Sect?"

"Master Ning founded it by himself."

"How many dísciples are there? How many people are in the Lord of Universe?"

"There are three dísciples in total, and two dísciples."

"There is no Lord of Universe yet in the fantasy gate."

Between one question and one answer, Bu Yunyan told the truth.

As for Ning Tianlin's promotion to the Lord of Universe some time ago, she really didn't know.

Huh! What is this all about? This woman must be lying!

What shit Profound Yellow Sect? Even Patriarch, a roar clan who had been to Earth, shook his head and said that he had never heard of such a Sect.

Only three members? No Lord of Universe exists yet?

The messengers of various races simply don't believe it. If you say that Profound Yellow Sect has three Lord of Universes, that's pretty much the same!

"Your broken medicine pill, can it work?"

"Whether you are believing or not, I don't believe it anyway!"

The orc messenger, the rough voice sounded.

"Do not believe it!"

"Do not believe..."

The rest of the messengers also shook their heads.

What kind of cosmic joke, kill the Lord of Universe Ning Tianlin, who is like cutting vegetables, will there be no Lord of Universe in the Sect?

Even the forces behind these people, which one does not have the Lord of Universe in charge?

The messengers of all ethnic groups think that they are not so stupid yet, and will believe what Bu Yunyan said.

"You love believing or not! I made this pill by myself, so I can't go wrong!"

Faced with the doubts of the envoys of various races, the envoy of Yin-Yang Sect suddenly Anxious.

You and I are arguing endlessly...

At the same time, in the starry sky, the huge monster is still continuing to traverse the void, but in terms of speed, it is faster than before. It's getting on a lot.

It has adjusted the shuttle posture, from the previous passive flying backwards to the positive active flying.


This feeling is really cool!

The huge monster, after enjoying the pleasure of flying freely, he said with emotion.

Calculating, in hundreds of millions of years, it has not tried to travel the universe, and at this moment it is like a child flying freely.

"Where is this sloshing?"

After enjoying, this huge monster began to really look at the surrounding environment. The tyrannical Divine Consciousness was also silent. Release.

"en? This aura, why are you familiar?"

Huge monster frowned, with a face full of doubts, even in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, searching for something related to this aura information.

It's been hundreds of millions of years, so I really have to think about it.

"Fuck, it turned out to be you old bastard!"

"Really didn't expect, Ning Tianlin, that guy, actually kicked me to your place."

Thinking of the owner of this breath suddenly, the huge monster couldn't help yelling at first, and then he smiled sullenly.

"tsk tsk, this is a great fate, it really deserves your bad luck!"

After so many beatings at Ning Tianlin, it's time for him to find a vent It’s a bucket, even more how is the enemy you met, so you won’t be soft, you must let your breath go!

After making up his mind and looking for the direction, the huge monster did not hesitate to speed up again and swept into the depths of the starry sky.

At the same time, it also hides the breath of the whole body. It wants to give this "old friend" a surprise. No, it's a fright. It's best to give it a shock on the spot.

Thinking of the scene of a domineering landing, this huge monster couldn't help but let out a terrifying smile.


"The old man hasn't sneezed for hundreds of millions of years, why did he suddenly sneez one?"

The patriarch who was still contemplating just now, his face was suspiciously dark. After screaming bad luck, he swept his eyes to the hall again.

It must have been too much pressure during this period, and coupled with these chirp chirp twitter twitter messengers, it annoyed him, otherwise, how could he sneeze without warning?

"Shut up all of you to the old man!" He waved his hand to stop everyone.


He will know if there is any lying.

The tyrannical Divine Consciousness burst out of his body instantly, moving towards Bu Yunyan's body enveloped.

"Divine Consciousness fluctuates without exception, so impossible to lie!"

Hou clan patriarch frowned, if this were the case, then things would be much simpler!

He concluded in the heart that Ning Tianlin is a great possibility and has a great relationship with the ancient Number One Person.

"Now Earth, there are a total of several Lord of Universe!"

Yin-Yang Sect envoy asked on behalf of the howler patriarch.

"Earth has no Lord of Universe."

Bu Yunyan is affirmed again.

Sure enough!

Hou clan patriarch can now be sure that Earth has recovered, but the recovery time is definitely very short and short, so short that no decent powerhouse has been born.

The Ning Tianlin is the ancient Number One Person. Undoubtedly, otherwise the impossible grows so fast.

As for Profound Yellow Sect, it was also because it was just established that Sect withered. That is to say, the current Earth is only Ning Tianlin, a powerhouse that can take a shot!

"haha, Earth is not for fear, not for fear!"

The patriarch who clarified his thoughts, after a sigh of relief, said with a malicious smile.

"The old man can tell you for sure, as long as Ning Tianlin is destroyed, then Earth is equivalent to be destroyed!"

oh la la!

The whole hall suddenly boiled.

Before, they thought Earth was too terrifying. It turns out that Earth is a paper tiger. No, to be precise, Ning Tianlin is a paper tiger. It is a general without an army, and there is simply nothing behind it. backing.

The most important thing now is to ask where Ning Tianlin is, and then find out!

Take the whole strength of Universe, just kill it!

Simple, it is too simple, no matter how powerful Ning Tianlin is, can one person stand against the entire universe? That is impossible!

"Where is Ning Tianlin now? Come on!"

Not waiting for the patriarch of the hou clan to speak, the messenger Yin-Yang Sect asked calmly.

"I don't know."

"The last time I saw Master was when he came to Earth."

Bu Yunyan shook the bluntly head, replied somewhat dumbly.

Don’t know?

That's okay, as long as you know where Earth is!

I don’t believe that Ning Tianlin will not return to Earth, when the time comes, as long as they are waiting in Earth, come and wait for it!

"Then where is Earth, you always know, tell me!"


Everyone held their breath, waiting for what Bu Yunyan would say next.

"Earth is..."

Bu Yunyan is about to speak.

Suddenly, hong long long made a loud noise, and a sound like Hong Zhong's curse came.

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