"Yes! Yes! Old Ning brother, no need to trouble. Your son and I are friends of forgotten year. Everything is free."

Jianghu warlock quickly added road. Just slander in the heart, your sister, also a friend of forgotten year, friend of forgotten year a fart! I don't even know what your son's name is now, I only know his name is "Mr. Ning"!

"Dad, the problem of addressing is just a trivial matter. Now let's take a look at Brother Gouwa's method. If it doesn't work, let's change to another person!"

Ning Tianlin would rather not I am struggling with this issue. If it is not, I will confuse my parents and say that I must really call the other person "uncle".

The developer Liu Zhixiang on the side was already dumbfounded!

The name of the dog baby is out, can he still be angry? Although he doesn't have much contact with this warlock, he has also inquired in private that the other party is definitely not a magnanimous, upright person, seeking revenge for the slightest grievance is definitely not an exaggeration!

Just now, I didn't say hello very much. It can be seen that he is also a person with eyes higher than the sky and nostrils facing up. But now, the name of the dog baby is called out in person, not only not angry, but also trying to flattery pats, which is too abnormal.

It's him, absolutely can't bear it! You have to jump up and slap you twice!

But this also shows one thing. I am afraid that the identities of the other people are not very simple. It should be very predictable that people like Xue Gouwa can indulge. Xue Gouwa, Xue Gouwa, I want to laugh no matter what the hell!


Hearing Ning Tianlin’s words, Jianghu warlock raised his brow, how can he not hear it, this is the youngster in front of him who wants to try his ability. Not angry, but happy, dare not say anything else, this feng shui technique, he will not be shocked by anyone coming!

There are not many who have defeated him in the whole country! Moreover, the opponent wins, and it is also the kind of tragic victory that kills a thousand enemies and hurts 800!

In addition, my own Kou Ruo eloquent, a set of professional knowledge can talk about the sky, the white can be said to be black, the dead can be said to come back to life, if the few people in front of them really don’t understand With Feng Shui, it will definitely be easy to see what kind of "professional" you are.

"Come on, dog, I will introduce you to someone." No matter how many people reacted, Ning Tianlin said to Jianghu warlock, then turned around, moved towards Cao Dafa on the sofa and walked away.

And Cao Dafa has always been paying attention to the situation here, seeing Ning Tianlin coming, vaguely aware of something, and quickly stood up and bends and laughed at Ning Tianlin, but did not know how to speak. , Did not speak.

"This is Cao Dafa." Ning Tianlin introduced.

"En." Warlock followed behind him, nodded. It seems that the temptation to his own skill lies on this person. Involuntarily, he began to study the face of the other party.

"Dog baby, this person recently..." Ning Tianlin said here, the warlock waved his hand abruptly and interrupted him, "Brother Ning, since it's a test, can you let him go first? I'll talk about it later."

The dog is eager to win. You have weird methods, you can even connect the human head, but what about it? Compared with me, Feng Shui Xiangshu, scum! Don’t you want to look at my skill? Now you don’t want to say anything, I have to convince you to say it to you!

"The palace is gloomy, Mitsubishi is falling diagonally, and a human mole in the middle is also very dim."

A series of words in the mouth of Warlock Jianghu that others do not understand, "This Mister Cao, I'm afraid In the past three months, everything went wrong for you, big and small troubles, especially this mole, which represents a symbol of wealth."

"If the old man expected it, Mister Cao Over the past month, wealth must have shrunk sharply, and it has shrunk drastically. Nowadays, the moles in the middle-aged man are even more faint and almost dull. I think Mister Cao is almost at a desperate situation. One step further, I am afraid it will be the abyss of ten thousand zhang."

"Mister Cao, I wonder if the old man said it right?"

Jiang Hu Warlock said very confidently. And every time he said something, he could see that the other party's heartbeat was even faster, which was definitely pretty close.



"Mr. Dogwa is a god!"

Cao Dafaying trembled all over, He looked at the person in front of him incredulously. When he just spoke, he was definitely not here, but now, he said it clearly, clear and logical, and it seems that he has real ability!

"You Ma!"

When the warlock heard the other party calling him a dog, he could not wait to step forward and slap the other person twice. The dog is also what you can call? A depressed businessman, I usually ignore you when I see you, but now I dare to call me a dog!

You deserve your luck!

But Ning Tianli is on the books, he is not easy to get angry, he just said that the name and name are just Fuyun, and he is angry with Fuyun!

"Master, help me, Master must help me, help me through this difficulty."


This Cao Dafa didn’t know whether he was really anxious, or his face was thick enough, and he knelt down on the spot, "Master, Master, you save me, you must save me, my heart is bitter, my heart is bitter Ah!"

"In two or three days, my company will definitely go bankrupt! No one will help me, I will sell myself in the Cowherd shop!"

"Help me, Master!"

The warlock was stunned. He was really stubborn and thick-skinned than me. You still sell yourself in a cowboy shop. Why don't you sell yourself in a brothel? However, he quickly bent over and stretched out his hand, pretending to be compassionate, and said, "Mister Cao, why are you so troublesome, hurry up, hurry up."

"I am a master, and I am A very professional and ethical photographer, the first rule of our photographer is to take the people of the world as our own responsibility. You can rest assured, if you are busy, I will definitely help."

,I bother! When did our photographer have this rule, but since this time I'm here to demonstrate the means and don't show his hands, how can we convince people like Ning Tianlin?

Since you are going to show up, what's the matter with saying something to highlight your tall and stalwart image!

"Thank you Master, thank you Master, Master, you are such a good person!"

When Cao Dafa heard that the other party wanted to help himself, he knocked on his head three more times.

"Aiya, what are you doing, Aiya, what are you doing, Aiya, get up, get up, break the old man!"

Warlock said in his mouth and put his hand on Cao Defa's shoulder, but he didn't have to force him to lift the opponent. It seemed that he enjoyed the compliment very much at the moment. But in the eyes of others, this is not what can be seen, it is that he wants to lift the opponent up, and the other party does not agree to it, so he has to buckle!

"Good people!"

"Really a good Master!"

Ning Rong and his wife and Ning Tianxin both feel very good about this warlock. With high winds and brightness, the imaginary fire is like a valley, he takes the world as his own responsibility, which further highlights that he is an expert in the world!

The son can invite him, blessing, blessing!

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