"Thank you Manager Shi!"

Not to be blamed, Xiao Qu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, and quickly bowed to thank him, and did not forget to speak when he passed by Ning Tianlin Said.

"Sir, if you have anything else you don't understand, just find me at any time, and I will stay in front of the bar in the lobby."

"Well, okay."


Ning Tianlin chuckled, this Little Lass is quite sincere, but his client is not something she can serve at her level.

"You are not a gambler, and you are not a pastime here, am I right?"

Shi manager straight to the point, the original smile on his cheek, It also slowly converged.

She can still tell if she is a real gambler. The gamblers who come here have the word greed written deep in everyone's eyes.

The man on the opposite side didn't. At least she didn't notice any desire, whether it was money or femininity.

"hehe, congratulations, you guessed it right."

Ning Tianlin shrugged, indifferent expression's response, but also very ruthless who applauded the opposite woman's gaze.

"Then you should have already investigated the energy of the Australian family before you came? Treating guests and enemies is completely two means!"

The manager Shi, with a sullen face , Coldly said, the tone of warning and threat made the surrounding atmosphere a lot colder.


"A big guy, even if it is the Lord of Universe, you have to hold it here."

Ning Tianlin is plain and unremarkable In his tone, no other emotions can be heard at all. Even the words Lord of Universe are extremely relaxed, as if simply improper.

"Then I don't know which one you chose? Guest or enemy?"

When the manager is pressing harder, step forward again and continue to solemnly ask.

"What if both are the same?"

Ning Tianlin's mouth outlines a chuckling, and there is also a hint of coldness that is difficult to detect in his eyes.


Looking at the slightly smiling face, Manager Shi's delicate cheeks are up, and a flash of amusement and surprise flashes.

"Who are you?"

The manager who couldn't guess the other party's true intentions for a while, after a short startled, immediately met the other party's eyes, giving tit for tat. .

"You people from Australia who can't afford to offend!"

Ning Tianlin still said with a slight smile, but this time the smile is quite cold, even the surrounding atmosphere It also became cold instantly.

The coldness that came up suddenly in the opponent's eyes made the body feel a little bit cold, and the manager shuddered coldly.

What a heavy killing aura!

But this man is still so young, how can he feel so dangerous?

Compared to the dead men in their Australian family who crawled out of the dead on the battlefield, they are much stronger. They are not Martial Artists who wander around on the blade all the year round. They won’t have that kind of look. of!


Hurrying away from her eyes, the manager took a deep breath with more than enough heart. With this kind of look, she never wanted to look at second time again.

"Australian family doesn't seem to be able to afford to offend people yet, right?"

The lovable body is tight and the manager pretends to be coldly said.

As far as she knows, the Australian family with immense wealth, so far, it seems that there is really no one who cannot afford to offend. In the face of interests, enemies can also become allies!

At the same time, her white right hand slowly moved back, I don't know when there will be one more red round button.

Although the action was very cautious and concealed, it was discovered by Ning Tianlin, who was tricky-eyed. In the face of absolute strength, any unremarkable trick is nowhere to hide.

"If you plan to sound the alarm now, I don't mind."

"But, your life, I'm afraid you will have to..."

" p>

Huh, I was found!

"Why, I still want to kiss my fate."

When he was exposed in person, the manager slammed in his heart, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps with Cover your mouth with the other hand to say with a smile.

Immediately, he bent down quickly, ignoring the white blossoms that leaked from his chest, and slowly put down the red circle in his hand.

This youngster is indeed not simple!

Shi manager confirmed his thoughts even more in the heart, to say what he had misunderstood about the faintly discernable breath of the man before him.

Now, she can be sure that this man is the latter she guessed, and he has hidden himself from his battle strength well.

Rather than the appearance of the ordinary person without the power to bind a chicken, the horrible imposing manner and meticulous mind are enough to prove it.

"Then you have to tell me, what are you doing here, right?"

As a manager who has seen many scenes, he quickly adjusted his status and sighed helplessly. Later, asked with a wry smile.

"Vengeance? I can't see it?"

Anyway, this young man hasn't done anything extraordinary so far, otherwise she would have lain down. Under the ground, it became a cold corpse.

That means this man still has room for negotiation!

"It's useful to tell you?"

Ning Tianlin lightly said with a smile.

"What you said really hurt me."

Hearing this, Shi Manager also pretended to be depressed. Fortunately, she still has some means in handling interpersonal relationships. Yes, lowered his posture and laughed at himself.

"It seems really useless. The rights of this company are all in the hands of the board members of the family. This is the lifeblood of their wealth and cannot tolerate outsiders."

" Now I am only a manager, and I don’t have any real power. At most, it’s only about the business, but you don’t seem to be interested in this."

"hehe, as long as you are from He'aojia I'm all interested in it."

Ning Tianlin twisted his neck slightly, and faint smile continued.

"Standing here and talking, is your Australian hospitality?"

The first impression of this woman is not bad, at least not disgusting, Ning Tianlin glanced over After a glance at all around, he asked in a low voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, please come with me!"

I hit a shivered time manager and made a please gesture with a strong smile.

No matter what the youngster is, this seems to be a good sign. It's best to sit down and talk about it. If it's wrong, the board of directors above it supports it. It's better than she is facing alone now.

Furthermore, when she gets to the front, she has a way to get out, and she doesn't have to deal with it alone. This man is full of danger.

"Lead the way ahead!"

Ning Tianlin is slightly nodded, softly instructed.

Looking at the woman in front of him, he turned around, moved towards the depths of the passage, his eyes swept across the back, and the graceful steps made a crisp sound again.

"Can you tell me now, can you tell me who you are?"

Turning his back to the man behind, Manager Shi still had the courage and asked aloud.

And this man's answer will also determine her attitude towards this man. At the end of this passage, there are a total of two side doors.

One is the normal door leading to the second floor, and the other is a slightly hidden secret door, where some experts sit in town. Once you step in, the security personnel of the entire building will gather.

"A person you really want to know!" Ning Tianlin said indifferently.


When the manager's forward steps slightly startled, he turned his head and asked suspiciously.

"Aren't you smart? Try to guess."

Ning Tianlin teased in a playful tone, and immediately continued to add.

"A person who makes you a family, willing to commit danger with your own body."

The light words, but every word is directly related to the manager’s mood, she thought, she I guessed who the man behind it was.

Personal risk? Isn't the matter they are currently operating with a great risk? And it's still uncontrollable!

And this man appeared at this time and said such words.

Manager Shi stopped abruptly, her eyes closed slightly, her teeth biting her red lips, she only felt that the heartbeat at this moment had already accelerated a lot without noticing it.

It must be him!

As for the appearance, hehe, using his means to change his appearance, it is not very easy.

"Ning Tianlin!"

When these three words are spoken, it is like exhausting most of the strength of the manager's whole body, and the whole is collapsed in an instant.

This revenge has come after all, and it has come so fast, it is almost that their Australian home has not started to make a profit!

It’s just that, in this universe, who can think that Ning Tianlin who suddenly appeared is not coming to the Hou clan to save the precarious Earth powerhouse, but directly coming to the Australian home because of the lottery Headquarters.

What kind of logic is this!

The Australian family has always been here, and they don’t know how to run. If you want to find it, you can do it any time, but Earth’s powerhouse is different. It’s a matter of life!


Ning Tianlin, who also stopped, looked at the woman in front, his back wetted by drops of fragrant sweat, he also sighed silently. This fierce reputation is too high, and it's not good.

"Add three more words, friends of..."

I wanted to get a familiar face in Australia, but Ning Tianlin felt that it was not necessary now, too. When not showing up, I forcibly added the word "friend" at the end.


Not Ning Tianlin, but his friend?

Using Ning Tianlin to do lottery work was still suggested by Manager Shi. Before that, she had gone through almost all the information of Ning Tianlin on the Internet.

But, he has no friends in the universe!


Will there be Earth’s powerhouse coming again, right?

Whether it is really Ning Tianlin, or his friend, but it must be related to Ning Tianlin, directly coming to their home in Australia, this is really not a good sign!

"Why, know you are afraid?"

"Aren't you trying to make money with Ning Tianlin's name? Then as his friends, should you welcome me? "

Step forward slowly, leveling with the woman, Ning Tianlin stretched out her hand to straighten her somewhat prostrated lovable body, and the low voice was passed into the ears of the other party without missing a word. .


Normally articulate Manager Shi, who was a little incoherent for a while, only the three words of Ning Tianlin, but gave her Here comes a heavy oppression.

"It's fine if you know it yourself."

"Continue to lead the way, I won't embarrass you."

Lightly patted the opponent's Soft shoulders, Ning Tianlin said softly.

Maybe this woman was thinking about some tricks before, but Ning Tianlin believes that she now dares not!


Shi manager took a deep breath again, and the violently floating chest was also gradually smoothed out.

After trying to restrain the emotions, continue to move towards the front. This time, the footsteps are no longer clattering sounds, but heavy muffled sounds.

But the manager really didn't have the guts to choose the secret door, the security of the entire company, I am afraid that Ning Tianlin...'s friends can't be trapped, right?

On the stairway on the other side of the passage, several guards guard it.


Looking at the young man who was behind Manager Shi, several guards looked at each other in blank dismay. This youngster was stunned. I haven't seen it, and I haven't shown the authentication card.

According to the rules, only customers or internal management personnel of the company can enter it.

Obviously, the young man did not meet the rules, that is, he was not qualified to enter!

"Get out!"

The manager was in a hurry and suddenly shouted loudly.

Although she is in charge of the business, her power is not small. If she comes forward, these guards still dare not come forward to stop her.

even more how, the murderous god who followed her, a little uncomfortable, is afraid that it will cause an uncontrollable situation.

Responsibility, a leading guard, still had to brace oneself to take a step forward, extend the hand arm crossbar in front of Ning Tianlin.

However, before he spoke, the manager fiercely glared at him to forcibly swallow the words in his throat, and then back away with a wry smile.

"He is my friend, I will take care of anything!"

Before getting the consent of the man behind, the manager did not dare to reveal the identity of the other party, so he spoke harshly In one sentence, she wanted to take the man behind her up the stairs.

However, suddenly on the stairs, there were waves of arrogant footsteps, but her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled inadvertently.

As the footsteps fell, several silhouettes slowly appeared at the corner of the stairs. The headed man was about the same age as Manager Shi.

Slightly pale face, obviously over-indulgence, although this person feels loose as a whole, but judging from the faint aura in his body, he is a young man who has just stepped into the star famine The Martial Artist.

"tsk tsk, who am I supposed to be?"

The look pale youth, with a little blush on his face, his hands in front of his chest, his eyes a little drunk , Glanced at Manager Shi at the bottom of the stairs.

With drooling and longing gazes, he looked at the latter's exquisite curve without any concealment. The young man's throat rolled slightly, and even his breathing became a little hurried.

After a while, he might have to get a friend in the company at will, fantasizing the seductive look of the woman in front of him, fiercely rushing out of flames.

"Go away!"

Observing the change of the youth's face above, the pretty face of Manager Shi is a bit ugly, and he stared at the youth coldly. At this moment, the disgust in his eyes It is also making no secrets.

"Hehe, Miss Shi, have you forgotten the company's rules? Or do you think you can despise the company's rules now?"

Exhaust the disgust of Shi's manager In the eyes, the young man's face suddenly became gloomy.

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